SAT Power Words (III)


swiftness of movement.

choleric (-)

bad-tempered or irritable.

disparage (-)

regard or represent as being of little worth.

evanescent (o)

soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.

exigent (o)

pressing; demanding.

fecund (+)

producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile.

germane (o)

relevant to a subject under consideration.

indelible (o)

(of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed.

ribald (-)

referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way.

shyster (-)

a person, especially a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in business.

spurious (-)

not being what it purports to be; false or fake.

tawdry (-)

showy but cheap and of poor quality.

altercation (-)

a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.

avaricious (-)

having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.

congenital (o)

(especially of a disease or physical abnormality) present from birth.

flaccid (-)

(of part of the body) soft and hanging loosely or limply, especially so as to look or feel unpleasant.

furtive (-)

attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive

horde (o)

large group of people

imbibe (o)

drink or absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge).

incorrigible (-)

(of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.

inter (o)

place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites.

lascivious (-)

(of a person, manner, or gesture) feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire.

libertine (-)

a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.

lode (+)

a vein of metal ore in the earth.
a rich source of something.

melee (-)

a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle.

sanction (+-)

a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule.
official permission or approval for an action.

vilify (-)

speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.

allay (+)

diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).
relieve or alleviate (pain or hunger).

pernicious (-)

having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

reverberate (o)


repartee (+)

conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies.

rectify (+)

put (something) right; correct.

quixotic (-)

exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.

quaint (+)

attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

putrid (-)


affront (-)

an action or remark that causes outrage or offense.

blase (-)

unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before

salacious (-)

(of writing, pictures, or talk) treating sexual matters in an indecent way and typically conveying undue interest in or enjoyment of the subject.


a private, romantic rendezvous between lovers.

odoriferous (-)

having or giving off a smell, especially an unpleasant or distinctive one.

inebriate (-)


fiat (o)

a formal authorization or proposition; a decree.

contrition (-)

the state of feeling remorseful and penitent.