Physio quiz 3

scapulothoracic joint

where the scapula meets to the thoracic spine

glenohumeral joint

where the humerus meets the glenoid cavity

acromioclavicular joint

clavicle meeting the hook of the scapula (called the acromian)

sternoclavicular joint

the clavicle bone meeting the sternum

scapula stability

being able to plant it against ribs when moving upper body- makes fro omore efficient movement in shoulder joints

scapula movement should..

elevate, depress, abduct, adduct, protract and retract

humerus bone should..

flex, extend, abduct, adduct, externally and internally rotate, and horizontally abduct and adduct

SITS muscles (rotator cuff)

Supraspinatus (posterior), infraspinatus (posterior), Teres Minor (posterior), and Subscapularis (anterior)

What do the SITS muscles do?

they connect the humeral head with the scapula - provide stability for humerus in cavity and some rotation movement

glenohumeral muscles

trapezius, rhomboid, deltoid, serrtus anterior, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi


originates at the base of the skull-- divided into upper, middle, and lower sections- goes all the way down to t12

rhomboid muscles

underneath the trapezius on both sides of the upper back


anterior, medial, and lateral-- covers shoulder

serratus anterior

connects ribs 8 and 9 to the scapula

pectoralis major

large muscle in the front of your chest that connects the humerus boen to the sternum, clavicle, and various ribs

latissimus dorsi

the large muscle in the back that connects the humerus to the last six vertebrae of the thoracic spine

arm muscles

biceps brachii and triceps brachii

biceps brachii

flexes the elbow and connects the scapula with the radius

triceps brachii

extends the elbow and the shoulder-- it connects the scapula and upper humerus with the ulna

external rotation exercise

inhale to prepare, exhale as you try to externally rotate (turning forearms out) arms with resistance, elbows should be glued to ribs -- muscles used: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor-- focus: scapula stability

internal rotation exercise

inhale to prepare, exhale as you internally rotate your forearms with resistance, muscles used: subscapularis - focus: scapula stability-- important to make sure you aren't using your upper trapezius

wall press exercise

inhale to prepare, exhale with hands on wall, pull shoulders blades together (retract-- rhomboid) protract and move them apart (serratus) focus: scapula mobility-- allows you to isolate the shoulder blades

triceps pulls

inhale to prepare, exhale and push arms back (keeping them close to the body) and use resistance- triceps can be fired by shoulder extension and elbow extension-- muscles used: triceps brachii foucs: humerus stability/ upper arm stability (also helps with posture)


inahle to prep, exhale and retract shoulder blades (pulling back arms)-- muscles used: (lower) trapezius and rhomboid - foucs: scapula mobility (also helps with posture)


inhale to prep, protract and retract shoulder blades while planking, elbows should be extended in straight arm plank-- muscles used: anterior deltoid, pecs (helps with shoulder flexion), triceps (elbow extended), lower trapezius and serratus-- focus: stability for scapula and spine


top of hip bones


where sit bones are




medially by sits bones

femur joint

ball and socket

greater and lesser trochanters

greater: bony protrusion off the outside of the femurlesser: bony protrusion off the inside of the femur (iliopsoas connects at the lesser)


joint where the femur sits in

pelvic floor muscles

muscles that line the base of your pelvis - participate in pelvic stability, posture, centering-- attach at the pubic bone, the coccyx an dthe two ischiums in a diamond shape

hip disassociation

the ability to maintain stability through lumbar and pelvis - isolating movement of the hip, separate of the pelvis and spine

pelvic stability muscles

gluteus medias and minimus nad IT band

hip flexion muscle


hip extension muscles

gluteus maximus, hamstrings

hip external rotation muscles

piriformis, glute max, quadratus femoris, gemellus superior and inferior, and obturator internus and externus


originates on the sacrum - primary exteral rotator

gemellus superior and inferior

directly below piriformis

obturator internus

lies in-between gemellus superior and inferior and the obturator internus (meaning those three muscles lie on top of this muscle)

obturator externus

inserts on the top of the femur bone and originates in the open circular space at the sit bone

percentage of turn out

60% comes from hip, 10-20% comes from knee and 20-30% comes from the ankle

three things that determine turn out

bones, muscles, and ligaments

bones and turn out

alignment of how the head of the femur fits in the socket

muscles and turn out

the external rotators strong enough and are the internal rotators flexible enough

ligaments and turn out

determines whether or not these hold the femur in the socket/ do they have the flexibility to do so

hip internal rotation muscles

tensor fascaie, anterior portion of the gluteus maximus, and hamstrings

tensor fasciae

on the outside of the hips and thighs and travels to the inside of the knee

hip abduction muscles

gluteus medias and minimus

hip adduction muscles

adductor longus, magnus, and brevis

plie heel squeeze exercise

isometric contractions of the external rotators - inhale to prep, exhale and fire up abdominal muscles, especially transverse, to stabilize spine and squeeze heels together - should be on stomach, head resting on hands, legs turned out into demi plie position- focus: hip disassociation and isometric contraction

side- lying passe press exercise

main focus: hip disassociation and learning how to fire external rotators - inhale to prep, exhale and put back knee in passe position with resistance- lying on floor in passe position- muscles involved: external rotators (deep six) and gluteus medias and minimus

standing inner thigh press exercise

stand in standard squat position with something in-between inner thighs, inhale to prep, exhale and squat down while squeezing legs together around object - muscles involved: adductor longus, brevis, and magnus and the gracilis - main focus: strengthening the adductor muscles

arabesque prep exercise

begins in down dog position and lifts into arabeque position on one leg- muscles involved: gluteus max and hamstrings -main focus: hip disassociation and contracting the hip externsors - inhale to prep, exhale and lift leg up into arabesque

attitude lift exercise

start by lying on your side, inhale to prep, exhale and lift upper leg into attitude, rotate inwards adn outwards for a few seconds each- then when turned out, lift your leg higher and closer to shoulder (trying to get above 90 degrees) muscles involved: for hip flexion: iliopsoas- for external rotation: quadratus femoris --- main focus: to locate iliopsoas