Asian Geography Concepts

What are destructive waves known as?

Tsunamis - caused by underground earthquakes

What are positives and negatives of monsoons?

+ irrigation
- floods
- damage property

How are summer and winter monsoons different?

Summer monsoons are warm and wet. Winter monsoons are cool and dry.

The Himalayas are a natural barrier between what physical or political regions?

India Subcontinent & China

Landlocked continents are likely to have what type of climate?

Cooler, and drier because of no water arround

Identify the major rivers of the Indian Subcontinent.

Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra

What is a likely result of summer monsoon rains in India?

Flooding of rivers and plains

Which regions of Asia have warm, wet (tropical) climates for the majority of the year?

South and Southeastern Asia - they are near the equator

How are population densities located in areas with certain types of physical features?

High - Water, rivers, and fertile plains
Low - Mountains, highlands