Lit Final

How does the speaker first create a feeling of suspense?

He tells us that Harry is still awake at midnight.

We can infer from Timber's behavior and words that he...

is embarrassed by Harry's behavior at the end of the story

The most likely reason there is no snake under the sheets it that...

harry just wants to get some attention

The strongest evidence the story gives that there could have been a snake on Harry's stomach is that...

Kraits often go into houses and seek warm places

Dr. Ganderbai can be described as...

A calm and careful man

Dr. Ganderbai decides to use chloroform because

It will sedate the krait

A writer will use suspense in a story to...

Increase the reader's curiosity and interest

The tone of poison can best be described as..


Why is the administration of the chloroform suspenseful

Because Dr. Ganderbai explains that chloroform does not work well on cold-blooded animals

In the story title, 'poison' really refers to what?


Which of the following statement about Montresor is true

He never tells readers how Fortunato has insulted him.

any readers notice that Montresor effectively uses "reverse psychology" to enact his sinister revenge upon on his nemesis, Fortunato. Which of the following pieces of textual evidence is not an example of Montresor using "reverse psychology"? A. "As you a

'Come,' I said with decision, 'we will go back; your health is will be ill, and I cannot be responsible.'

According to Montresor, revenge would not be successful if he were

Punished for taking revenge

Some readers argue that Montresor is insane. Which of the following pieces of textual evidence best supports that argument?

Thoughts of Fortunato's pending doom make Montresor smile

An example of dramatic irony occurs in the story when...

None of the above, they are all situational irony!

An unreliable narrator may be described as one who ---. and therefore Montresor is an unreliable narrator because he ---

Deliberately does not tell the whole truth; does not reveal everything about the past

With whom does the narrator stay while in Starkfield?

Mrs. Ned Hale

What brings the narrator to Ethan Frome's house?

He was caught in a snow storm

During what season does the story reach its climax?


Shakespeare uses a chorus to inform the audience that...

the lovers will eventually die

The fight in Scene 1 starts when...

Capulet and Montague servants quarrel over petty insults

This fight between Tybalt and Benvolio in Act 1 is a bit of dramatic exposition that establishes...

Benvolio as a possible romantic rival of Romeo

Mercutio can best be described as a foil to Romeo because...

Unlike Romeo, he does not take loves seriously

What is the greatest similarity between Benvolio and Romeo

They both have troubled minds that keep them awake

What does Queen Mab make dreamers dream of

She makes them dream of thing that they want to come true

Shakespeare creates a sense of foreboding when Romeo says: "My mind misgives, some consequence yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin his fearful date, with this night's revels and expire the term, of a despised life, closed in my breast, by some

Romeos death

Which passage best represents the way Lord Capulet felt toward Romeo?

Verona brags of him/ To be a virtuous and well-governed youth

Which of the following details is not introduced as a complication in Act 1

Lord Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris

At the end of Act 1, when Juliet says, "My only love, sprung from my only hate," whom is she referring to as her "only hate"?

None of these

in the balcony scene, Juliet says:
What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face....
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet.
What does she mean by this?

Romeo's name is assigned to him from birth, it's not an essential part of himself

Juliet quickly admits her love to Romeo because...

He overhears her talking of her love for him

The purpose of the humor arising from the nurse's comic character is to...

furnish comic relief from the suspension

Friar Laurence rebukes Romeo because...

Romeo is so changeable in love

In Act 2, the action focuses on the wedding plans of Romeo and Juliet. How does the nurse intensify the feeling of action when she brings Juliet the message from Romeo?

She goes on and on about her pains, thus leaving Juliet in suspense

In the balcony love scene, several of Juliet's speeches convey a sense of foreboding. Which one of the following fears is not mentioned?

This love will result in her death

When Friar Laurence agrees to marry the couple, his primary motive is to...

End the feud between the families

If, after reading Act 1 and 2, your friend said "I want to write an essay about the conflicts between youth and old age in Acts 1 and 2." Which quote would you tell her not to cite in her essay?

Young men's love then lies/Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.

In Act 3, Scene 1, Mercutio speaks the following line: "Tybalt, you rat catcher, will you walk?"
This means that Mercutio wants Tybalt to...


Why doesn't Romeo want to fight Tybalt at first?

Romeo is now related to Tybalt via marriage

Prince Escalus punishes Romeo by...

banishing him from Verona

All of the following consequences arise from Romeo killing Tybalt, except...

Juliet decides that Paris is more honorable than Romeo

Juliet responds to the news of Tybalt's death with...

Anger towards both Tybalt and Romeo

In Act 3 as Juliet encounters more conflicts and problems, how does her character change?

She becomes stronger and more self-determined

As Friar Laurence sets a plan in motion, which of the following items is not part of his plan?

Romeo will take her to Mantua that very night.

The Capulets, the nurse, and Paris react to Juliet's supposed death with...

anguished cries of grief

In Scene 1 of Act 4, Shakespeare presents insights into Juliet's changing character through...

Her responses to Paris's attentions

Friar Laurence thinks Juliet is brave enough to take the sleeping potion because...

If she is brave enough to die, she is brave enough to fake death

In her soliloquy, Juliet admits that...

She is afraid

When Juliet is discovered 'dead', Friar Laurence tells the Capulets that "Heaven and [they]/Had a part in [Juliet's death]." How can this be?

Juliet's fate was already predetermined, in large part due to her parent's feuding

Sandi writes this: "Okay, so like earlier in the play this Friar Laurence dude was at first reluctant to help out Romeo, but now in Act 4 he's willing to help out Juliet because he wants to see her have an opportunity to marry her true love, Paris.

Friar Laurence wants to help Juliet stay married to Romeo, not marry Paris!

Because the audience knows that Juliet is alive, the scene in which the Capulets, the nurse, and Paris bemoan her death is an illustration of...

Dramatic Irony

A possible reason Shakespeare include the scene between Peter and the musicians is to...

Illustrate that life goes on amid tragedy

When Romeo arrives at the tomb, he discovers Paris and...

kill him in a duel

How does "heaven," or fate, punish the Capulets and Montagues for their feud?

Their children fall in love but lose their lives as a result of the feud.

At the opening of Act 5, how does Romeo's dream foreshadow a later event in Act 5?

He dreams of Juliet finding him dead

Romeo's servant, not Friar John, brings Romeo news that...

Juliet is dead

At the play's end, what happens to Lady Montague?

She dies from overwhelming greif

When Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, the dramatic irony lies in the fact that...

the audience knows that juliet is alive

The climax of the play occurs when...

Juliet stabs herself and dies

Which of the following best states a possible theme of the play?

hatred leads to violence, destruction, and loss

What does Lord Montague plan to do to honor Juliet?

construct a solid gold statue in her likeness

In what way can Romeo and Juliet be considered a tragedy?

both main characters come to an unhappy end