ASVAB: Arithmetic Reasoning

If a car is towed 12 miles to the repair shop and the tow charge is $3.50 per mile, how much does the tow cost? (a) $12.00(b) $3.50(c) $42.00(d) $100.00

C. Multiply 12 miles by $3.50 per mile: 12 × $3.50 = $42.00

The sum of two numbers is 70. One number is 8 more than the other. What's the smaller number?(a) 31(b) 33(c) 35(d) 36

A. x + x + 8 = 70, solve for x. x = 31

A carpenter earns $12.30 an hour for a 40-hour week. His overtime pay is 1¹/₂ times his base pay. If he puts in a 46-hour week, how much is his weekly pay?(a) $602.70(b) $492.00(c) $565.80(d) $110.70

A. You need to add the carpenters base pay and overtime to find his total pay for the week. First find his base pay per week: $12.30 × 40hrs = $492. Then find his overtime rate per hour, which is 1¹/₂ time the base pay: $12.30 × 1.5 = $18.45. Multiply this rate by the number of hours of overtime to find his overtime pay: $18.45 × 6 hr. = $110.70. Finally add the base pay and overtime to find the total for the week, $492 + $110.7 = $602.70

How many square feet of carpeting are needed to carpet a 12-foot × 12-foot room?(a) 24(b) 120(c) 48(d) 144

D. To determine square footage multiply length by width 12 × 12 = 144 sq feet

Jenny's test grades are 93,89, 96, and 98. If she wishes to raise her average to 95, what does she need to score on her next test? (a) 100(b) 99(c) 97(d) 95

B. x = the unknown score. (93 + 89 + 96 + 98 + x) ÷ 5 or (376 + x) ÷ 5. Now solve for x

A waitress earns an average of 12% of the cost of the food she serves. If she serves $375 worth of food in one evening, how much money in tips will she earn on average?(a) $37(b) $45(c) $42(d) $420

B. Multiply the amount spent on drinks, $375, by 12% (or 0.12) to determine the amount of tips:$375 × 0.12 = $45

Your car uses gasoline at a rate of 21 miles per gallon. If gasoline costs $2.82 per gallon and you drive for 7 hours at a speed of 48 miles per hour, how much will you pay for gasoline for the trip? (a) $38.18(b) $45.12(c) $47.73(d) $59.27

B. First determine the miles traveled d = st (7hr × 48mph = 336 miles), then divide by the rate per gallon, 21. So now you know you need 16 gallons at $2.82 per gallon to pay for the trip. 16 × $2.82 = $45.12