Music Appreciation Test 3

When was the Baroque Period?


__________ became just as important as vocal music.

Instrumental music

Two famous composers of the Baroque Period

Handel and Bach

Baroque music expresses ______ basic mood within the same movement.


The compelling drive and energy is usually the ___________.

repeated rhythmic patterns

Melodies are ___________ and ___________.

elaborate; ornamental.

Terraced dynamics are __________ changes from one dynamic level to another.


The main keyboard instruments were _______ and _______.

organ; harpsichord.

____________ was the most characteristic feature of music.

Basso Continuo

A piece of music with more than one soloist is a concerto grosso which often has three movements each:

fast, slow, fast

When the orchestra and soloist trade back and forth, the soloist plays the _______ and the orchestra plays the _______.

episodes; ritornello

A _______ is a polyphonic composition that uses imitation and is based on one main theme.


_________ is the text of a musical dramatic work.


A song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment used in operas is an ________.


__________ is the vocal line that imitates fluctuations of speech used in opera.


The _________ is the person who beats time, indicates expression, cues in musicians, and controls the balance.


Most early baroque operas were based on ___________ and _________.

Greek mythology; ancient history

The stage machinery of baroque opera was __________.


A sonata intended to be played in church, and therefore for a sacred performance, was called a _________.

Sonata da Chiesa

A sonata to be played at court, and therefore dancelike in character, was called a __________.

Sonata da Camera

A ________ is a plucked string instrument capable of producing chords as well as a bass line.


Vivaldi was famous and influential as a virtuoso _________.


Vivaldi's La Primavera (Spring) from The Four Seasons is an example of _________.

program music

Bach was recognized as an organist of his day and created masterpieces in every baroque form except ________.


A large-scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually set to a narrative biblical text, is called an ________.


Oratorio differs from opera in that it has ____________.

no acting, scenery, or costumes

Handel's Messiah is an example of an _________.
