Graph Theory Test 1 Defintions

Graph G

V(G), E(G), Psi(G)

Parallel edges

ones that are incident with the same vertices

adjacent vertices (v ~ u)

some edge exists where psi(G) = uv

neighbor of v is u

u ? v, u ~ v (N_G(v) is set of neighbors)

null graph

V(G) = E(G) = ?

loopless graph

no loops

simple graph

no loops or parallel edges

underlying standard simple graph

delete loops, reduce parallel edges to single endge

complement Gbar of G

V(Gbar) = V(G), E(Gbar) = (V(G) C 2) - E(G)

Incidence matrix MG

index rows by vertices, columns by edges
number in matrix is how many times edge is incident with vertex (2 for loops)

adjacency matrix Ag

index both rows and columns by vertices. loops count as 2 in the diagonal


number of ends of edges incident with v


all degrees are k

maximum degree


minimum degree


avg degree


degree sequence of G

list of all degrees in no order

degree sum formula

sum of all degrees = 2m

what does avg degree of graph equal



n - 1 - d_G(v)

identical graphs G, H

V(G) = V(H). E(G) = E(H). psi(G) = psi(H)

isomorphism from G to H

pair (?, y) where ? is a bijection from V(G) to V(H) and psi is a bijection from E(G) to E(H).
For standard simple graphs, give ?.
For finite graphs, if we know the edge sets are the same size and ?,y are bijections, it's enough to check one direction of

labelled graph


unlabelled graph

equivalence class of graphs


property that is same for all isomorphic graphs

automorphism of G

G is an isomorphism to itself. Associative.
Aut G is a group by composition

Asymmetric graph

only automorphic with one's self

Similar vertices u, v

automorphism mapping u to v

coboundary ?_G(X)

set of edges of G with one end in X and the other not.


if you can partition G into two nonempty sets X,Y such that there are no edges from X to Y, then it is disconnected.
If there is any set X that is not null nor the whole graph and it has no coboundary, the graph is disconnected.


not disconnected

planar graph

can be drawn in plane without edge crossings

embeddable in S

can be drawn in S without edge crossings

cycle C_n

connected n-vertex 2 regular graph

path P_n

C_n with an edge deleted

Independent/stable set S of G

no loops on S and vertices of S are pairwise nonadjacent

independence number of G

max number of vertices in a stable set in G

clique S of G

any two vertices in S are adjacent in G

clique number of G

max size of clique in G

complete graph K_n

simple n-vertex, any two distinct vertices are adjacent

trivial graph


supercomplete graph

not necessarily simple, but definitely complete

empty or edgless graph

K_n^bar. n vertices, no edges

bipartite graph

can partition V(G) into two sets X,Y (could be empty) so that every edge has one end in X and the other end in Y. G = G[X,Y]

complete bipartite graph K_m,n

simple G[X,Y] where every x in X is adjacent to every y in Y

k-partite graph

can partition V(G) into K sets so that each set is independent

complete k-partite graph

k-partite simple graph where any two vertices are adjacent unless in the same independent set

subgraph F

V(F) in V(G). E(F) in E(G). psi(F) bounded by psi(G).

proper subgraph

subgraph but not equal

disjoint subgraphs

no common vertices

edge-disjoint subgraphs

no common edges

spanning subgraph F

V(F) = V(G)

hamilton path/cycle

hamilton path/cycle


spanning k-regular subgraph


maximal connected subgraph

induced subgraph G[S]

vertex set is S, all edges of G with both ends in S

edge-induced subgraph G[T]

edge set is T, vertex set is all ends of all edges in T

line graph L(G) of simple graph

V(L(G)) = E(G), make e and f adjacent in L(G) if they are incident with a common vertex in G

union intersection of graphs G, H

can be defined if they are consistent, which means their incident functions agree with one another.
take the union/intersection and inherit incidence from G, H, or both

cartesian product, GboxH

one copy of G for every node in H
one copy of H for every node in G

lexicographical product of G and H

like cartesian product except the adjacencies are maintained thru the copies

m x n grid

P_m x P_n

Join G v H of disjoint G,H

join every vertex of G to every vertex of H
if simple, bar(G v H) = bar(G) U bar(H)

walk in G

alternating sequence of vertices and edges W = v1, e1, v2, e2...eL-1, vL where psi(e_i) = v(i-1), v(i)

reverse walk


closed walk

initial vertex = final vertex


walk with no repeated edges


walk with no repeated vertices


closed walk with no repeated vertices besides initial/last

reachability relation R_G

u R_G v means there is a uv-walk in G. Also an equivalence relation


length of shortest path

euler trail

trail using all edges and vertices of G

euler tour

closed euler trail

acyclic graph or forest

no cycles


nonnull connected forest


degree 1 vertex

cutedge e

G - e has more components than G

cutvertex v

G - v has more components than G

rooted tree, r-tree

tree with special designated vertex r. there is a unique rv path rTv

ancestor of v

any vertex of rTv (including v)

parent p(v)

immediate predecessor on rTv (root has none)

proper ancestor

ancestor but not itself

level of v l(v)

d_T(r, v)

Global TCM

keep picking edges that don't form a cycle til u can't

Local TCM

Global TCM but starting from a root r where u can only add to the component containing R


local TCM where new vertices are added as early as possible