Physics Exam 1

What is displacement and what is it measured with?

it is quantity with magnitude and direction, uses vectors

What is distance and what is it measured with?

it is quantity with magnitude only, uses scalar

Describe the equation used for total displacement.

? ? ?
?x=xf - xi

What is velocity?

how fast and in what direction (a vector)

What is the equation for average velocity? (m/s)

? ?
v= ?x/?t

What is the equation for average speed?

v avg = distance/?t

What is the equation for instantaneous velocity?

? ?
v = dx/dt

What is another term for instant velocity?

slope of tangent line to the curve (of v vs t)

What is the equation for average acceleration?

? ? ?
a avg= vf - vi/tf-ti

Write down the three kinematics equations for constant accelaration.

xf=xi + vit+�at�

When you apply the breaks of your car, the car slows uniformly from 15 m/s to a stop in 2.5 seconds. How many meters before a stop sign must you apply the brakes in order to stop?

18.8 m before sign (9/4 notes)

What is the acceleration in free fall?

-9.81 m/s�

What is free fall? What is it an example of?

vertical motion of object under influence of gravity only
constant acceleration motion

If you throw a ball straight up, at the highest point what will the velocity and acceleration be?

acceleration- non-zero
velocity- zero

A baseball player throws a ball upward with vi= 35 m/s.
a) how high does the ball go before coming back down?
b) what is the total time the ball is in the air?
c) how long does it take for the ball to reach 10 m above y=0?

a) 62.43 m
b) 7.14 s
c) 0.296 s

What is g?

-9.81 m/s�

A person standing at the edge of a cliff throws one ball straight up and another straight down at the same speed. Neglecting air resistance, the ball to hit the ground below with greater speed is the one initially thrown:

neither- hit at same speed

How can you find the magnitude of a vector?

?A?= ?(Ax�+Ay�)

How can you find the x-component of a vector?


How can you find the y-component of a vector?


How can you find the angle of a vector?


You start at Denison and drive south for 4.83 km. From there you drive an additional 6.44 km at an angle of 15 N of E to reach Newark. A turkey buzzard flies straight from Denison to Newark.
a) what is the turkey buzzard's displacement?
b) how does the tu

a. 27 degrees S of E + 6.9 km
b. Turkey's displacement is the same as your displacement
c. **

What is the force in the x direction in a centripital force prob?


Describe Newton's First, Second, and Third Laws.

1: An object in motion wants to stay in motion and an object at rest wants to stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon it. (Every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform velocity in a straight
line, as long as no net force acts on it.)
2: ?F=ma (The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting
on it, and is inversely proportional to the object's mass. The direction of the
acceleration is in the direction of the net force acting on the object.)
3: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second exerts an
equal force in the opposite direction on the first.)