
1st Amendment

Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

2nd Amendment

Right to arm bears

3rd Amendment

Prohibits the forced quartering of soldiers during peacetime

4th Amendment

Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures

5th Amendment

(1) Prohibits Self-Incrimination (Miranda Rights) (2) Prohibits Double Jeopardy (defendant cannot be tried again on the same, or similar charges) (3) Prohibits deprivation of life, liberty, or property without "due process of law" (fair treatment)

6th Amendment

Protects the right to a fair and speedy public trial

7th Amendment

Right to jury in civil trials.

8th Amendment

Prohibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment

9th Amendment

Protects rights not enumerated in the Constitution

10th Amendment

Powers not expressly given to federal government by the Constitution are reserved to states or the people. Also known as "reserved powers amendment" or "states' rights amendment

11th Amendment

One State cannot be sued by another state

12th Amendment

separation of votes for President and Vice President

13th Amendment

Abolished slavery. First of three "Reconstruction Amendments" passed after Civil War

14th Amendment

(1) All persons born in the U.S. are citizens; (2) no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; (3) no state can deprive a person of equal protection of the laws. Second of three "Reconstruction Amendments" passed aft

15th Amendment

States cannot deny any person the right to vote because of race. Third of three "Reconstruction Amendments" passed after Civil War.

16th Amendment

Allows the federal government to collect income tax

17th Amendment

Established the direct election of senators by popular vote

18th Amendment

prohibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within the United States (repealed by 21st amendment)

19th Amendment

States cannot deny the right to vote based on gender

20th Amendment

Congress begins on January 3rd; President starts on January 20th

21st Amendment

Repeal of 18th Amendment

22nd Amendment

Limits the president to two terms.

23rd Amendment

Gives Washington DC electoral college votes as if it were a state

24th Amendment

Abolishes poll taxes

25th Amendment

(1) Succession of VP if president dies or become incapable to do his job. (2) if there is no VP, president must appoint one, and congress must approve

26th Amendment

States cannot deny the right to vote based on age (18+)

27th Amendment

Congressional pay raises ineffective until the next term.