Everfi - Venture


Mandatory payments you make to state and local governments

When is a budget considered to be balanced?

When the amount you spend is equal or less than the amount you earn.

Balanced budget example

A budget where the amount you spend is equal or less than the amount you earn.


money you earn, usually from working at a job.

Typically, how do people earn income?

Most people earn income by working at a job.

What is an example of a NEED?

Warm winter coat; place to live; critical medicine

What is an example of a WANT?

A new pair of headphones; Designer shoes; Your favorite candy

Variable Expense

An expense that is different from month to month.

Fixed Expense

An expense that typically does not change month to month.

Take Home Pay

The amount left over from your monthly paycheck after deductions.

Federal Taxes

Payments you make to the US federal government.


Federal health insurance for people over age 65.

What happens if you spend money on things you want before things you need?

You limit your ability to save for for high-priced items, like higher education.

What is one way to begin saving startup capital?

Set aside a portion of your income each month.


someone who creates, owns and potentially runs a business

What are the four parts of a SWOT Analysis?

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Social Security

a tax you must pay

In a balanced budget, the amount you ______ is ______ the amount you earn.

Spend; equal to

An example of a variable expense is groceries (T/F)


An example of a fix expense is movie tickets (T/F)


Income is money you earn, usually from working at a job. (T/F)


Federal taxes are payments you make the the US federal government. (T/F)


When creating a personal budget, it is important to consider things you _____, _______ things you ______.

need; before; want

The amount you spend on variable expenses does NOT change from month to month. (T/F)


Startup capital is the money you invest in the form of supplies, marketing, legal services, and other investments to get your business up and running. (T/F)


Startup capital is the money spend in order to create a balanced budget for your personal finances. (T/F)


Take home pay is amount left over from your monthly paycheck after deductions. (T/F)


Business plans should never be revised. (T/F)


Aggressiveness and intensity is NOT necessarily a characteristic of a successful entrepreneurs. (T/F)


You have control over where and when you work when starting your own business. (T/F)


Entrepreneurs create the businesses that produce products and services that meet the wants and needs of consumers. (T/F)


The main purpose of developing a business pitch is to briefly share the most important information about your business to people in an engaging way. (T/F)


You need to consider who your potential customers are before deciding on marketing strategies. (T/F)