TAP Test 3 Study Guide - Part 1 & 2 Combined

What is the Innervation of the Iliacus?

Femoral Nerve (Branch of Lumbar Plexus)

What is the innervation of the Psoas Major

Medial nerve of thigh (Lumbar Plexus L1-L3)

What are the anterior relations of the right kidney?

SECOND PART OF DUODENUM, Right super-renal gland (Adrenal gland), Liver, Right colic flexor, small intestine

What are the anterior relations of the left kidney?

Left suprarenal (Adrenal) gland, stomach, spleen, pancreas, left colic flexure, descending colon, jejunum

Posterior relations of Left Kidney?

Diaphragm, psoas, quadratus lumborum, Transversus abdominis, RIB 11 & 12, subcostal (T12), iliohypogastric (L1), ilioinguinal (L1) nerves

Where are medullary rays present?

Renal cortex

What unites to form the renal pelvis?

Major calices

What does the Hilum of the kidney contain?

Renal vein, renal artery, URETER (most posterior)

What crosses the bifurcation of common iliac or external iliac artery in front of the sacroiliac joint?


Shape of Suprarenal glands?

Right - Pyramidal Left - Semilunar

Suprarenal (Adrenal) glands are surround by ___________________ fat and enclosed in the _____________ _______________.

Perinephric; Renal fascia

Arterial supply for Superior suprarenal arteries

Inferior phrenic artery

Arterial supply for inferior suprarenal arteries

Renal artery

What are the posterior branches of the Abdominal Aorta?

Inferior phrenic arteries, Lumbar arteries, MEDIAN SACRAL ARTERIES

Where does the Abdominal Aorta enter and end

Enter - T12Ends - L4

What are the posterior branches of the Abdominal Aorta?

Inferior phrenic arteriesLumbar arteriesMEDIAN SACRAL ARTERIES

Where does the union of the common iliac veins occur (formation of IVC)?


How is the pelvic inlet posteriorly formed?

Formed by the sacral promontory and the algae (wings) of the sacrum

How is the pelvic inlet laterally formed?

Formed by the Linea terminalis (arcuate line, pectin pubis, pubic crest)

_________ ________ is anteriorly formed by the pubic symphysis

Pelvic Inlet

What makes up the pelvic lateral wall?

PIRIFORMIS, innominate bone, obturator membrane, obturator internus

What does the pubococcygeus form?

Puboprostaticus, LEVATOR PROSTATAE, pubovaginalis (sphincter vaginae) and puboanalis

What is the nerve supply for the Levator Ani?

S4 and pudendal nerve

What is the largest and smallest muscle of the pelvic diaphragm?

Largest - Levator AniSmallest - Coccygeus

What is the nerve supply for the Coccygeus

S3 and S4

Continuation of the pelvic (sigmoid) colon is:


Where does the rectum begin and end?

Begin: S3Ends: 1 inch in front of the tip of coccyx

Characteristics of the rectal ampulla

No taeniae coliNo omental appendicesNo sacculations (haustra of the colon)

In females what is the deepest part of the peritoneal cavity (fluid gathers here)?

Rectouterine pouch (Pouch of Douglas)

What is the terminal arterial branch supplying the rectum?

Superior Rectal artery: inferior mesenteric artery

What is the most important arterial branch supplying the rectum?

Superior rectal artery: Inferior mesenteric artery

Smooth triangular area between the openings of the ureters and the the urethra on the inside of the bladder is known as:

Trigone or inner base

The outer base of the bladder?

Seminal vesicles and vas deferens

Where is the sphincter vesicae present?

Wall of bladderControlled by smooth autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathic)

The superior vesical artery is a branch of what?

internal iliac artery

External bladder sphincter is under ______________ control and is innervated by the _________ ____________.

VoluntaryPudendal nerve

The testes descend through what?

Inguinal canal into the scrotum.

What is the venous draining of the testes?

Right and left testicular vein

The left testicular vein drains into:

Left renal vein

What joins the ductus deferens to form the ejaculatory duct?

Seminal vesicles

Where is the prostate located?

Present in pelvic cavity below neck of bladder

What makes up the posterior surface of the prostate?

Ejaculatory ducts pierce the surface to reach the prostatic urethra

What lobe of the prostate commonly enlarges?

Middle (median) lobe

What is the venous drainage for the prostate?

Prostatic venous plexus

What does the prostatic venous plexus drain into

Internal iliac vein and VERTEBRAL VEINS

What is the internal os?

Opening between the body of the uterus and the cervix

What is the external os?

opening between the cervix and the vagina

Angle between the long axis of cervix and the long axis of the vagina


Contents of the broad ligament

UTERINE TUBERound ligament of uterusRound ligament of the ovaryUterine and ovarian blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves

Posterior relations of the broad ligament

Rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas)

Ovarian vessels, nerves, and lymphatics enter the SUPERIOR POLE of the ovary

Suspensory Ligament of the Ovary

Ovarian arteries branch off the abdominal aorta where?


Parts of uterine tubes

Infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus

What part of the uterine tube is farthest away (most lateral to uterus?)


The posterior fornix is also known as

Pouch of DouglasRectoutrine Pouch

The sacral plexus is formed by:

ANTERIOR RAMI OF L4-S4Anterior surface of the piriformis

Pudendal nerves is a branch of what?

Sacral Plexus

Pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4) are parasympathetic or sympathetic nerves?


Common Iliac arteries begin at the ________________ ___ ______________.

bifurcation fo aorta (L4)

Common iliac arteries end where?

in front of the sacroiliac joint

Anterior Division of Internal iliac artery?

Several but DB just hasInternal pudendal arteryhighlighted

Artery nearest to the rectum?

Internal pudendal arterybranch: inferior rectal artery

Posterior boundary of Anal Triangle?

tip of coccyx

What type of epithelium is present in the upper part of the anal canal?


What extends from the rectal ampulla to the anal aperture (anus)?

Anal Canal

What is formed by the fascia over obturator internus?

Pudendal Canal

Boundaries of Urogenital triangle

Anterior: symphysis pubisLateral: ischiopubic ramiPosterior: Imaginary line between the ischial tuberosities

Contents of urogenital triangle

Male: Penis, scrotumFemale: External genitalia (vulva), orifices of urethra and vagina

What is the most important inferior rectal nerve?

pudendal nerve

The area between the membranous layer of the superficial fascia (Colle's fascia) and the urogenital diaphragm

Superficial Perineal Pouch

Contents of the Superficial perineal pouch in males

Lots but DB just has one highlightedBulbospongiosus muscle

Contents of the superficial perineal pouch in females

perineal bodyGreater vestibular (Bartholin's) glandsonce again lots of stuff, but only one these from DB

The external urethral sphincter is located where?

Deep perineal pouch in females

The internal pudendal artery is a branch off what?

Internal iliac artery

Nerve Supply of the Obturator internus?

Sacral Plexus