Biology: Introduction to Animals Test

Name the basic characteristics of all animals

multicellular, heterotrophic, no cell wall, mobility and sexual reproduction(fertilization may be internal or external)

In sexual reproduction for animals, fertilization may be _____ or ______.

internal; external

What are cells organized into?


What do tissues form?

organs and organ systems

the stage of an embryo before specialization


A characteristic of animals is _________ formation.


has 3 germ(tissue) layers


another word for tissue


What are the 3 germ layers of the gastrula?

ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

germ layer of skin, nervous system and sense organs


germ layer of digestive tract, bladder, glands


germ layer of skeleton and muscles


What are animals classified by?

degree of specialization, type of symmetry and number of tissue layers

What are the two types of symmetry animals can have? Explain what each is and give an example

radial- branches in all directions-> example: anemone; bilateral- 2 similar halves-> examples: most animals(humans)

type of symmetry that branches in all directions

radial symmetry

type of symmetry that has two similar halves

bilateral symmetry

characteristic of bilateral symmetry in which an animal has a distinct head and concentration of nerve cells in the anterior region(brain)


What are examples of animals that don't have cephalization?

sponge and sea star

have highly organized brains in which specific functions occur in specific centers of the brain


Vertebrates have highly organized _______.


name the main types of animals that are vertebrates

fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals

animal group that is multicellular, and has no tissues or organs


animal group that has tissues and cells organized into functional units


What type of symmetry do Cnidarians have?


How many germ layers do Cnidarians have? What are they?

2; endoderm and ectoderm

animal group that has organs and cephalization(head)


What type of symmetry do flatworms have?


How many germ layers do flatworms have? What are they?

3 germ layers: endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm

animal group that has pseudocoelom(body cavity)


Where is the body cavity of roundworms found?

between gut and body wall

What type of digestive tract do roundworms have?

one way digestive tract: mouth and anus

animal group that has coelom(fluid-filled body cavity)


In mollusks, organs form ________.


animal group that has segmentation


What repeats in annelids?

parts of circulatory and respiratory systems

body cavity


fluid-filled body cavity


Completely describe sponges

multicellular, no tissues or organs

Completely describe Cnidarians

tissues; cells organized into functional units; radial symmetry and 2 germ layers: endoderm and ectoderm

Completely describe flatworms

organs; cephalization(head); bilateral symmetry; 3 germ layers: endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm

Completely describe roundworms

pseudocoelom(body cavity); body cavity between gut and body wall; one way digestive tract: mouth and anus

Completely describe mollusks

coelom(fluid-filled body cavity); organs form systems

Completely describe annelids

segmentation; parts of circulatory and respiratory systems repeat

complex animal group that has jointed legs, an exoskeleton that provides protection and support and an attachment point for muscles


What is an example of Arthropods?


What are the traits of Arthropods?

coelom, segmented body and jointed appendages

Completely describe Arthropods?

jointed legs; exoskeleton provides protection and support; attachment point for muscles; ex. Insects; traits: coelom, segmented body and jointed appendages

complex animal group that are the simplest animals with an endoskeleton


How do Echinoderms move?

by water vascular system and tube feet

What is an example of Echinoderms?


Completely describe Echinoderms

simplest animals with an endoskeleton; move by water vascular system and tube feet; ex. Starfish

complex animal group that has a notochord


What is an example of a chordata that is an invertebrate?


What are examples of a chordata that are vertebrates?

fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals

Completely describe chordatas

notochord; ex. Lancelet(invertebrate); vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals

phylum name for sponges

Phylum Porifera

The Phylum Porifera(sponges) is ________ and are mostly _______.

asymmetrical; marine

What type of invertebrates are the Phylum Porifera(sponges)?

sessile invertebrates that have no true tissues or organs

invertebrates that have no true tissues or organs

sessile invertebrates

How many layers of cells is the body wall of sponges composed of? What is it separated by?

two layers of cells separated by a jellylike substance called mesophyll

the jellylike substance that separates a sponge's two layers of cells


What two types of skeletons can a sponge be made of? Explain what each is

spongin- mesh of tough protein; spicules- hard to strengthen and protect

sponge skeleton made of a mesh of tough protein


sponge skeleton that is hard in order to strengthen and protect


cells with flagella for drawing in water that filter feed


What type of cells do sponges have?


How do sponges get nutrients?

filter feeding

type of feeding in which something will get nutrients and oxygen from the water

filter feeding

What is a very unique characteristic of sponges?

individual cell digestion; cells can survive individually

What type of digestion do sponges have?

individual cell digestion

have both male and female parts


What is the difference between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction in the phylum Porifera(sponges)?

asexual- budding or fragmentation-> regeneration; sexual- Male produces clouds of sperm which is carried by current to female(larva stage can swim)

phylum Porifera(sponges) reproduction that involves budding or fragmentation(regeneration)

asexual reproduction

phylum Porifera(sponges) reproduction in which a male produces clouds of sperm which is carried by current to female(larva stage can swim)

sexual reproduction

What stage during sexual reproduction does a phylum Porifera(sponges) begin to swim?

larva stage

What are examples of the Phylum Cnidaria?

Jellyfish, sea anemone, hydra, and coral

What type of jellyfish has venom that is fatal to humans?

box jellyfish

What are the traits of the Phylum Cnidaria?

tentacles with nematocysts, stringing harpoon-like structures; gut with one opening; extracellular digestion, can digest organisms larger than its body

stringing harpoon-like structures on the tentacles of the Phylum Cnidaria


means that it can digest organisms larger than its body

extracellular digestion

What type of gut does the Phylum Cnidaria have?

gut with one opening

How many body forms do many Cnidarians have?


life stage of Cnidaria that is the swimming stage and jellyfish stage


life stage of Cnidaria that is the attached stage


life stage of Cnidaria that is the jellyfish adult stage


life stage of Cnidaria that is the sea anemone, hydra, and coral adult stage


What are examples of the Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms)?

tapeworm and planarian

What is the Phylum Platyhelminthes?


What are the traits of the Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms)?

cephalization, organs, bilateral symmetry

means there's no body cavity


The Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms) is ________ which means there is no body cavity.


What type of gut does the Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms) have?

gut has 1 opening(2 way gut)

Most of the Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms) are ________. What are examples?

parasites; tapeworm and fluke

What types of reproduction can the Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms) have? Explain each

asexual- regeneration; sexual- hermaphrodites: line up and exchange sperm

What is the Phylum Nematode?


What are examples of the Phylum Nematode(roundworms)?

Nematodes, hookworms, ascaris, pinworms, dog heartworms

means there is a body cavity between gut and body wall


The Phylum Nematode(roundworms) is _______ which means there is a body cavity between gut and body wall.


What type of gut does the Phylum Nematode(roundworms) have?

1 way gut, mouth and anus

What type of sexes does the Phylum Nematode(roundworms) have?

separate sexes, male or female

What type of sexes does the Phylum Platyhelminthes(flatworms) have?


What type of sexes does the Phylum Porifera(sponges) have?


What are examples of Nematode diseases?

Ascaris worms, hookworms, pinworms, Filariasis worms cause Elephantiasis

the most common worms in dogs, cats, and livestock

Ascaris worms

worms that can burrow right through the skin; can be passed between animals and humans


the most common parasitic worms in humans; passed between human to human


worms that are spread by mosquitos; most common in tropical areas

Filariasis worms

worms that cause Elephantiasis

Filariasis worms

How can some nematodes be beneficial?

kill garden pests like cutworms

type of body plan with 2 sides


wheel like symmetry


fluid filled body cavity that lies completely within the mesoderm


layer of cells that develop between the endoderm and ectoderm


How might a person get infected with a tapeworm? (be specific)

Cow is going to eat grass that has tapeworm eggs on it. The larva are going to be in the muscle tissue and form cysts which means they can survive in the cow meat even the refrigerator. The only way to kill the cysts is to cook them. For contamination to

Describe the 2 life stages of a Cnidarian; include a drawing of each stage

Medusa- swimming stage(jellyfish adult stage); Polyp- attached stage(sea anemone, hydra, and coral adult stage)

Draw and describe 2 different methods of reproduction in sponges. Include steps.

Hermaphrodites that can reproduce sexually or asexually. (diagram)

Phylum for sponge


Phylum for hydra


Phylum for jellyfish


Phylum for sea anenome


Phylum for organisms with stinging cells


Phylum for coral


Phylum for liver fluke


Phylum for tapeworm


Phylum for planarian


Phylum for hookworms


Phylum for nematode


Phylum for roundworms


Phylum for ascaris worms


Phylum for pinworms


Phylum for dog heartworms


Phylum for Filariasis worms


Phylum for snails


Phylum for slugs


Phylum for earthworms


Phylum for segmented worms


Phylum for wasps


Phylum for insects


Phylum for sea star


Phylum for lancelet


Phylum for vertebrates


In most animals, the circulatory system moves blood or a similar fluid through the body to transport ________ to cells. The circulatory system also moves ________ away from cells.

oxygen and nutrients; carbon dioxide and wastes

What have no circulatory systems?

sponges and cnidarians

Because sponges and cnidarians lack a circulatory system, nutrients and gases are exchanged directly with the environment by ________.

diffusion across cell membranes

What have an open circulatory system?

arthropods and some mollusks

What happens in an open circulatory system?

blood-like circulatory fluid is pumped from vessels in the body into the body cavity, and then is returned to the vessels

What have a closed circulatory system?

annelids and other mollusks

What happens in a closed circulatory system?

blood is pumped by a heart and circulates through the body in vessels that form a closed loop

The exchange of ________ occurs between body cells and very small blood vessels that lie near each cell.

gases, nutrients, and wastes

What two characteristics do all animals have?

multicellular and heterotrophic