
Agenda Congestion

refers to how clogged or open the agenda is to new items

Alarm Model

reporting important events/issues that trigger the social or political equivalent of an alarm
-alarm model would mean that journalists and news outlets should not even try to monitor politics and society for all important information to convey to the publ


scanning the surrounding policy/geographic neighborhoods for additional stories, often pursuing these stories through more in depth, investigative reporting.
- Actively search for crime being committed
- Catches crimes that do not trigger alarms

- Alarm/Patrol Hybrid

Investigative journalism only on the issues most important to the
Exs: alarm/patrol hybrid model is responsible for sustained media explosions like the one surrounding Terri Schiavo.

Bearing Witness

Firsthand coverage of events
-parachute war reporters
-covering press conferences

Disproportionate Information-Processing approach

-meaning agendas do not process real world events in real time or in proportion to the "size" of those events; instead going from one hot event to another, and excluding many other important issues


The agenda will lurch from periods of relative stability (patrol periods) to moments of large change (alarm periods)

Interpretive reporting

-emphasize autonomy
-Provide evaluation of the facts, even if that means taking sides in a debate
-Should point out deception and spin from official sources

Following Up

Def.: seeking reasons for events
-Embedded war reporters
-Beat reporters

Formal Censorship

-legislation that sets forth what may and may not be published

Going Public

-President seeks to build public support for policies by speaking directly to citizens and generating positive news content through exchanges with the presses, public support can pressure Congress to follow administrations agenda.
-powerful strategy for a


-level of policymaker attention surrounding an issue tends to affect the amount of coverage the issue will receive

Informal Censorship

-No censorship laws, but uses access to info to coerce press into self-censorship

Interpretation role of the media

-Providing explanations of a news items meaning, putting it into context, and speculating about its context
Ex: abortion

Investigative Journalism

Independent scrutiny by the press of the activities of public institutions
-Aim to document, question, and investigate activities
- In order to provide public's and officials with timely info on issues of public concern

Marketplace approach

-Competition-based incentives dramatically shape the stories that make the news.

Objective reporting

-emphasize objectivity
-Provide all sides of an issue or debate
-Present the facts, avoid favoring a single interpretation of the facts
-Do not evaluate merit of official sources

Organizational Process approach

- How journalists and editors respond to professional incentives to generate that day's news.

Public goods

Resources that anyone can consume


Some issues will be over reported (relative to the severity/importance of the problem), while others will be underreported

Socialization role of the media

Teaching basic values and orientations that prepare individuals to fit into their cultural environment
-Media suggest which behaviors produce desirable outcomes
-Provide the basic facts that allow people to change their attitudes

Surveillance role of the media

Determining which political happenings will be reported and which will be ignored
-Helps determine what information is salient
-Can influence the future behavior of officials

The CSI Effect

Drawing on fictional events to form opinions about unfamiliar scenarios

Wag the Dog (the concept, not the movie)

When elites shift the agenda away from salient, but harmful issues toward favorable, but less salient issues

Agency loss

The discrepancy between what principals would like their agents to do and how these agents actually behave