Who came up with the Milieu Interieur" phrase

Claude Bernard the first experimental physiology the Milieu Interieur is meant to describe the internal environment or HOMEOSTASIS

What does Homeostasis mean from greek meaning

Internal environment

What percentage of the body is water weight and the volume of blood

60% of the body is water weight42 liters

What is the volume of the ICF or the Intracellular Fluid

2/3 of the total body fluid

What is the volume of ECF or Extra-Cellular- membrane

1/3 of the total body weight

The ECF entails what other fluid bodies which make it up

The ECF includes the interstitial fluid (between cells), Lymph-node, Plasma and/or Serum

ECF is in a continual statics state True or Flase

False it is always in a constant motion

Why is the ECF dynamic

So that is it can remove waste and other metabolites.

What is the route that ECF takes

Through the blood, capillaries, interstitial space,

How far are cells away from the capillaries


What parameters does the ECF control and example

Gases O₂ and CO₂Temp 37°pH 7.40Nutrients glucose, amino acids, lipids(Fatty Acids)Wastes CO₂, UreaElectrolytes Na⁺, Ca²⁺, K⁺, Cl⁻

What is negative feedback

The change in the initial response in the opposite direction ExChanges in BP

What is positive Feedback

A change in the initial response in the same directionExBlood clotting

How is BP regulated through feedback

The aorta and the carotid artery have a sensor called the "Baroreceptor" located in the Medulla

How does it feedback for low blood pressure

It increases BPPeripheral vasoconstriction Strengthen heart contraction Stimulation of Epinephrine (Come from the adrenal glands)Increase heart rate

How does it feedback for high blood pressure

Decreases BPPeripheral vasodilationDecrease HRDecrease contraction strength

What is an example of positive feedback

Child birth Oxytocin stimulates contractions and child birth

How does Oxygen and release work for hemoglobin

The RBC picks up the oxygen from the lungs, the oxygen if then ONLY released to the tissues that are low in oxygen.

What does the pancreas do to carbohydrate metabolism

The pancreas controls carbohydrate levels thus controlling glucose