U3 L2 Greco-Roman Art 古希臘羅馬藝術

fine pottery

精細的陶器excellent objects that are made out of clay by hand

everyday use

日常使用the way of using something daily

purely utilitarian

純粹實用的only designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive

terracotta figurines

赤陶土的小雕像a small model of a human, usually made of hard, baked reddish-brown clayWe used the plural form here because we talked about many of these figurines.

decorative art

裝飾藝術arts or crafts whose object is the design and manufacture of objects that are both beautiful and functional

domestic beautification

家庭的美化the process of making visual improvements to a the home or house

geometric art/ geometric design

幾何藝術/設計約公元前1100至公元前660年的希臘藝術,這段時期的陶瓷布滿了精細的幾何圖案網絡a trend in art that focuses on the simplistic beauty of mixing certain shapes, lines, and curves together for creative results

revival of classical antiquity

古典時代的復興the process of the period of cultural history between the 8th century BC and the 6th century AD centered on the Mediterranean Sea becoming more active or popular again

ancient tombs

古墓a large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried from a long time agoThe plural form is used here.

storage and transport vessels

儲存與運輸船隻large boats or ships which are used for keeping things and taking goods from one place to anotherThe plural form is used here.


(古希臘及古羅馬神話中眾神食用的)仙饈;美味佳餚the food or drink of the Greek gods,often depicted as conferring longevity or immortality upon whoever consumed it

jugs and cups

水壺與杯子containers for holding liquids that has a handle and a shaped opening at the top for pouring and a small, round containers, often with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee, etc.The plural form is used here since the reading talks about these containers in general.

vases for oils, perfumes and cosmetics

油、香水與化妝品的花瓶a container for holding a smooth thick liquid produced from plants or animals that is used in cooking, a liquid with a pleasant smell, and substances that you put on your face or body that are intended to improve your appearanceThere are many kinds of vases, so the plural form is used.


儀式a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremonyWe talked about many different kinds of rituals.


黏土;陶土​thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers


陶瓷the objects produced by shaping and baking clay, especially when considered as art[ U ] 製陶藝術;陶器製造the art of making objects by shaping pieces of clay and then baking them until they are hard [ plural ] 陶瓷製品the objects produced by shaping and baking clay, especially when considered as art

a porcelain dish

瓷碟a dish made of a hard but delicate, shiny, white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high temperature, used to make cups, plates, decorations, etc.

a layer of glaze

一層釉a level of a substance used to make a surface shiny something


瓷漆;瓷釉a type of paint that forms a shiny surface when dry

china plates

中國瓷碟a flat from China, usually round dish with a slightly raised edgeThe plural form is used here.

stone surfaces

石面the outer or top part or layer of stoneThe plural form is used here to talk about different kinds of surfaces.

lifelike sculpture

栩栩如生的雕塑the art of forming solid objects that appear real and represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such as wood, clay, metal, or stone


色素;顏料a substance that gives something a particular color when it is present in it or is added to it


(尤指能構成裝飾圖案的)粉刷灰泥a type of plaster used for covering walls and ceilings, especially one that can be formed into decorative patterns

portrait busts

半身肖像a model of the head and shoulders of a personThe plural form is used here.

bronze statue

青銅雕像an object made from a brown metal made of copper and tin to look like a person or animal

sacred art

神聖的藝術the art which is considered to be holy and deserving respect

secular art

世俗化的藝術artwork that that focuses on a more humanistic view, without a connection with religion.

marble and bronze

大理石與青銅a type of very hard rock that has a pattern of lines going through it and a brown metal made of copper and tin

bright colors

鮮豔的色彩colors that are full of light, shining

excavation of

挖掘the act of removing earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past

freestanding figures

獨立式的塑像a painting, drawing, or model of a person that is standing alone and not attached to a wallThe plural form is used here.

musculature and skeletal structure

肌肉組織與骨骼結構body part of the muscles and frame of bones

public memorials

公共紀念碑an object, often large and made of stone, that has been built to honor a famous person or event and been provided by the governmentThe plural form is used here.

as offerings to temples

作為寺廟的祭品something that is given or offered to temple as a gift or contributionPeople typically make many offerings, so the plural form is used here. Goods were given as offerings to temples.

be commissioned by

被......委託to be formally chosen by someone to do a special piece of workI used the "be" verb to remind you that could be used in the passive voice. The artwork was commissioned by the wealthy family.

depictions of young men

年輕人的描繪the action of representing young men in a picture or storyWe used the plural form here because we talked about how Greek art often featured depictions of young men.

adolescence to early maturity

青春期到早熟the period of time in a person's life when they are developing into the state which are completely grown physically

decorations of buildings

建築物的裝飾features that are added to house or factory in order to make it look more attractiveThe plural form is used here.

the Hellenistic age

希臘文化的 始於公元前323年亞歷山大大帝逝世,終於公元前146年希臘為羅馬共和國所征服;抑或直到公元前30年最後的繼業者--托勒密王國--滅亡為止。the period between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE and the conquest of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt by Rome in 30 BCE