Biology Ch. 9 Exam Review


(messenger RNA) copies code from DNA in triplets (codons)

DNA starting codon


mRNA starting code



(transfer DNA) anticodon at the other end from the amino acid

tRNA starting code



the process of making a mRNA molecule

Where does transcription take place?

the nucleus

What are the 3 steps in transcription, respectively?

initiation, elongation, termination

What is initiation in transcription?

When the RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter region of the coding strand of DNA

What is elongation in transcription?

RNA polymerase unwinds the coding strand of DNA and assembles a mRNA strand complimentary to the coding strand of DNA

What is termination in transcription?

RNA polymerase reaches the terminator region of the DNA. It is released along with the mRNA primary transcript.


a segment of DNA that is transcribed intomessenger RNA; removed before mRNA leaves the nucleus.


a segment of DNA that is transcribed into RNA and translated into protein, specifying the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

When does the splicing of introns and exons take place?

between transcription and translation

silent mutation

if a codon is mutated but the right amino acid is put in

down syndrome

having 3 #21 chromosomes


having 1 X chromosome and no Y, only in females


having 2 X chromosomes and 1 Y, only in males


assembly of proteins on ribosomes; mRNA directs the order of the amino acids

What are the steps in translation, respectively?

initiation, elongation, termination

What is initiation in translation?

the P site of the ribosome attaches to the start codon of mRNA

What is the elongation step of translation?

each tRNA attaches to the A site of the ribosome and then to the P site and continues this as the ribosome moves down the mRNA chain

What is the termination step in translation?

When the stop codon (UAG,UAA,UGA) reaches the A site. There is no anticodon, the tRNA drops off, they separate, and the polypeptide chain is released.

reading frame

a group of 3 bases in codons


cannot reproduce by themselves (they need a host) and they have either RNA or DNA, not both


the message is coded in the RNA and so the DNA makes the copy by reverse transcription


chromosomes that fail to separate in meiosis


1 chromosome (ie=turners syndrome)


any chromosome 1-22, any chromosome except the sex ones