Nursery General Knowledge 2015

The state flower of Missouri is


What would be the texture of a soil with 20% clay, 40% sand, and 40% silt?


Deciduous azaleas are generally considered more reliably hardy in northern Missouri than most evergreen azaleas. Which of the following is an example of a deciduous azalea?

Gable hybrid such as "Herbert

A stomach poison type of insecticide would be most likely to control


Dutch Elm Disease, oak wilt, and verticillium wilt are all examples of what?

Fungal diseases affecting the vascular system

If an area 150' X 200' is to be seeded with tall fescue at 8# of seed per 1000 SF and the seed costs $85 per 50# bag, approximately what will be the cost of seed for the project?


If a turf grass is able to absorb 0.25" of water per hour without runoff and a sprinkler system that applies water at about one inch per hour is operated continuously for 2 hours, approximately what percentage of the irrigation applied will be lost to runoff?


Which of the following is an example of a warm season, perennial, broadleaf weed?

field bindweed

A bank with a 20% slope has a

1' rise for every 5' of run

The cation exchange capacity of a soil is the measure of

its ability to hold positively charged nutrient ions

The state tree of Missouri is


The term reacting this type of leaf is


A plant originally priced at $50 is on sale at 20% off. If sales tax is 7%, what should a customer expect to pay for the plant?


The most effective way to control henbit would be applying a

Pre-emergence herbicide in the fall

A formal hedge should be pruned

by shearing the top and sides so that the base is wider than the top

An example of photoperiodism is

Flowering of a plant in response to long nights

The soil ball on a shade tree with a stem caliper of 2" should be about

24" in diameter

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding of hybrid tea roses?

Cutting back to 8" from the ground in spring enhances summer flower display

Which of the following is a bacterial disease commonly affecting fruit trees?

crown gall

The planting hole for a balled and burlapped (BB) tree should be

Slightly less than the depth of the soil ball and twice the width of the soil ball

A good reason to substitute London Planetree for American Sycamore in a landscape planting is

Susceptibility of sycamore to anthracnose

At which of the following soil pH values would iron be most available to plant roots?


Increases in the trunk diameter of a tree occurs as a result of division and expansion of cells produced by the:

vascular cambium

The three major use areas in a typical residential landscape design are

public, private, service

Which of the following is that most likely to have its flowers injured by a freeze in spring?

Star magnolia

Which of the following amendments would most likely be applied to increase the pH of a clay loam soil from 5.0 to 6.5?

Ground limestone

Which of the following species of turf grass is least tolerant to cold temperatures?


A vine that commonly grows on fence posts and poles in full sun in Missouri is

Virginia creeper

The term "monoecious" means

Male and female flowers are found on the same individual plant

The pruning technique in which the end of a branch is removed to promote branching by cutting back a lateral branch or bud is called


If 10% of a nursery field is occupied by roads, how many trees can be planted on 10 acres if the trees are planted 8' apart in rows that are 8' apart?


When does ring a soils structure, you would be referring to

The size and arrangement of pores in the soil

The zones on the USDA hardiness zone map are determined by

the average yearly minimum temperature in the zone

A plant that can pruned severely in February and still produce flowers in the same season is

Hybrid tea rose

The proper way to write the for a Red Sunset Maple is

Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'

Roses and euonymus are all commonly affected by which of the following bacterial plant diseases?

crown gall

Which of the following has sharp-pointed needles that are square in cross section and individually attached to the stem?


A pesticide that is moderately likely to cause acute illness if inhaled, absorbed by skin, or swallowed would carry which of the following signal words on its label?


Scotch pine is a poor choice for an ornamental tree due to its susceptibility to a usually fatal disease causing agent carried by:


When mowing grass, the optimum amount to remove should be no more than

1/3 of the grass blade

Which of the following is the most shade tolerant species of turf grass?

Fine fescue

Which of the following ground covers is most likely to invade native habitats and choke out the existing plants?

Wintercreeper euonymus

The pH factor of a soil is a measure of

The content of hydrogen ions

Transpiration refers to

movement of water out of leaves through stomata

If you sell mulch for $30/cubic yard (CY), what would be the material cost of mulch for an area 25' x 70', covered 3" deep?


Which of the following can be pruned back to near the ground in March without sacrificing flowering during the same growing season?

Crape Myrtle

Trunk caliper of a shade tree in a nursery or landscape is measured

6" up from the soil surface

How many kinds of fertilizer is needed to fertilize an area measuring 100' X 100' with 20-15-5 fertilizer at a rate providing 2 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 SF

100 lbs

The physical properties of plants that are most important as visual elements in the landscape design are

Form, texture, color

The term describing the venation pattern on this leaf is
