Quick & Dirty Guide Quiz; EMT-B Shock

What is Shock?

Hypoperfusion. Inadequate tissue perfusion of oxygen & glucose required for metabolism. Cell & organ death.

What causes Shock?

Inadequate blood (pressure / fluids / amount) volumeInadequate pump (heart) functionInadequate vessel (arteries & veins) tone

What is perfusion?

Oxygen, glucose and nutrient delivery to the cells w/ the constant & adequate blood circulation thru the capillaries.

Hypovolemic Shock is:

Low blood volume. Caused by fluids or blood loss thru hemorrhage, burns or dehydration. Hypo = low vol = volume emic = blood

What is Distributive Shock?

Decrease in intravascular volume cause by massive systemic vasodilation & increase in capillary permeability.Reduced systolic pressure & decreased tissue perfusion.

Shock - Cardiogenic Shock

Inadequate function of the heart. When 40% or more of left ventricle contraction is lost thru heart attack, infection abnormal rhythms, OD & congestive heart failure.

What causes Obstructive Shock?

Obstruction of forward blood flow caused by Blood Clots, Tension Pneumothorax & Pericardial Tamponade.

What is Septic Shock?

Distributive shock caused by severe bacterial infection.ALS intervention: IV fluids and vasoconstriction medsAirway, Ventilation & Oxygenation.

How does the body initially respond to Shock?

Release of hormones epinehprine & norepinephrine.Increases heart & respiratory rate. Decrease urine output.Releases other hormones.

What is hypovolemic Shock?

Loss of whole blood from the intravascular space. Medical or Trauma. Stop the bleeding! Rapid transport. Blood transfusion.

What are the early signs of the Compensatory Stage?

Restlessness, anxiety, irritability & apprehension.Slight increase in heart & respiratory rate.Normal or slight decrease in blood pressure.Pale and cool skin. Slight decrease body temperature.

What is Cyanosis?

Bluish color of the skin resulting from poor oxygenation of the circulating blood.

What are the late signs of decompensated shock?

Confusion, incoherent, slurred speech or unconscious.Depressed or absent reflexes. Dilated & slow pupils.Dropping BP w/ diastolic pressure reaching zero.Slow, shallow, irregular respirations.

What are the stages of Shock

Compensatory - body can maintain nearly normal levels.Decompensatory - failing blood pressure & perfusion.Irreversible - Death from organ, tissue & cell failure.