Civics chapter 1 study guide test

the british house of ___ is the lower house of parliament.


The ____, written in 1689, gave parliament the power to make laws, raised taxes, control the army, and set up a system of elections.

English bill of rights

The American system of law based on percent is known as _____?


Each of the original 13 colonies had a governor and an ___?


The ____ forced colonists to attach tax stamps to certain documents.


The colonists right to trial by jury was restricted as part of a series of law the Americans called the ___.


In writing the __?, Jefferson was influenced by the work important philosophers, john Locke and jean-Jacques Rousseau.


Under the __? The original 13 states were independent from one another but cooperated on certain matter.


As originally established, ____ was a one-house legislature that had limited power and in which state had one vote.


The cause of shay's rebellion was high ___.


Individual governments may band together to form an __ for a common purpose.


When English citizens began to settle in North America the became ____.


To protest against the British government, the colonists started to ___ all British goods.


The English ___ began as an informal group of advisors to the monarch.


Before reaching the colony where they would live, the settlers of Plymouth agreed to an ____ that outline the government they would have.


In response to protests from the colonists, parliament ___ the stamp act and other tax laws.


After the British soldiers shot at American at Lexington and concord, the idea of ___ gained support from more colonial leaders.


In the 1600s and 1700s, the policy of ___ caused England to buy fewer goods from other countries than it sold.


Under the article of confederation, an article could be ___ only by a unanimous vote of all 13 states.


An ___ is an example of direct democracy that originated in the English colonies.


When the 13 colonies declared independence, they did not form ___ but instead became 13 separate, independent state.


At the time, few Americans were interested in creating a large central ____.


Each of the state wrote its own ___, which set up a state government.


The purpose of the ___ was establishment a system by which the independent states could cooperate with one another.


At first, congress had no power to enforce its___.


Amendment to the articles of confederation required an ____ vote of all 13 states.


The heavy burden of taxes imposed on American citizens led to ___ in 1786.


American independence was declared


When the colonists sent a document to king George lll demanding an end to the intolerable acts,


Allowing British soldiers to search and even move into colonists home was an example of


The stamp act was


The British government placed heavy taxes on the American colonies because of


Following a policy of mercantilism, the British wanted America to be a source of


Which of the following summarizes the attitudes and actions of the British government toward America in the early 1700s?


Each of the 13 original colonies


Town meetings are still commonly held in


The mayflower compact


The house of burgesses was made up of


The Jamestown colonists felt a need for self government because


The first permanent English settlement in North America was in


An English tradition that became part of the North America political


The development of the system of common law was important because


England is said to have


The English bill of rights gave


The power parliament


Parliament originally consisted of


The idea that a rulers power has certain limits was originally


Th house of burgesses was the first colonial attempt at


Which of the following power was granted to congress under the article of confederation?


In what document did the colonists declare that great Britain no longer locked after their interest?


Which of the following events occurred last?


The states did not want the articles of confederation to give the central government too much power because of their recent experience with


The weakness of the article of confederation included which of the following?


One similarity among the colonial government was that each had


When Great Britain imposed the stamp act, the colonists claimed they should not be taxed because they


As he wrote the declaration of independent, Thomas Jefferson on Jean Jacques Rousseaus idea That


The colonists desire to have laws that were consistent was based on their experiences with the system of


Shays rebellion pointed out that


The state formed a loose confederation because


A weakness of the article of confederation was that


In the declaration of independent, Jefferson argued that


He slogan " no taxation without representation" was used because


The. Ritos policy of mercantilism


The main difference between The house of burgesses and the mayflower compact government was that


Before the region of king George lll, the American colonists mainly governed themselves because


One difference between the United States and England is that


By the late 1300s, parliament had






Common law






Town meeting














