Cardiac Exam 2 disorders


chest pain or discomfort caused by myocaridal ischemia that occurs from imbalance betweeen myocardial oxygen supply and demand

stable angina

occurs with exertion and is releived by rest

unstable angina

pain is more severe, may occur at rest and requires frequent nitrate therapy

ST seg depression or t wave inversion

ECG may show these or no changes in unstable angina

variant angina

caused by coronary artery aspasm occurs at rest without any other precipiating factors

variant angina

ECG shows marked ST elevation and the ST segment returns to normal after the spasm subsides


usually occurs because of plaque rupture leading to complete occulsion of the artery


usually results from a partially occluded vessel


used to compress intracoronary plaque to increase blood flow to the myocardium, goal is to open coronary arteries; best treats non calcified lesions that are accessible for dilation

intracoronary stent

tubes that are implanted at the site of stenosis to widen the arterial lumen by squeezing atherosclerotic plaque agiainst the artery's walls. helps keep the lumen open by providing structural support.


ischemic areas of the myocardium are revascularized by implantation of the internal mammary artery or bypassing of the coronary occulsion with a saphenous vein graph or radial artery graph

Port access coronary artery bypass PACAB

heart is stopped and the patient undergoes cardiopulmonary bypass. surgical teams pass instruments thorugh the ports to perorm the bypassses using the internal mammary artery, saphenous vein, or radial artery

Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass MIDCAB

heart is still beating and is intended for use when only one or two arteries will be bypassed. internal mammary artery is commonly used

transmyocardial revascularization

high energy laser creates channels from the epidural surface into the left ventricle chamber to increase perfusion directly to the heart muscle

enhanced external counterpulsation

used for angina when the patient is not a canidate for bypass surgery or percutaneous coronary intervention

radiofrequency catheter ablation

method used to treat dysrhymias when medications, cardioversion, or both are not effective, objective is to pernamentaly interrupt electrical conduction or activity in a region of dysrhytmogenic cardiac issue

stage A

at high risk for developing HF, but w/o structural heart disease or symtoms of HF

stage B

structural heart disease or symptoms of HF

stage C

structural heart disease with prior or current symptoms of HF

stage D

refractory HF reqiuring specialized interventions

class 1

asymptomatic with activity

class 2

symptomatic with moderate exertion

class 3

symptomatic with minimal exertion

class 4

symptomatic with rest

class 5

symptomatic with rest, dysnpea with little or no exertion

systolic HF

results from impaired pumping of the ventricles

diastolic HF

results from impaired filling or relaxation of the ventricles


progressive exertional dyspnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, fatigability, loss of appetite, abdominal bloating, nausea and vomitting and eventual organ system dysunction, particuallry rental

left sided HF

dyspnea/orthopnea, cheyne-stokes, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, cough, fatigue or activity intolerance, diaphoresis, pulmonary crackles, elevated pulmonary capillary occulsion pressure, S3 and S4 gallop, tachycardia, tachypnea, hepatojugular reflex

right sided HF

JVD, liver engorgement, edema, ascites, loss of appetitie, n & v, elevated CVP or RAP

cardiac transplantation

therapeutic option of LAST resort for patients with end stage HF, those who have severe cardiac disability and a poor prognosis for 6 month survival

pulmonary edema

this sometimes occurs with patients with HF have systolic bp 150 or higher, the sensitive heart is sensitive to increases in fluid

pulmonary edema

reduces the amount of lung tissue space avialble for gas exhcange and results in symptoms of dysnepa, cyanosis, severe anxiety, diaphoresis, pallor, blood tingued and frothy sputum
ABGs will show respiratory acidosis and hypoxemia

cardiogenic shock

acute and omnious form of pump failure, increased HR, dysrythmias, decreased BP, tachypnea, chest pain, oliguria, left and right ventricular failure, Increased preload increased afterload


fluid accumulates btw the two layers and sqeezes the heart restricting its action and may result in cardiac tamponade


precordial pain that radiates to shoulder, neck, and intensified during inspiration, movement, coughing or swalowing, pericardial friction rub, dyspnea, persistent temp elevateion, increased WBC and sed rate, increased anxiety may have pulsus para


diffuse ST segment elevation and PR segment deviaitons opposite to P wave polarity. T waves progressviely flatten and invert with generalied t wave inversions present in most leads


occurs when microorganisms circulating the bloodstream attach to an endocardial surface, staph aureus is most common cause, infectious lesions form on the heart valves creating a cauliflower appearance


high fever and shaking chills, night sweats, cough, weight loss, general mailse, HA, musculoskeltal complaints, new murmurs, skin abnormalties

aortic aneurysm

most are asymptomatic, no symptoms until disection, may have abdominal or back pain, usually found on routine exam

aortic dissection

life threatening emergency, common in those with marfan syndrome, severe chest pain radiateing to shoulder blades, can move to arms and legs, weak pulse in one arm, drop in bp, difference in bp btw extremities, loss of consciousness, difficulty speaking,


pain is frequently retrosternal, left pectoral or epigastric may radiate to jaw, left should or left arm. may be associated with dysnpea, light headneess, or diaphoreisis, usally lasts 1 to 5 mins and occurs with exertion and subsides with rest

right sided heart failure

elevated CVP or RAP


ST elevation and PR segment deviations opposite to p wave polarity. t waves progressively flatten and invert with generalized t waves in most or all leads


decreased CO, decreased tissue perfusion, activity intolerance