JOUR 260 final

Stories should be based on what information?

The 5 w's

What is the primary story structure for breaking news?

The inverted pyramid

What is the end of a story called?


The five W's and the H are used primarily for what types of leads?


Most stories should be written from what point of view?

Third person

In what type of lead does the name of a person usually appear in the second paragraph?

Delayed identification lead

Why do reporters write nut grafs?

To supplement any of the five W's missing from the lead
B. To provide background for the action described in the lead
C. To add a supporting quote
D. All of the answer choices provided are correct.

He hopes to give 110 percent and take each game one at a time." This sentence contains
examples of what?


In an anecdotal lead, what does the writer use?

C. A mini-story

What do journalists use to determine style?

The AP Stylebook

Reporters must submit their stories by a certain time. What is that time limit called?

A deadline

Reporters sign their name to each story they write and publish. What is this called?


What does the reporter do when writing a narrative lead?

drops the reader into the action immediately--- and the action continues throughout the story

Why do reporters rewrite frequently?

A. To replace passive verbs with active verbs
B. To make the story better
C. To omit redundancies and long, wordy sentences
D. To eliminate jargon and clich�s
E. All of the answer choices provided are correct.

When you are using "either or" and "neither nor," the verb agrees in person with the nearer
subject. (T or F)


When in doubt about using a comma, put it in. (T or F)


When writers place the most important news deep within the body of the story, it is known as:

Burying the lead

Editors believe you should write more than one idea per paragraph. (T or F)


This lead tease readers by withholding a key piece of information and then springing it on them
in a subsequent paragraph.

Blind lead

Stories that begin with questions usually fail to get to the point of the story quick enough. (T or F)


What's the name of a story structure that begins with an inverted pyramid and then switches to
chronological order?

The martini glass

When you communicate by using facts, you are being subjective. (T or F)


Examples of transition words or phrases include "however," "in addition" and "meanwhile." (T or F)


What type of news story happens suddenly, without warning?

Breaking news

What might you need to write the day after a breaking-news story?

A folo or second-day story

What is another term for "press release"?

News release

A reporter is only as good as his or her:


What should you do as a reporter when you hear sirens and realize that a dorm is on fire?

Race to the scene.

What is considered the best way to interview sources?

In person

What does "on background" mean?

You can use the information but not identify the source.

What is an indirect quote?


What punctuation should be used to supply missing words in a quote?


According to the old adage, what do editors and reporters say a story should do?

Show, don't tell.

What is the attribution verb most used by journalists?


How should most attributions be structured?

The noun before the verb

Which of the following does not need to be attributed?

Obvious facts

What do reporters use to indicate deleted words, phrases or sentences in a quote?


When conducting an interview, you should ask the source your toughest question first.


Using anonymous sources in stories is encouraged by most editors. (T or F)


Plagiarism is cheating. (T or F)


An advantage of the notebook style of taking notes is that it's the fastest way to turn your notes
into a story. (T or F)


Reporters often use their own opinions in stories. (T or F)


The present tense is used for most breaking news stories. (T or F)


Use the attributive verb "said" often in your stories. (T or F)


A reporter who agrees to allow a source to speak off the record can print the information but not
attribute it to the source. (T or F)


What are beats?

Specified areas of coverage for reporters, such as schools, crime, sports and business

Which of the following is something a beat reporter should avoid?

Promising to spin stories favorably for sources

When do accidents become newsworthy?

When someone suffers serious injury or death

What does the textbook say is the first thing reporters should do when they arrive on the scene of
a disaster?

Question authorities.

How should reporters treat victims of a tragedy?

By treating them with respect

What story structure can you use to add dramatic narrative to a fire or crime story?

Martini glass

What details often are withheld from a crime story?

Names of victims of degrading crimes

Which of the following might not be considered newsworthy?


How do you keep politicians from "schmoozing" you?

Base your decision on what to write on what you owe your readers

Reporters are allowed to cross the yellow Do Not Cross tape usually put up by fire or police
officials. (T or F)


The following sentence is correct: "The house was totally destroyed by fire. (T or F)


News reporters can trust what lawyers say (T or F)


What popular type of feature story keeps readers aware of the people, places and things affecting
today's culture?


Feature stories differ from news stories in that they:

Focus on personal events, such as advice, relationships and ideas

Bouncing story ideas around with your colleagues, usually in a meeting, to generate story ideas
is known as:


Which is an example of soft news?

Personality profile

Which term refers to stories that expose the misconduct of government and business?

Investigative reporting

Unlike news stories, which usually are written in past tense, feature stories often are written in
present tense to put the reader in the middle of the action. (T or F)


Feature stories need no structure other than the inverted pyramid. (T or F)


Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of the press?

First Amendment

What is the name given to the laws that protect reporters in 39 states from revealing sources?

Shield laws

What federal law do reporters use to get access to federal records?

Freedom of Information Act

What punishment do reporters face for fabricating a story?

Getting fired

In copyright law, what is "fair use?

Allows a journalist to legally use limited portions of copyrighted material if the topic is newsworthy

Passing off someone else's words or ideas as your own is known as:


Which term refers to publishing restrictions imposed from outside the newsroom?


In regard to invasion of privacy, which term refers to gathering information unethically, in a
situation in which someone had a right to expect privacy?


In libel law, people who exercise power or influence in governmental affairs, such as police
officers, mayors or school superintendents, are:

Public officials

Deceiving or betraying the confidence of those who provide information for a story is known as

Burning a source

What is the best defense for libel?


What allows journalists to report anything said in official governmental proceedings, no matter
how defamatory, without being sued - as long as the reporting is accurate and fair?

Fair reporting privilege

If a reporter publishes the name of a confidential source after promising not to do so, the reporter
may be liable for:

Breach of contract

Journalists who accept gifts or favors are engaging in:

Conflict of interest

For reporters, invasion of privacy involves using people in a story in a way that violates their
right to be left alone. (T or F)


Sedition" refers to the publication of material considered too critical of government leaders or
policies (T or F)


Fair comment and criticism allow journalists to criticize performers, politicians and matters of
public interest. (T or F)


If a judge closes a courtroom, the reporter should get up and leave. (T or F)


Which type of lead should be used when a story unfolds slowly, as the writer eases into the topic with an engaging or meaningful anecdote?

Anecdotal/Narrative lead

Who is the author of your JOUR 260 textbook?

Tim Harrower

Journalism provides a maximum of information with a minimum of?


What is the structure of an inverted pyramid?

Most important facts, other key facts, more facts, less important facts, fluff and so on, more fluff

The first introduced quote of your story should be placed where?

Within first five paragraphs

A _________ is any short feature written to accompany a longer story.


According to what we discussed in class lecture slides, where does bias come from?

Family, friends and the media

What type of news story structure opens and closes with an anecdote?

The Kabob

Which of the following interview types involve informally picking an expert's brain on a topic you're researching?

A backgrounder

A brief is written using what writing style?

Inverted pyramid

What type of lead is considered a lazy lead?

Question Leads