World History Test 3

Ancient Romans thought of themselves as what?

Legendary descendants of the gods of Greek Mythology

Which two legendary sons of Mars supposedly were raised by a she-wolf and founded Rome as a city on the Palantine Hill along a curve of the Tiber River?

Romulus and Remus

What institution still uses Latin or the language of the Ancient Roman Empire as its language of official business?

The Roman Catholic Church

What legislative body was a legislative group that represented the lower classes in the Roman Republic?

The Tribal Assembly

What was a fatal flaw of the structure of the Roman Republic that eventually led to its downfall and the rise of the Roman Empire?

It allowed a supreme dictator to be appointed for 6 months who ruled with absolute power that could easily be abused

What is the period from 27BC to 180AD known as that was started by Octavian Augustus and would see Rome experience peace and prosperity and allow it to trade with India, China, and possibly even parts of America and gain all kinds of luxuries, wealth, and goods from around the world?

The Pax Romana

What Creed of the Church did Christian leaders develop under the guidance of Emperor Constantine when they met in Nicea in 325 AD to come to an agreement about basic teachings that all Christians believe as the main part of their faith?

Nicene Creed

What helped lead to the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD?

The Roman Empire was adding zinc and other metals to the gold and silver money and making it worth less and less and not taking any measures to keep prices low.

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What did the ancient Romans do when they persecuted Christians and Jews?

Crucified them or made them fight in gladiatorial games

What Roman Emperor made Christianity the legal religion of the Roman Empire after having a vision of a cross and winning a battle at Milvian Bridge against 3 larger opponents?

Emperor Constantine

(True or False) The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD due to devaluing its currency or making the money worth less than it had once been, not integrating immigrants into the Roman culture, and by stretching its resources to the breaking point by engaging in a series of endless wars.


When Chandragupta Maurya established the Mauryan Empire in 321BC, what happened to Buddhism and Hinduism?

Buddhism and Hinduism spread across northern India

What kind of society do the Tamil peoples of the Sri Lanka Kingdom in southern India have?

A matriarchal society where power and property pass from mothers to daughters and women rule the society

(True or False) Under the Mauryan and Gupta Empires, Hinduism forms a 3 god set of teaching with 1. Brahma as the creator god. 2. Vishnu as the protector god of Earth. and 3. Shiva as the evil destroyer god of the underworld.


What did China use to set up its first civil service exams to find capable bureaucrats to help it run its government effectively and efficiently?

Confucian principles and teachings

(True or False) Under the Han Dynasty of Emperors, China fell behind technologically and went back to using stone tools and wooden plows like cavemen did for their agriculture.

False, they developed the flamethrower and gunpowder before anyone else at the time. they also developed paper aswell.

(True or False) The Han Dynasty assimilated all of the various Chinese tribes and made one unified nation of them by insisting that Han Chinese or Mandarin became the language that everyone followed and did business in
