Object Relations/Psychodynamic Family Therapy

Object Relations FT Key figures

James Framo
Norman Paul
Jill & David Scharff

Rejecting object

Gives rise to the ANTILIBIDINAL EGO

Antilibidinal ego

The part of the ego that is formed from interactions with the REJECTING OBJECT

Antilibidinal system

Characterized by aggression, rage, and contempt;
An unconscious, repressed system within the ego

Exciting object

Gives rise to the LIBIDINAL EGO;
aka overstimulating object

Libidinal ego

The part of the ego that is formed from interactions with the EXCITING OBJECT

Libidinal system

Characterized by longing, need, and excitement;
An unconscious, repressed system within the ego

Ideal object

A neutral object freed from exciting and rejecting aspects;
Maintained by the CENTRAL EGO

Central ego

Conscious, adaptable, and free to deal with future experiences with attachment figures in reasonable ways;
Maintains the IDEAL OBJECT


An unconscious defense in which unwanted feelings or beliefs about oneself are split off and then attributed to others.

Projective identification

An interactive and dysfunctional defense mechanism in which unwanted characteristics of the self are unconsciously projected onto (attribute to) another person who colludes by behaving as if these projections are true of them;
e.g., father has impulse to


Asserted that the fundamental human drive was the need to be in relationship (not the gratification of drives)

Melanie Klein

Child analyst who explored the function of Fruedian instincts;
Discussed projection and splitting objects as a way of thinking about interactions in families

Bion, Ezriel, & Turquet

Extended Klein's work from individuals to groups;
Observed projective identification in groups

John Bowlby

ORT draws from this work on the fundamental human need for attachment + the destructive effects of early separation from caregivers

Course of treatment (ORT)

INSIGHT, fostered by use of TRANSFERENCE, is a necessary precursor for change + WORKING THROUGH is an essential step in mastering gains from insight


The process of clients gaining understanding of underlying, unconscious dynamic issues that affect relationships

Working through

Process of translating INSIGHT -> new and more productive ways of behaving and interacting


Used to foster INSIGHT;
Unconscious tendency to attribute to OFM/Tx unresolved drives, attitudes feelings, and fantasies from previous relationships + reenact them


Use of reenactment of TRANSFERENCE to make unconscious memories available;
Delivery of a tx's hypothesis, as a statement, re: historic underlying causes of current difficulties

Affect (ORT)

A signal from the unconscious;
Promotes learning and change when linked to interpretations

Level of intervention (ORT)

Interior of the family and its relation to the developing interiors of its individual members

ORT + Bowen

Both emphasize the need for a therapist to work toward clarification of personal past influences in order to help clients;
Similarly lengthy (2+ yrs)

Henry Dicks

Applied ORT to couples therapy;
The CENTRAL EGO seeks a partner and expects him/her to conform to the IDEAL OBJECT

Joseph Sandler

ORT analyst;
Families that lack structure / those w/out clearly defined roles are likely to raise children with vague ego identities

Scharff & Scharff

Mate selection is conscious and unconscious;
Healthy marital relations consist of a CENTRAL EGO in close contact with the LIBIDINAL EGO (creates conflict);
Relationship can be used to build an atmosphere that allows undesirable aspects of the self to be c

James Framo

Combines intergenerational and ORT in FT;
Based largely on Fairbairn's work, and expands by working with a couple/s and FOOs;
Provides opportunity to deal with FOO issues directly: promotes deeper understanding, corrective experiences, opportunity for mor

Framo's theory of normal development + dysfunction

The need for parental acceptance and approval is so strong that a child will sacrifice ego identity to maintain the relationship;
Repeated interactions -> unconscious internalization of representations (distortions) of parents (OBJECTS)... forms the INTRO


Unconscious internal representations of caregivers that incorporates distortions based on subjective experiences and perceptions


Internalized object;
Experienced as being either good or bad;
Influences current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors


A process of normal development in which parts of caretakers are split off and internalized in the child's developing personality;
Expectations of self and others are based on these internal representations (may be mature, overly rejecting, or inappropria

Symptoms (ORT)

Manifestations of distorted introjections

Treatment (ORT/Framo)

1) Gathering information about present situation and presenting problems + brief sketch of FOO
2) Bring the FOO into session in order to alleviate problems in current relationships (separate from spouses)
3) Insight -> working through (changes in interact

ORT Techniques

Therapeutic neutrality (no focus on problem solving or symptom relief)

Repressed or split off traits assumed in childhood...

are projected onto other people as the child matures... and lead to placement of unrealistic demands on later partners

Categories of adult child relations to FOO (Framo)

1) over-involved w/out social life outside of FOO
2) superficially involved, w/ visits out of duty
3) uninvolved or cut-off ("free of influence")
4) appropriately involved

The dirty middle

Framo's term for the impasse the couples reach after some insight and improvement while maintaining irreconcilable differences/conceptions of marriage;
Point at which Framo brings in FOO

FOO Sessions (Framo)

Way to "loosen the grip of internalized representatives";
Work to support client and FOO w/out blame;
Look for opportunities for genuine corrective experiences to establish adult-adult relationships with client's parents