Phys Lab #3

The nervous system is composed of ? and ?, and other cell types.

neurons; glial cells

? neurons propagate action potentials (APs) from receptors in the skin, sense organs, muscles, joints, and viscera (internal organs) to the central nervous system (CNS).

Afferent or Sensory

? neurons propagate APs from the CNS to effector organs (muscles or glands).

Efferent or motor

? neurons (or Interneurons) propagate APs from one neuron to another.


The three types of neurons work together to create a ?

neural network

the ?, or gray matter, of the brain, controls much of our behavior and thought.


the ?, which is responsible for such complex and abstract abilities as making plans and forming judgments.

frontal lobe

the ?, controls most of the voluntary movement of the body.

motor cortex

the ?, which is responsible for combining sensory information.

parietal lobe

the ?, which registers and processes body sensation.

sensory cortex

the ?, which is involved in vision

occipital lobe

Inside both temporal lobes (the thumbs) are the ? and ?


the ?, is linked to emotional reactions such as fear and anger.

limbic system

the ?, which is responsible for the heartbeat and breathing,


the ?, which is responsible for general arousal.

reticular formation

The ? are involved in initiating movement and in controlling fine movements.

basal ganglia

The ? is a relay station for messages between the lower brain centers and the cerebral cortex.


The ? directs maintenance activities such as eating, drinking, and body temperature.


The hypothalamus also helps govern the ? via the pituitary gland, and is linked to emotion.

endocrine system

A ? is an involuntary response to a stimulus that does not require conscious thought.


The components of a reflex include:

(1) the stimulus; (2) a sensory (afferent) neuron; (3) in some cases an association neuron (or interneuron); (4) a motor (efferent) neuron, and; (5) a response.

The simplest reflex is the knee jerk reflex (see Image 1). This reflex is ?, meaning that it involves only one synapse (i.e., a junction between two neurons) between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron.


Motor neurons receive both ? and ? synapses from different presynaptic neurons.


Inhibition of motor neurons is important in reflexes that involve ? muscles, such as the quadriceps and hamstring


Damage to the body's tissues will elicit a feeling of pain, but how is this achieved?

Pain receptors (called nociceptors) transmit action potentials along afferent nerves to the spinal cord and then upward to the brain. When the brain processes the signal and interprets it as pain, the affected individual become conscious of the pain.

Pain can be ? because sensory neurons originating from distinct areas of the body often converge (i.e., travel through the same nerve pathways) in the spinal cord and brain.


Amputees frequently report that they feel pain in their missing limbs (known as the ? phenomenon).

phantom limb

Voltage-gated sodium (Na+) have three states

Closed and ready to open, Open and conducting (Na+), and Inactive

? neurons propagate action potentials from the CNS to effector organs, whereas ? neurons propagate action potentials from sensory receptors to the CNS.


The ? region of the brain acts as a relay station for messages between the lower brain centers and the cerebral cortex.


A reflex is an ? (one word) response to a stimulus. The simplest reflex is the knee jerk reflex, which is ?
(one word) because it only involves a single synapse between a sensory and a motor neuron.


Generally, what is the proper order for the series of neural components associated with a reflexive response? Please select the proper order from the multiple choice responses below.
a) interneuron (not all cases)
b) response
c) stimulus
d) efferent neuro

stimulus, afferent neuron, interneuron, efferent neuron , response

True or False: Inhibition of motor neurons is important in reflexes that involve antagonistic muscles


Examples of reflexes
