Anterior Triangle of the Neck

Borders of Anterior Triangle

Anterior border: Midline of the neck
Superior border: inferior border of the mandible
Posterior border: SCM

What separates the anterior triangle from the posterior triangle?

SCM is posterior border of anterior triangle and anterior border of posterior triangle

shape, location and function

Shape: U shaped, made of greater horn, lesser horn and body
Location: inferior to the mandible at C3
Function: provides site of attachment of many facial muscles... less horn is attachment sight of stylohyoid ligament

Thyroid cartilage...

C4 and C5

Cricoid cartilage...

C6 also serves as the end of the pharynx and beginning of the esophagus

What are the 4 smaller triangles of the anterior triangle?

Submental triangle
Submandibular triangle
Muscular triangle
Carotid triangle

Submental triangle borders

Superior border: anterior belly of digastricmuscle
Inferior border: hyoid bone

Submandibular triangle borders

Superior border: inferior border of mandible
Anterior border: anterior belly of digastric muslce
Posterior border: posterior belly of digastric muscle

Muscular triangle borders

Midline of neck
Superior belly of omohyoid muscle

Carotid triangle borders

Posterior belly of digastric muscle
Superior belly of omohyoid muscle

Roof of anterior triangle

Deep cervical fascia

Floor of submandibular triangle

Mylohyoid muscle
Hyoglossus muscle (deeper)

What 4 muscles make up the suprahyoid muscles?

Anterior belly of digastric
Posterior belly of digastric

Origin of Anterior belly of digastric

Digastric fossa of mandible

Insertion of Anterior belly of digastric

Via intermediate tendon to body and greater horn of hyoid

Origin of posterior belly of digastric

Mastoid notch (temporal bone)

Insertion of posterior belly of digastric

Via intermediate tendon to body and greater horn of hyoid

Origin of stylohyoid

Styloid process (temporal bone)

Insertion of stylohyoid

Body of hyoid

Origin of Mylohyoid

Mylohyoid line of mandible (inside mandible)

Insertion of Mylohyoid

Mylohyoid (median) raphe and body of hyoid


Where two muscles interact with each other and join

Origin of geniohyoid

inferior mental spine (lower anterior area)

Insertion of geniohyoid

body of hyoid

What is the function of the surpahyoid muscles?

Swallowing reflex to elevate the tongue and floor of the mouth
Also help open the jaw when the hyoid is held down by the infrahyoid muscles

What innervates anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid?

Nerve to the mylohyoid CN V V3 branch, remember that these muscles are derived from pharyngeal arc 1 which makes them SVE (special visceral efferent) fibers

What innervates the posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid?

CN VII, remember that these muscles are derived from pharyngeal arc 2 which makes them SVE (special visceral efferent) fibers

What are the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve?


Contents of submandibular triangle

Superficial part of the submandibular gland
Submandibular lymph nodes

Function of submandibular lymph nodes?

Drain the upper lip, lateral part of the lower lip, margin of the tongue and posterior teeth

What separates the superficial and deep parts of the submandibular gland?

Mylohyoid muscle

What nerve is in danger when surgery is done in the submandibular triangle?

CN VII (facial) because 20% of the time the marginal mandiblular branch is below the inferior border of the mandible

Contents of submental triangle?

Mylohyoid mm
Submental lymph nodes

Function of submental triangle?

Drain tip of tongue, mandibular anterior teeth, and median part of lower lip

Where would a carcinoma in center of lower lip drain to?

Submental lymph nodes

Where would a carcinoma in center of upper lip drain to?

Submandibular lymph nodes

What 4 muscles make up the infrahyoid mm?


What 2 infrahyoid muscles are more superficial, and what 2 muscles are deep

Superficial: Sternohyoid and omohyoid
Deep: Sternothyroid and Thyrohyoid

Function of mm

Fix and steady the hyoid bone, movements of the tongue and swallowing

Ansa Cervicalis...

Closely related to carotid sheath superficial to internal carotid aa but deep to omohyoid m

Ansa Cervicalis...
Function and composition

Function: Innervates the strap muscles, which are GSE fibers (bc cervical myotomes)
Composition: Superior root (C1) and inferior root (C2 and C3) are joined by this loop

What cervical segments make up the cervical plexus?


Where does the carotid artery split? and which one of the split arteries branches?

Carotid artery splits at CV4 into the internal carotid artery (ICA) which distributes to inside of skull and external carotid artery (ECA) which branches and distributes to the outside of the skull

What is the pnemonic for external carotid artery names?


Name the 8 branches of the external carotid artery

Superior thyroid a
Ascending pharyngeal a
Lingual a
Facial a
Occipital a
Posterior auricular a
Superficial temporal a
Maxillary a