occupational health v2

Physical sound quantity unit

sound pressure level (not db)

typical hearing loss in noise overexposure

4000 hz

raynauds phenomenon

cold test, louis prusik test, pletysmography finger NOT EMG

laser properties:

- monochromatic light,
- same wavelength,
- no divergence

best absorbed radiation by lead


Best climate measurements

humidity, temp�C and air velocity

Thermal comfort factors is not influenced by

psychological stress

best method of detection fo physical activity

Indirect calorimetry

Visible light spectrum

400 - 750nm

Dust particles into alveoli

5 micro


spare prevention



Energy output

watt (should be joules)

Farmer's lung

hypersensitivity penumonitis caused by hay mold and dust

limit for healthy noise

85 db

what is kinetosis

whole body vibration

spare prevention at the work place

masks + gloves

Deterministic effect

acute radition sickness

Stochastic vs Deterministic


when is EMG not used

in Reynaulds

test not used in carpal tunnel syndrome

coombs test (serology test)

factor causing hand vibration

chain saw

Miners are exposed to:

limb exhaustion

Moldy hay for farmers most common cause


carpal tunnel

most common occ disease inCR

which colour absorbes heat


indirect calorimetry

best way to measure work output

cancerous fibers


Regulation 361/2007 coll -

assesment of health risk working with asbestos and checking its presence in the work place

most debilitating effect on a worker.


not a presentation of hearing loss? Stress at work?

decreased BP

which factor does not affect the working temperature

Psychological stress

root of exposure of HCV


Laser -

d) all above correct (all statements correct)

Amount of work is measured in


most debilitating factor effecting a worker.

heart failure

Review PPT


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Most frequent occupational desease
Caused by vibrations/long-term excessive unilateral overload (vs. general causes)
Locksmith, miner, assembly worker, metal grinder
At least moderately impaired

CTS diagnostics

Phalen�s maneuver
Tinel�s test
Electromyography (objective method) (though it says differently above?)

Damage to small blood vessels caused by vibration

vasospastic stage:
--> in hypothermia - secundar Raynaud's phenomenon
--> parestezia, whitening, desensitization, after whitening ? reactive hyperemia
vasoparalytic stage (rare)
--> paralysis of smooth muscle arterioles
--> cyanosis and swelling of finger

Secondary Reynaud

water cooling test
finger plethysmography

bone joints and damage

caused by repetitive microtrauma and subsequent reparative process (vibrations)
Bone cysts -
Arthosis -
Aseptic necrosis

Occupational diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs, pleura and peritoneum

Silicosis, coalworkers pneumoconiosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Professional bronchial asthma
Lung cancer from radioactive substances

Rest of Power Points


Employer is obligated

to ensure occupational health care services provider

employee is obligated

medical exam
special kind of vaccination (if nec)
must follow occupational safety and health

Health protection at work:

working conditions assessment
health affects of exposure assessment

categorization of work (4x)

1. Minimal risk
2. bearable
3. significant
4. high
3+4= risky work


acceptable expsure:
mg.m-3 or fiber m-3

dust and chemicals limit

1. up to 30% of limit
2. from 30% to limit
3. exceed limit
4. really freaking exceeds limit,

cold load limit

not lower than 4degrees

exposure assessment: biological monitoring

plumbemia (lead?) .4mg/l

lead poisoning

accumulation of intermediates --> colic pain, anemia
peripheral neuropathy, encephalopathy, black spots on gums

lead poisoining diagnostics and therapy

Blood (serum) lead level
Population level < 0,1mg/l
Occupational exposure < 0,4 mg/l
Poisoning > 0,5 mg/l
? Aminolevulinic acid
Basophilic stippling of erythrocytes
Tx: Chelates (EDTA + saline in intravenous infusion)

Mercury posioning

Blood (serum) mercury level - recent exposure
Population level 4-10 ?g/l
Occupational exposure not determined
Urine mercury level - chronic exposure
Occupational exposure limit 0,1 mg/g creatin.
Bed rest + pulmonary edema therapy
Chelates (DMPS di

CO poisoning

confirmed by measuring the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood
Breath CO monitoring = alternative to pulse CO-oximetry
Fresh air (CO half-life 4hrs)
Oxygenotherapy (100% oxygen accelerating carboxyhemoglobin decrease 4x)
Hyperbaric oxygen t

Binaural Hearing Loss Formula

Total binaural hearing loss: (B-A)/4 + A
A - % better hearing ear losses
B - % worse hearing ear losses

Noise Damage

Under 30 years
? 40% total loss and more...
Between 30 and 50 years
? 40% + 1% every 2 years
Over 50 years
? 50% total loss and more...
+ when working in excessive noise exposure (assessment by PHA, usually when exceeds 85 dB per 8 hour shift)


Ear plugs up to 95 dB
Ear shells 95 dB and above
CAVE different sound characteristics - choose according to the noise spectrum in the workplace
Helmets 100 dB and above (+ bone conduction)

Vibration Classification

Whole body vibration (vertical or horizontal)
(0,5 Hz - 80 Hz)
From vibrating seat or a platform
Whole body vibration of a frequance lower than 0,5 Hz -> motion sickness
Hand/foot transmitted vibration
(6,3 Hz - 1250 Hz)
Special way transmitted vibration

Vibration Pains

General discomfort
Spinal health risk (low-back pain)
Fatigue due to vibrations (postural muscle spasm ? relaxation)
Motions sickness
Increased CV risk

Max allowable vibration

maximum allowable vibration acceleration level in 8 hour shift = 128 dB (hand-transsmited vibrations)

Hand /Foot damage vibration

Peripheral nerve damage
-- Nervus medianus impairment
-- Nervus ulnaris impairment
Small vessels damage
Bones and joint damage



dust pollution rate

By weight, mg/m3
By number (particles - fibers), particles/m3
PEL = permissible exposure limit

dusts with fibrotic effect

Crystalline form of silica
Mining, tunneling, glassblowing etc.

dust with non specific effect

just deposition.
CAVE: any fibrogenic or toxic component???
Lignite, limestone, oxides of iron...

dust with irritating effect

Cotton, flax, hemp, silk...
Feathers, wool, fur...
Flour, tobacco, spices, grain dust...
Dust from wood
Formaldehyde resins, epoxy resins dust etc...

mineral fiber dust

Natural mineral fibres: Asbestos
Man-made mineral fibres:Slag, glass...

nitrogen narcosis

reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs while diving at depth (resamble effects of alcohol/BZD)

gamma radiation

electromagnetic radiation of an extremely high frequency ( energies above 100 keV), very penetrating
fom the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei, consists of photons
natural sources: naturally occurring radioisotopes
more penetrating but less ionising than

ionizing radiation units (source)

-> source related
Radioactivity (Bq)
1 Bq = One nucleus decay per second

ionizing radiation units (recipient)

Absorbed dose (Gy)
absorbed amount of energy (J/kg)
measuring high levels of ionizing radiation on the human body (deterministic effect)
Equivalent dose (Sv)
absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation weighting factor WR (dependent on the type and energy o

radiation dermatitis

Early erythema: a few hours after exposure; disappear within 24 hours
Late erythema: Latency: 2-3 weeks
similar to termal burns
badly healing ulcers, falls apart even after years
may even cause temporary or permanent hair loss, atrophy, pigmentation, etc.

physical characteristics of light

electromagnetic radiation, range of 400-700 nanometres
luminous intensity - "flux density", wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle (candela)
luminous flux - total quantity of visible light emitte

disease of lung, pleura, peritoneum caused by asbestos

Asbestosis from s2, t2, u2 according to ILO
Pleural hyalinosis (with impaired pulmonary function)
Mesothelioma of the pleura or peritoneum
Lung cancer, larynx cancer or ovarian cancer in association with asbestosis or pleural hyalinosis

traveler's diarrhea prevention

boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it