Chapter 1


is your reputation for being trust worthy.
*perform your work with excellence
*to care about those you work with and for
*have ethical values
*deliver on your promise

Three components of credibility


Post-trust era

the public overwhelmingly views businesses as operating against the public's best intertest, and majority of the leaders view their leaders and colleagues skeptically.

A global cheating culture

a label used to describe pervasive cheating culture


*refers to knowledge and skills need to accomplish business tasks, approach business problem and get the job done.
*people judge your competence based on your track record of achievement and success.
*develop competence through observation, study, practic

Two traits of of competence:

*Focus on Actions - implies that you have to seize business opportunities.
*Emphasize on results -


*understanding the interests of others
*Cultivating a sense of community
*demonstrating accountability - obligations and enlarged visons to the stakeholders


includes all the groups effected by your business


*reputation for staying true to commitments made to stakeholders and adhering to high moral and ethical values.
*important for long term collaborative and long term relationship.
*central for creating trust

Four topics of character

*Business ethics
*corporate and personal values
*open and honest communication
*fairness in business communication


are rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior

Business ethics

accepted beliefs and principles in the business community for accepted behavior.
It involves:
*adhering to laws
*safeguarding propriety and confidential information
*avoiding conflict of interest
*misuse company assets
*refraining from accepting or provid


Sharing all relevant information with the stakeholders

You can create transparency by

*being accessible
* acknowledging the concerns of others
*following through when you don't have answers

Corporate values

are the stated and lived values of the company

personal values

those values that individual prioritize and adhere to

Every company has a

code of conduct (Sarbanes-Oxley Act - 2002)

Consequence of dishonesty in workplace

* employees doom it to be poor financial performance
*low employee morale
*reason for dismissal

FAIR test

Facts Assess Impact Respect

Establishing crediblity

allows you to communicate more freely and influentially