Semester Test Civics

What is it an advantage of a command economy

Redirect resources rapidly

What is the court of last resort

The supreme court

How often are national elections held

Every even number year

What are the requirements for voting in elections in the United States today

You are a US citizenYou are 18 yrs or older

What improve human capital

Education and training

What is a characteristic of a jury member


What is essential to running a successful political campaign


What best describes the federal debt

Rising at a steady rate

What are two types of torts

Intentional and negligents

What does the constitution say about political parties

Doesn't mention political parties

What are two main participants in the circular flow of economic activity

People and businesses

What do workers form when they join together to improve wages and working conditions

Labor unions

Who makes most of the economic decisions in the United States


What age group is included in the civilian work force

Citizens 16 years or older who aren't working/looking for work

Which government agency maintains competition in the marketplace

Federal trade commission

What option should you except when thinking like an economist

When the benefits outweigh the cost

Why are campaign donations controversial

May lead to favored treatment

What laws protect reporters from having to reveal their sources

Shield law

Which amendment to the United States Constitution protects freedom of the press

1st amendment

What is the purpose of laws about lobbyists

To prevent unfair influence

Which state officials is in charge of reviewing the conduct of state departments and offices to make sure work is done honestly efficiently

State auditor

Why was AT&T broken out by the government

Unfair monopoly

What is a characteristic of a free enterprise system

Individuals can start businesses with little government interference

What is the only state to have a unicameral legislature


What does the country courthouse serve as in the 1800s

The government

What is the greatest source of revenue for the federal government

Personal income taxes

What is an example of a resource

Natural resources

What does a single resource economy depend on

Export of one product

How much of all the goods and services in the world does the United States produce


Can state borrow money

Only for Long-term projects

Who manages the day today affairs under a council manager form of government

The city manager

Who owns natural monopolies of water and sewer services

Local government

What happens to interest on government borrowing when the borrowing goes up

Interest goes up

What does a judge issue after the police have gathered evidence

An arrest warrant

Countries that have free trade agreements do not have ________ on each other's goods

Tariffs/Trade barriers

What is one reason a public official might leak information to the press

To test the public reaction

What is a statement that correctly describes the federal income tax

Proportional tax

Based on a 2010 law what must businesses provide to employees

Health insurance

What is a type of print media


What is a term that means the public disclosure of important financial information


How does a small community become a village

They have to get their state's permission

What is a defendant in a civil lawsuit most likely to argue

That no loss occurred by the plaintiff

Which type of law is involved if a defendant argues that here she is the victim of an unreasonable search

Constitutional law

What does the 15th amendment state

A citizens right to vote may not be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

What does United States Constitution prohibits states from doing

Taxing imports from other states