6.6 The Shapes of Atomic Orbitals

surface density plot

The plot of 4(pi)(r squared)(psi squared) vs. r is referred by chemists as a ________ _________ ________ or radial distribution plot.


For the __ orbital, 4?r^2?^2 is zero at the nucleus; there is no probability the electron will be exactly at the nucleus (r=0)


Shape of 1s orbital:

boundary surface

the surface showing the region of space within which there is about 90% probability of finding an electron when it occupies a specific orbital in an atom or molecule; makes it easier to draw the orbital


The basic premise in quantum mechanics is that the electeon is treated as a ______.


______ surfaces that cut throuh the nucleus occur for all p, d, and f orbitals. These surfaces are usually flat, so they are often referred to as _______ planes. Some orbitals aren't flat however.

nodal surface

A surface on which the probability of finding the electron is zero


The value of _ is equal to the number of nodal surfaces slicing throught the nucleus.

electron spin quantum number



Elements and compounds hat have inpaired electrons are attracted to a magnet. Such species are called ______.


Substances with all electrons paired experience a slight repulsion when subjected to a magnet, they're called ______.