1st Quarter Government Test


Structure of our government

Structure of the constitution

Preamble, 7 articles , 27 amendments, bill of rights (amendments 1-10)


Addition or change to the original 7 articles

How many amendments are there?


bill of rights

First 10 amendments

Principle #1

Popular sovereignty

Principle #2

Limited government

Principle #3

Separation of powers

Principle #4

Checks and balances

Principle #5

Judicial review

Principle #6


Delegated/exclusive powers

Powers given to the national government in the constitution

Expressed/enumerated powers

National powers spelled out in the constitution

Implied powers

National powers not directly written in the constitution but are suggested by the Elastic Clause

Inherent powers

National powers not written in the constitution but exist because it is a sovereign country

Denied national powers

National powers denied by the constitution

Reserved powers

Powers not given to the national government but aren't denied to the states

Denied state powers

State powers denied by the constitution

Concurrent powers

Powers that the state and national governments both have

1st amendment

Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and right to petition the government

2nd amendment

Right to bear arms

3rd amendment

Government can't force you to house soldiers

4th amendment

No illegal searches or seizures

5th amendment

Cannot be tried for the same crime twice (double jeopardy)

Due process of law

Government must uphold all your legal rights

Eminent domain

The government can't take your land unless it pays you for it