Dramatic Conventions - Grade 10 Drama


The use of different heights in a group by actors standing, sitting or lying down


A lengthy speech for one person.

slow motion

A convention used in performance and process drama in which movement, expressions and gestures are slowed down and exaggerated to heighten tension or isolate an important moment.


A sequence of sounds shaped to enhance action and mood in a drama.

split focus

Having two different dialogues or actions happening simultaneously on stage.


The use of a character, prop or aspect of the set to exemplify an idea (for example, a red rose to represent love; white as a sign of purity or innocence).

spoken diary

A convention in which the character writes a diary or letter speaking the contents aloud and thereby explaining his/her feelings to the audience or other participants.

chorus movement

A convention in which a group moves together with a sense of purpose to heighten the moment or to create a particular visual or spatial effect.

chorus of voice

A convention used in performance in which individuals or groups provide spoken explanation or commentary on the main action of a drama.

flashback or flashforward

A structural convention which involves shifting backwards or forwards in time so that participants or the audience can experience or investigate action or context from another perspective.

gossip chorus

A convention in which the group speaks the rumors about an event in the drama, sharing fragments of conversation which can be developed into a chorus work.

still image, frozen image or tableau

A convention used in performance in which a person or the members of a group use their bodies to make an image capturing an idea, theme, or moment in time; also called a group sculpture or still image or frozen image or tableau.


A structural convention in which you create a piece of drama, then re-order it and perform it by cutting back and forward to different moments of the drama.


The process of building an ensemble piece that is created by you from the needs and interests of your group.

dramatic meaning

What is communicated between the actors and the audience.

dramatic tension

The power or force which drives all drama; it engages the audience and creates anticipation and excitement.