BILD 1: Midterm 1


-smallest unit of matter that retains properties of an element
-element properties depends on this structure

valence electrons

-number of electons in the outermost shell
-chemical properties of an atom is most related to this

covalent bonds

-electrons are shared
-stable and strong (50-200 kcal/mol)
-atoms very close (0.1-0.2 nm apart)
-usually represented by a line (--)
-define the spatial arrangements of atoms in biological molecules

non-polar covalent bonds

-electrons are shared equally
~hydrogen (H2)
~oxygen (O2)
~methane (CH4)

polar covalent bonds

-electrons are not shared equally
~water (H20)


-dictates equal or unequal sharing of electron pairs
~N and O in polar covalent bonds because they have unshared electron pairs

non-covalent bonds

-binding interactions that do not involve shared electrons
-weak bonds (1-7 kcal/mole)
-distance between atoms (0.3 nm)
>hydrogen bonds
>van der waals attraction
>hydrophobic effect
>ionic bonds
-define interactions between molecules or parts

hydrogen bonds

-when a H atom is covalently bonded to an electronegative atom (N and O), the H atom becomes slightly polarized and slightly positive in charge
-there the H atom that is slightly positive can form a weak non-covalent interaction with electron rich (electr

van der waals attraction

-weak non-covalent interaction between non-polar hydrophobic molecules

hydrophobic effect

-molecules that cannot form H-bonds with water will form a separate phase
~oil and water

ionic bonds

-non-covalent (no electrons shared)
-one atom donates electron to another
-fills outer shell of both atoms (produces positive and negative ion)
3-7 kcal/mole

functional groups

-parts of organic molecules that are involved in chemical reactions
-found in many types of organic molecules (especially macromolecules)
-have properties that involve acid base chemistry
-always negatively charged at physiological pH

amphipathic molecules

-consists of polar and nonpolar bonds
-hydrophobic (water hating)
-hydrophilic (water loving)


-create a space where water cannot enter
-amphipathic molecules of the same size will form a ball
>but cells need a wall to contain an aqueous environment


-solution to the containment problem
-sheet of amphipathic molecules
-closed structure so there are no hydrophobic edges
-inner aqueous environment separated from outer aqueous environment
>bilayer is poorly permeable to ions and to big molecules


-same number of atoms, but different structures
~cis and trans
>mirror images


-polymers (built from monomers)
-carbohydrates (polysaccharides)
-lipids (fats, phospholipids)
-nucleic acids (DNA, RNA)


-fatty acids
>not a polymer
>large molecules that are assembled by dehydration reaction
>carboxylic acid with a long unbranched aliphatic tail (hydrocarbon chain), which is either saturated or unsaturated
~stearic acid
~oleic acid


>sugars and polymers of sugars
-store energy
~animals: glycogen
~plants: starch
-structural support
~plants: cellulose (wood)
~insects: exoskeleton (chitin)
-when placed in water, ring form is much more favored
-sugars in nucleic acids


>polymers of amino acids
>20 different R groups (side chains)
>in cell: pH7 - ionize
-responsible for over 50% cellular mass
>enzymes, which speed up chemical reactions
>structural support

primary structure

-list of amino acids
-from N term to C term
-cannot be denatured
>covalent bonds

secondary structure

-interactions between peptide backbone
-type of non-covalent interaction
~beta pleated sheet
-can be denatured
>non-covalent bonds

tertiary structure

-interactions between R groups (20 of them)
-3D structure
-hydrophobic interactions and van der waals interactions
-can be denatured
>non-covalent bonds

quaternary structure

-interactions between proteins
-can be denatured
>non-covalent bonds

small molecule recognition

-antibodies are large groups of proteins that recognize small molecular signals on invading organisms, etc.
-many toxins are proteins that can find target cells through binding to small molecular signals on target cells
-a way for signals and infor

big molecule recognition

-protein - protein interaction
-cell recognition
-structural proteins
-protein receptors
-specificity in membrane dynamics

nucleic acids

-polymer of nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds
>information storage molecule
>store energy (ATP)
-2 types (both involved in protein synthesis)
>DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
>>permanent blueprint for specifying proteins
>>make up genes


-does not require energy to proceed


-require energy to proceed

Gibbs free energy

-deltaG = [G(products) - G (reactants)]
-free energy of a reaction from the final state and the initial state
-free energy (amount of energy that can do work)
-deltaG = deltaH - TdeltaS
>spontaneous (exergonic) because deltaH<0 (released heat) a


-chemical reactions in the cell
-all controlled, stepwise fashion


-enthalpy (heat)
>heat released
>break a bond
>heat infused (absorbed)
>create a bond


>create order
>create disorder


-increase rate of the reaction
-serve as a catalyst - can be reused
-allows for the influx of energy
-lowers energy of activation
-deltaG is unchanged
-works for forward and reverse reactions
-substrate specific (specificity)
>substrate is acted on by thi

active site

-pocket on enzyme where substrate can bind


-compatible fit between enzyme and substrate

induced fit

-substrate binding induces 3D structural change of enzyme

enzyme kinetics

-reaction rates with and without an enzyme

saturation curve

-substrate is in vast abundance to study enzyme kinetics
-helps determine type of regulation

Michaelis-Menten constant

-since the substrate concentrate of Vmax cannot be measured exactly, enzymes must be characterized by the substrate concentration at which the rate of reaction is half its maximum

competitive inhibitors

>substrate can now bind
-inhibition can be overcome by increasing the concentration of S

reversible inhibitors

-have affinity for an enzyme via non-covalent interactions

non-competitive inhibitors

-inhibition cannot be overcome by increasing the concentration of S

irreversible inhibitors

-may bind at the active site, or at a different site
-small amount will look a lot like the reversible non-competitive
>reduction in Vmax and Km is unaffected

allosteric regulation

-noncompetitive binding
-binding causes change in 3D conformation of the enzyme
-could have a positive or negative affect on reaction rate
-small molecules downstream in a metabolic pathway can act as this
~conversion of threonine to isoleucine


-only seen in multisubunit protein where all the subunits do the same thing
-sigmoid curve


-enzyme which transfers phosphate from ATP to another molecule

cellular respiration

-pathway that produces energy in the form of ATP during the oxidation of organic fuels (exergonic, catabolic pathway)
-oxidation-reduction reaction (redox reaction)
-occurs in discrete stages
>citric acid cycle (krebs cycle)


-loss of electrons


-gain of electrons


-outer membrane
-intermembrane space
-inner membrane


-split sugars
-6C sugar (glucose) --> 2*3C sugars (pyruvate - goes to Kreb's cycle)
-two phases
>energy investment phase
>>2 ATP
>energy payoff phase
>>4 ATP, 2NADH + 2H+
>>2 ATP, 2NADH + 2H+, 2 pyruvate + 2H2O
-key step
>G3P (intermediate

kreb's cycle

-citric acid cycle
-3C sugar (pyruvate in cytosol) --redox to mitochondria--> CO2 + NADH + FADH2 (acetyl coA)
-72 protein transport complex
>oxidation to release CO2
>reduction of NAD+ to NADH + H+
> coenzyme A linked to remaining 2 carbon sugar

oxidative phosphorylation

-NADH + FADH2 --oxidized--> NAD+ and FAD
-ADP + Pi --> ATP made
-O2 is used (aerobic)
-electron transport
>oxidation of NADH and FADH2 to NAD+ and FAD
-chemiosmosis will generate ATP
>30 ATP

electron transport chain

-NADH + H+ + 1/2 O2 --> NAD + + H2O
-separate electron
-transport them through several proteins
-multiple small reactions
-O2 is ultimate acceptor of electron
-main goal
>accept electrons
>pump protons across (against concentration gradient)


-proton (H+) motive force
>linking electron transport and H+ shuttling to ATP synthesis
-as electron enters the ETC, H+ are pumped across membrane (from matrix to intermembrane space
-now high [H+] in intermembrane space

ATP synthase

-linking ETC and H+ shuttling
-H+ gradient + ADP + Pi --> ATP
-energy is generated from ion gradient
>H+ ions: higher in intermembrane space than in matrix
>key is diffusion
>>spontaneous movement of a molecule from high to low concentration
>>H+ repel ba