Avancemos 2 - Ch.4.1 The Imperfect Tense

yo estaba

I was

tú estabas

you were

él estaba

he was

nosotros estábamos

we were

ellos estaban

they were

yo hacía

I used to do

ella hacía

she used to do

nosotros hacíamos

we used to do

ellas hacían

they used to do

yo era

I was

tú eras

you were

él era

he was

nosotros éramos

we were

ellos eran

they were

yo iba

I used to go

tú ibas

you used to go

ella iba

she used to go

nosotros íbamos

we used to go

ellas iban

they used to go

yo veía

I used to see

tú veías

you used to see

ella veía

she used to see

nosotros veíamos

we used to see

ellos veían

they used to see

yo peleaba

I was fighting

tú peleabas

you were fighting

él peleaba

he was fighting

nosotros peleábamos

we were fighting

ellos peleaban

they were fighting

yo moría

I was dying

tú morías

you were dying

nosotros moríamos

we were dying

ellos morían

they were dying

yo lloraba

i was crying

tú llorabas

you were crying

ella lloraba

she was crying

él tenía celos

he was jealous

nosotros teníamos celos

we were jealous

ellos tenían celos

they were jealous

ella transformaba

she was transforming

ellos llevaban

they used to take

yo llevaba

I used to take

ella dormía

she was sleeping

