Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

Point 1

No secret alliances and treaties.

Point 2

Free and open seas

Point 3

Indiscriminate trade (No economic barriers, etc)

Point 4

Disarmament of all nations, victorious or otherwise

Point 5

Equal distribution of colonial land

Point 6

Self-determination of former Russian Empire territories

Point 7

Restoration of Belgian land and economy

Point 8

The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France from Germany

Point 9

Italian Border Readjustment

Point 10

Self-determination of former Austro-Hungarian territories

Point 11

Self-determination of the lands in the Balkan region

Point 12

Self-determination of Turkey, a major part of the Ottoman Empire.

Point 13

Polish Sovereignty

Point 14

The formation of the League of Nations