Exam 1 (Part 2)


Nerve cells, which are the basic units of this system; receive, integrate, and transmit information in the nervous system

Neural Networks

Circuits that are formed as a result of selective communication between neurons

Nervous System

Divided into two functional groups - Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System

Central Nervous System

Consists of the brain and the spinal cord; organizes and evaluates the information from the PNS and directs the PNS to perform specific behaviors or make bodily adjustments

Peripheral Nervous System

Consists of all the other nerve cells in the rest of the body; transmits information to the CNS

Three basic types of neurons

Sensory (Afferent) Neurons, Motor (Efferent) Neurons, and Interneurons

Afferent (Sensory) Neurons

Detect information from the physical world and pass the information to the brain (usually through the spinal cord)

Somatosensory Nerves

Sensory nerves that provide information from the skin and muslces

Efferent (Motor) Neurons

Direct muscles to contract or relax, thereby producing movement (transmit signals from the brain to the body)


Communicate within local or short-distance circuits instead of the entire body

Four structural regions of neurons

Dendrites, Soma (cell body), Axon, and Terminal Buttons


Short, branchlike appendages that increase the neuron's receptive field and detect chemical signals from neighboring neurons

Soma (Cell Body)

Receives information from thousands of other neurons and is collected and integrated


A long, narrow outgrowth along which electrical impulses are transmitted

Terminal Buttons

Knoblike structures at the ends of axons


The site where chemical communication occurs between neurons

Synaptic Cleft

Tiny gap between the axon of the "sending" neuron and the dendrites of the "receiving" neurons

Presynaptic (Postsynaptic)

The neurons in the chain of communication

Myelin Sheath

Encases and insulates electrical signals which travel quickly down the axon; made of glial cells (neuroglia/glia)

Nodes of Ranvier

Small gaps of exposed axon located between gila segments

Ion Channels

Located at gaps; allow negatively and positively charged molecules (ions) to pass in and out of the cell when the neuron transmits signals down the axon

Resting Membrane Potential

When a neuron is resting, the inside and outside are different electrically; the ratio of negative to positive ions is greater inside the neuron than outside it


When a neuron has more negative ions inside than outside it

Two types of ions that contribute to a neuron's resting membrane potential

Sodium Ions and Potassium Ions

Sodium Ions

Allow only sodium ions to pass through the membrane

Potassium Ions

Allow only potassium ions to pass through the membrane

Sodium-Potassium Pump

Works to increase potassium and decrease sodium inside the neuron

Action Potential (Neural Firing)

Electrical signal that passes along the axon and causes the release of chemicals that transmit signals to other neurons

Two types of signals arrive at the dendrites

Excitatory Signals and Inhibitory Signals

Excitatory Signals

Depolarize (reduce polarization in) the cell membrane, increasing the likelihood that the neuron will fire

Inhibitory Signals

Hyperpolarize (increase polarization in) the cell, decreasing the likelihood that the neuron will fire


Wave-like movement of the cell membrane's depolarization along the axon as a result of a firing neuron

All-Or-None Principle

A neuron fires with the same potency each time; doesn't fire weak or strong, how often it fires depends on the strength of stimulation

Presynaptic Neuron

Neuron that sends the signal

Postsynaptic Neuron

Neuron that receives the signal


Chemical substances that carry signals across the synaptic cleft


Specialized protein molecules located on the postsynaptic membrane that specifically respond to the chemical structure of the neurotransmitter available in the synapse

Three major events that terminate neurotransmitter's influence in synaptic cleft

Reuptake, Enzyme Deactivation, and Autoreceptors


Occurs when neurotransmitters are taken back into presynaptic terminal buttons

Enzyme Deactivation

Occurs when an enzyme destroys the neurotransmitter in synaptic cleft


Monitor how much neurotransmitter has been released into synaptic cleft


Drugs and toxins that enhance the actions of neurotransmitters


Drugs inhibiting these actions


Acetylcholine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, Glutamate, Endorphins, Substance P


Motor control over muscles; Learning, memory, sleeping, and dreaming (botox, alzheimer's)


Energy ("fight or flight")


Arousal and vigilance (clarity of attention)


Emotional states and impulsiveness; Dreaming (low levels: sad and anxious moods, food cravings, aggressive behavior; treat depression, OCD, eating disorders, obesity)


Reward and motivation; Motor control over voluntary movement (Parkinson's)


Inhibition of action potentials; Anxiety reduction; Intoxication (through alcohol) (Epileptic seizures, anxiety disorders)


Enhancement of action potentials; Learning and memory


Pain reduction and reward

Substance P

Pain perception; Mood and anxiety


Epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonine, and dopamine - regulate arousal, regulate feelings, and motivate behavior


The idea that all areas of the brain are equally important in cognitive activities such as problem solving and memory


The practice of assessing personality traits and mental abilities by measuring bumps on the human skull


Devices used to tell about participants' personalities based on the locations and sizes of bums on their heads

Broca's Area

Located in the front left side of the brain; crucial for the production of language

Spinal Cord

Responsible for the coordination of reflexes; carries sensory information up to the brain and carries motor signals from the brain to the body parts below to initiate action

Spinal cord is made of two distinct tissue types

Gray matter and white matter

Gray Matter

Dominated by neurons' cell bodies

White matter

Consists mostly of axons and the fatty sheaths that surround them

Brain Stem

Made of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain; houses nerves that control basic functions of survival (heart rate, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, urination, and orgasm)

Reticular Formation

A network of neurons housed in the brain stem; projects into the cerebral cortex

Cerebral Cortex

Outer portion of the brain and affects general alertness; involved in inducing and terminating the different stages of sleep


Little brain"; a large protuberance connected to the back of the brain stem; important for proper motor function; motor learning and motor memory, operates independently and unconsciously; cognitive processes - making plans, remembering events, using lan


Consists of two cerebral hemispheres (left and right)

Subcortical structures

Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Hippocampus, Amygdala, Basal Ganglia


The brain's mater regulatory structure; receives input from the entire body and brain and projects influence to the entire body and the brain; affects the function of many internal organs, regulating body temp, body rhythms, blood pressure, and blood gluc


The gateway to the cortex; receives almost all incoming sensory information (minus smell), organizes it, and relays it to the cortex


Sea Horse"; storage of new memories; creates new interconnections within the cerebral cortex with each new experience; grows larger with increase use


Almond"; serves vital role in learning to associate things in the world with emotional responses, such as unpleasant food with disgust; located immediately in front of the hippocampus; enables us to overcome instinctive responses; intensifies function of

Basal Ganglia

System of subcortical structures crucial for planning and producing movement; receive input from the entire cerebral cortex; project input to motor centers of the brain stem; through thalamus, project input back to motor planning area of the cerebral cort

Nucleus Accumbens

Important for experiencing reward and motivating behavior

Limbic System

Border"; serves as the border between the evolutionary older parts of the brain (brain stem and cerebellum) and the evolutionary older parts of the brain (cerebral cortex)

Cerebral Cortex

Outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres and gives the brain its distinctive wrinkled appearance; site of all thoughts, detailed perceptions, and complex behaviors; enables us to comprehend ourselves, other people, and the outside world; source of culture

Each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex has four lobes

Occipital, Parietal, Temporal, and Frontal

Occipital Lobe

Vision; located at the back portion of the head

Primary Visual Cortex

Major destination for visual information

Parietal Lobe

Touch; left hemisphere receives touch information from the right side of the body and the right hemisphere receives information from the left side

Primary Somatosensory Cortex

A strip in the front part of the lobe, running from the top of the brain down the sides

Temporal Lobe


Fusiform Face Area

Located at the intersection of the temporal and occipital lobes; more active when people look at faces

Frontal Lobe

Planning and movement

Primary Motor Cortex

Rearmost portion of the frontal lobes; includes neurons that project directly to the spinal cord to the body's muscles

Prefrontal Cortex

Rational activity; occupies about 30% of the brain (in humans); direct and maintain attention; keep ideas in mind while surrounded by distractions; develop and act on plans; sense of self and our capacity to empathize, etc


Deliberate damaging of the prefrontal cortex

Corpus Callosum

Massive bridge of millions of axons, which connects the hemispheres and allows information to flow between them

Two primary components in the PNS

Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System

Somatic Nervous System

Transmits sensory signals to the CNS via nerves; sends sensory information to spinal cord which then goes to the brain; CNS sens signals through the SNS to initiate movement

Autonomic Nervous System

Regulates the body's internal environment by stimulating glands and by maintaining internal organs; controls feelings like how full your stomach is and how anxious you feel

Two types of signals which travel from CNS to organs and glands

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic


Prompt preparatory actions


Prompt to return to a normal state

Endocrine System

A communication network that influences thoughts, behaviors, and actions (similar to the nervous system)


Chemical substances released into the bloodstream by the ductless endocrine glands (pancreas, thyroid, testes, ovaries)


Main endocrine glands influencing sexual behavior; testes in males and ovaries in females

Pituitary "Master" Gland

Located at the base of the hypothalamus; governs the release of hormones from the rest of the endocrine glands

Releasing Factor

Causes the pituitary to release a hormone specific to that factor, and the hormone then travels through the bloodstream to endocrine sites throughout the body


Make up a chromosome; a substance that consists of two intertwined strands of molecules in a double helix shape


Segments of DNA strands


An organism's genetic makeup which stays constant throughout life


An organism's observable physical characteristics which is always changing


When a population displays a range of variability for a certain characteristic such as height or intelligence


The egg and sperm cells


Resulting fertilized egg

Behavioral Genetics

The study of how genes and environment interact to influence psychological activity

Monozygotic (Identical) Twins

Result from one zygote (fertilized egg) dividing in two; each twin has the same chromosomes and same genes on each chromosome

Dizygotic (Fraternal) Twins

Result when two separately fertilized eggs develop in the mother's womb simultaneously


The brain continually changes over the course of development, throughout our constant stream of experience