Week 14: Privacy

Acquisti, Brandimarte & Lowensein

Credited for asking: "Are individuals up to the challenge of navigating privacy in the information age?

Privacy paradox

People say they care a lot about privacy but don't actually behave that way

Uncertainty, context-dependence, malleability

Three challenges for individuals (privacy)


1. Who exactly has my information?2. What can they do with it?3. How much do I care?

Information asymmetry

When one party in a transaction or relationship has a lot more information about the relevant activity than the other

Asymmetric information in digital privacy

EX: People:1. Don't know what is being collected.2. Don't know how the information is being collected.3. Don't know how the information can be usedCompanies:1. Know what is being collected.2. Know how the information is being collected. 3. Know what they are trying to do.


Privacy behaviors must be studied rather than __________

Tangibility bias (present bias)

People focus on tangible costs, even if small, that they incur today rather than larger costs that are harder to estimate in the distant future

Endowment effect

People value things they have more than they value acquiring new things

Endowment effect (ex)

EX: People will pay/ forego more to keep privacy than to obtain it

Personal disclosure

1. Has value (that people may not perceive)2. May not be voluntary


________ is essential to relationship building and fosters well-being


The desire to reciprocate disclosure is _______


What I want to share depends on the situation in which it is requested

Social expectations

Cues about _______ __________ for the situation inform judgements about what to share/ hide

Social expectations (for the situation)

1. What is the purpose of this interaction?2. What is expected of me?3. What is expected of others?


When a lot of people share something, it appears ________


When ________ is solicited, privacy protection is assumed


I can be encouraged to share more (be less private) with the right signals


The profitability of many businesses depends on _______ information sharing


People get more sensitive when they are reminded that data is being collected

Salience (ex)

EX: When Google "autofills" all of my information in online forms, I become less trustworthy because it feels like an invasion of privacy.

Building trust

Showing active concern for privacy gets people to let their guard down

Control paradox (Bradnimarte, Acquisti, et al., 2010)

When people think they are deciding what others see, they share more information

The anxiety heuristic (margolin, 2450)

1. If people feel anxious about privacy, even when made safer --> don't share.2. If people feel comfortable/ relaxed, even if less safe --> share


Informed" rational decision-making by individuals is not sufficient


Individuals need __________ and even protection when dealing with privacy issues