Old World

Poverty, religious prosecution

New World

Independent nation, reverence for individual liberty, self-government, religious tolerance, economic opportunity

What conditions existed in what is today the United States that made it "fertile ground" for a great nation?

Tobacco, rice, and indigo plantations of the southern colonies.

Appalachian Nountains

Probably formed even before continental separation, 350 million years ago.

Tidewater Region

Narrow eastern coastal plain creased by river valleys.

Rocky Mountains

Arose some 135 million to 25 million years ago. "Truly America" mountains.

Great Basin

Inter mountain, bounded by Rockies on east and Sierra & Cascade ranges on west.

Great Lakes

Grinding and flushing of melting ice scoured away topsoil, pitting its surface with thousands of shallow depressions into which melting glaciers flowed to form lakes. Same glacial action scooped out and filled the Great Lakes.

Missouri-Mississippi-Ohio River System

Drains the enormous mid continental basin between Appalachians and Rockies.

Speculate how at least one geographic feature affected the development of the United States.

The early colonies were on the East coast because the Appalachian Mountains made it difficult for early colonists to go west.

Land Bridge

35,000 to 10,000 years ago. Connected Eurasia with North America.

Before the arrival of Europeans, the settlement of the Americas was insignificant." Assess this statement.

The Europeans brought along with them horses and oxen and the wheel.




Controlled Mexico until 1521, conquered by Cortes.


South America civilization occupied Peru.


Native Americans in south west. Made irrigation systems to water crops.

Mound Builders

Sustained large settlements after incorporation of corn.

Three-Sister Farming

Made possible with high yielding strains of beans and squash. Beans growing on cornstalks, squash covering planting mounds.


Highest population density produced by three sister farming.


Inspired by Hiawatha in 16th Century. Created closes North American approximation to states of Mexico and Peru.

Describe some of the common features of North American Indian Culture.

Harvested corn, squash, beans, and maize. Women tended to crops; men hunted. Lived in small settlements.


European warriors; tried to wrest the Holy Land from Muslim control.

What caused Europeans to begin exploring?

Growing power of ambitious governments. Wanted to tclaim more land for themselves.

Marco Polo

Italian adventurer; returned to Europe in 1925; told tales of his nearly 20 year sojourn in China. Indirect discoverer of the New World.


A ship that could sail more closely to the wind; developed by Portuguese mariners.

Bartholomeu Dias

Rounded the southernmost tip of the "Dark Continent" (Africa) in 1488.

Vasco de Gama

Discovers India (1498); returned home with small cargo of jewels and spices.

Ferdinad & Isabella

Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castile, two sovereigns. Got married resulting in unity of Spain.


Muslims from Africa who lived in Spain. Expelled after centuries of Christian-Islamic warfare.

What were the results of the Portuguese explorations of Africa?

Portuguese adopted Arab ways of enslaving Africans. Set up trading posts along African shore, for purchase of god and slaves.


His discovery eventually convulsed four continents- Europe, Africa, and the two Americas.

What developments set the stage of "a cataclysmic shift in the course of history?

-Africa was a source of slave labor-Renaissance made people ambitious-Long range ocean navigation possible by Portuguese-Spain more rich and powerful


Crop grown; Indian originated


Revolutionized international economy and the European diet.


Seedlings of sugar can brought by Columbus. "Sugar Revolution


First bought to Hispanola, then made it to North America. Changed cultures to hunter societies.

Small Pox

Old world disease brought by Europeans. Killed many Native Americans.

Explain the positive and negative effect of the Atlantic Exchange.

Negative: Europeans brought along with them sickening diseasesPositive: Goods exchanged between worlds; gold, veggies, grains

Treaty of Tordesillas

Spain divided the "heathen lands" of the new world with Portugal (1494)

Vasco Nunes Balboa

Discovered Pacific Ocean; claimed for his king all the lands washed by it (1513)

Ferdinand Magellan

From Spain to tip of South America, slain by Phillipean people (1519). Last ship returned to Spain, completing first circumnivation of the globe (1522).

Juan Ponce de Leon

In 1513 and 1521, explored Florida seeking gold and "fountain of youth". Killed by Indian arrow.

Fransisco Coronado

Found the Grand Canyon of the Colorado Rice and enormous herds of buffalo (bison).

Hernando de Soto

Undertook gold-seeking expedition (1539-1542). Discovered and crossed Mississippi River. Mistreated Indians with collars and fierce dogs. Died of fever.

Francisco Pizzaro

Crushed Incas of Peru; added a lot of booty to Spanish confers. (1532 in South America).


Allowed government to "commend" (give) Indians to certain colonists in return for the promise to try to Christianize them; slaver. "A moral Pestilence invented by Satan." -Bartolome de las Casas.

Were the conquistadors great men?

Yes and no. They embarked on long journeys to foreign lands, not knowing what was in store. Although many of them founded great lands, some also had bad reputations, such as Hernando de Soto. Although he founded and crossed the Mississippi River, he mistreated many Indians in inhumane ways.

Hernan Cortes

Left Cuba in 1519, rescued Spanish castaway and Indian slave. Together, knew many languages; Cortes has advantage. Landed on Vera Cruz; became gold greedy god. Attacked by Aztects but Cortes laid seige to city. Spanish ruled for 3 centuries. Cortes brought crops, animals, language & laws, customs, and religions.


Aztec city-state on island in Lake Texcoco, in Valley of Mexico. Founded in 1325, became capital of Mexican Empire in 15th century.


Aztec chieftain, welcomed Europeans with gifts. Superstitious; believed Cortes was the go Quetzalcoatl.


People with mixed Indian and European heritage.

Why was Cortes able to defeat the powerful Aztecs?

The same year Cortes took over, there was a small pox epidemic.Conquest and disease took a grisly toll giving advantage to Cortes. Armed with horses and gunpowder. Cortes also thought to be a god.

John Cabot

Giovanni Caboto; sent by English to explore notheastern coast of North America in 1497-1498.

Giovanni de Verazano

Dispatched by French King to probe eastern seaboard in 1524.

Jaques Carter

Journeyed hundreds of miles up the St.Lawrence River (1534).

St. Augustine

Spanish created a fortress at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, founding oldest continually inhabited European settlement in future United States.

New Mexico

Coronado's expedition with hundreds of men traversed the bare Senora Desert from Mexico into the Rio Grande Valley (1598). Spaniards cruelly abused pueblos, led by Don Juan de Onate. Proclaimed area to be province of New Mexico (1609). Founded is capital at Santa Fe.

Pope's Rebellion

Indian uprising in 1680. Pueblo rebels destroyed every Catholic church in the province and killed a score of priests and hundreds of Spanish settlers.

Mission Indians

Semi-nomadic Indians were taught horticulture and basic crafts. Adopted Christianity but lost contact with native cultures.

Black Legend

False concept stating that conquerors merely tortured and butchered the Indians ("killing for Christ"), stole gold, and infected them with small pox, just leaving behind misery.

What is the "Black Legend" and to what extend does our text agree with it?

False concept stating that conquerors merely tortured and butchered the Indians ("killing for Christ"), stole gold, and infected them with small pox, just leaving behind misery. Spanish invaders did kill, enslave, and infect natives, but also erected colossal empire-- from California and Florida to Tierra del Fuego. Crafted their culture, laws, religion and language onto wide array of native societies.