Vex/Cave Rule for capitate, lunate, scaphoid and triquetrum?


Loose packed position for GH Joint?

50-70 Deg Abd, 35 Deg Horz Abd

Loose packed position for Humeroulnar joint ?

70 deg flex, 10 deg Sup

Loose packed Position for Proximal Radioulnar Joint?

Full Ext 35 deg Sup

Loose packed Position for Distal Radioulnar Joint?

10 deg sup

Vex/Cave Rule for Navicular, Cuneiform?


Vex/Cave Rule for Cuboid and Calcaneus?


Vex/Cave Rule for Talus?


Loose packed Position for Hip ?

30 Deg Flex, 30 Deg Abd, Slight ER

Loose packed Position for Talocrural ?

10 Deg PF

Closed Packed Position for Acromioclavicular?

90 Deg Abd

Closed Packed Position for GH

Max Abd and ER

Closed Packed Position for Humeroradial

90 Flex, 5 Deg Sup

Closed Packed Position for Humeroulnar

Max Ext and Sup

Closed Packed Position for Proximal Radioulnar

MAx ext, 5 deg Sup

Closed Packed Position for Distal Radioulnar

5 Deg Sup

Closed Packed Position for Hip

Bone: 90 Flex, Slight Abd and Er
Lig: Max Ext, Abd, IR

Closed Packed Position for Knee

Max ER and Ext

Pathological End Feel: Boggy?


Pathological End Feel: Firm decreased Elasticity?

Soft tissue Fibrosus

Pathological End Feel: Rubbery?

Muscle Spasm

Pathological End Feel: Empty?

Muscle Guarding

Muscle Substitution: Shoulder Abd weak?

Scap Stabilizers

Muscle Substitution: Hip Abductors Weak?

Lat Trunk M. TFL

Muscle Substitution: Finger Flexors Weak?

Tenodesis, Passive Finger Flex with Wrist Ext

Muscle Substitution: Pecs Weak

LOng Head Biceps, Coracobrachialis, Ant Delt

Muscle Substitution: Hip Extensors Weak?

Low Back Extensor, Adductor Magnus, QL

Muscle Substitution: Hip Flexors Weak?

Lower Obliques, Low Abs, Lat Dorsi, Hip Add

Capsular Patterns: OA Joint?


Capsular Patterns: AA Joint?


Capsular Patterns: GH Joint?


Capsular Patterns: HU Joint?


Capsular Patterns: HR Joint?


Capsular Patterns: Thoracic Spine?


Capsular Patterns: Lumbar Spine?


Capsular Patterns: Hip?


Capsular Patterns: Knee?


Capsular Patterns: talocrural?


Capsular Patterns: Subtalar?


Capsular Patterns:Midtarsal?


Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 0


Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 1


Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 2

Slightly Hypomobile

Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 3


Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 4

Slightly Hypermobile

Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 5


Grades of Accessory Joint Motion: 6


Myotomes: C4

Upper Trap/Shld Shrug

Myotomes: C5

Shld Abd/ Delt

Myotomes: C6

ECR and Biceps/ Wrist Ext and Elbow Flexion

Myotomes: C7

Elbow Ext and Wrist Flex/ Triceps

Myotomes: C8

Thumb Ext/ EPL and EPB

Myotomes: T1

Finger Abd/ Interossei

Myotomes: C1-C2

Neck Flex

Myotomes: C3

Neck Lateral Flex

Ligament Function: Coracohumeral Lig

reinforce bicep tendon, prevent caudal dislocation, reinforces superior capsule

Ligament Function: Glenohumeral Lig

Reinforce GH Capsule

GH and Scapulothoracic Rhythm ratio at 180 deg of ABD


Deg of Movement from GH for ABD
Deg of Movement from Scapthorac for ABD

120 Deg
60 Deg

Requirements for Full Arm elevation

1. Scap Stabilization
2. Inf glide of Humerus
3. ER of humerus
4. Rotation of clavicle at SC joint
5. Scap Abd and ER of Acromion
6. Straightening of thoracic kyphosis

Ligament Function: Ulnar Collateral

reinforces Joint Medially

Ligament Function: Radial Collateral

Reinforces Joint Laterally

Ligament Function: Annular

protects radial head

Blood Supply: Elbow Joint

1. Brachial Artery
2. anterior ulnar Recurrent A
3. Post ulnar Recurrent A.
4. Radial Recurrent A.
5. Middle Collateral branch of deep brachial A.

Innervation: Hypothenar Region, 5th digit and medial half of 4th

Ulnar N.

Innervation: Palmar Lateral 1/2 of 4th and 3rd, 2nd, and 1st digit and Dorsal 2nd, 3rd and lateral 1/2 4th

Median N.

Angle of Inclination of the Hip


Coxa Valga Angle


Coxa Vara Angle


Normal anterior Antetorsion of the hip


Excessive Anteversion


Excessive Retroversion


Myotomes: L1-L2

Hip Flex/ Illiopsoas

Myotomes: L3

Knee Ext/Quad

Myotomes: L4

Ankle DF/Ant Tib

Myotomes: L5

Great Toe Ext/ EHL

Myotomes: S1

Ankle EVR/ CFL and CFB

Muscle Action: Iliopsoas

Hip Flexion

Muscle Action: Sartorius

Hip Flexion, ER, Hip Abd

Muscle Action: Quads

Knee Ext

Muscle Action: Pectineus


Muscle Action: Adductor Longus


Muscle Action: Adductor Brevis


Muscle Action: Gracilis


Muscle Action: Glut Med

Hip Flex, Hip IR, Hip ABD

Muscle Action: Glut Min

Hip Flex, Hip IR, Hip ABD

Muscle Action: TFL

Hip Abd, Hip Flex, Hip IR

Muscle Action: Piriformis

Hip ER

Muscle Action:Glut Max

Hip Ext, Hip ER

Muscle Action: Obturator Internus

Hip ER

Muscle Action:Gemelli

Hip ER

Muscle Action:Biceps Femoris

Knee Flex, Hip Ext, Leg ER

Muscle Action:Semitendenosus

Knee Flex, Hip Ext

Muscle Action: Semimebranosus

Leg ER

Muscle Action: Ant Tib

Ankle DF

Muscle Action: EDL

2-5 toe Extension

Muscle Action: EHL

Great Toe Ext

Muscle Action: Peroneous Longus/Brevis

Ankle EVR

Muscle Action:Popletitus

Leg IR

Muscle Action:Tib Post

Ankle INV

Muscle Action: Gastroc/Soleus

Ankle PF

Muscle Action:FDL

2-5 DIP Toe Flex

Muscle Action: FHL

Great IP Flex

Muscle Action:Dorsal Interossei


Muscle Action:Plantar Interossei


Muscle Action: FDB

2-5 PIP Toe Flex

Pathology: Aggravation of Ischiofemoral Bursa can cause pain in what nerve distribution?


Pathology: What motion can aggravate the Deep trochanteric bursa

Hip Flex and Hip IR

Blood Supply: Proximal Femur

Medial and Lateral Femoral Circumflex A.

Blood Supply: Femoral Head

Branch of Obturator A.

Blood Supply: Acetabulum

Branch of INF/SUP Gluteal A.

Gait: Normal ROM For the knee

15 Deg

Blood Supply of the Ankle

Deep Tibial and Fibular A.

Muscle Action: Diaphragm


Muscle Action: External Intercostals


Muscle Action: Ant Interior Intercostals


Muscle Action: Internal obliques

Forced Expiration, Spine Flex, Spine Rot

Muscle Action: Transverse Abs

Forced Expiration

Muscle Action: External Obliques

Forced Expiration, Spine Flex, Spine Rot

Muscle Action: Post Int Intercostals

Forced Expiration

Muscle Action:Rectus Abdominus

Forced Expiration, Spine Flex

Muscle Action: Erector Spinae

Spine Extension

Muscle Action: Travsversospinalis

Spine Extension, Spine Rot

Muscle Action: Interspinals

Spine Extension

Muscle Action: Rotatores intertransversarii

Spine Extension, Spine Rot

Muscle Action: Psoas Minor

Spine Flex

Muscle Action: QL

Spine Lateral Flex

Muscle Action: Rotators

Spine Rot

Spinal Nerves: Innervate Structures on Post Trunk

Dorsal Rami

Spinal Nerves: Form cervical and brachial plexus

Cervical Ventral Rami

Spinal Nerves: Innervates anterior structures in thoracic region

Thoracic Ventral Rami

Spinal Nerves: vorm Lumbar and lumbosacral plexus

Lumbar Ventral Rami

Spinal Nerves: Spinal Cord Ends at what section of the Spine


ROM: TMJ Opening


Symptoms: 1) Px and Stiffness upon rising 2) Px eases through Morning 3) Px Increases w/ repetitive bending activities 4) constant discomfort with exacerbation 5) Sore nagging Px


Symptoms: 1) Stiff upon rising 2) Px eases within an hour 3) Loss of Motion with px 4) Sharp pain with certain movements 5)movement in px free Range reduces symptoms 6) Stationary increase symptoms

Facet joint Dysfunction

Symptoms: No px in reclined or semi-reclined position 2) px increases in WB activities 3) Shooting , burning, stabbing px 4) altered strength inability to perform ADLs

Discal with Nerve Root Compromise

Symptoms: 1) Px related to position 2) Flexed position decrease px 3) ext positions increase px 4) numbness, tightness or cramping 5) walking increase px 6)px last for hours after quitting activity

Spinal Stenosis

Symptoms: Px is constant in all spinal positions 2) px increases with physical exertion 3) px relived promptly by rest 4) numbness 5) decreased or absent pulses

Vascular Claudication

Symptoms: gnawing, intense , penetrating px 2) px not resolved by changes in position, time of day or activity level 3) px will wake pt

Neoplastic Disease

ROM: Shld 1) Flex/EXT 2) ABD/ADD 3) ER/IR 4) Horz ADD

1) 160-180/50-60 2) 170-180/50-75 3) 80-90/60-100 4) 130

ROM: Elbow 1) FLEX/Ext 2) Sup/Pro

1) 140-150/0-10 2) 90/90-90

ROM: wrist 1) Flex/ext 2) Radial/Ulnar

1) 80-90/70-90 2) 15/30-45

ROM: Hip 1) Flex/EXT 2) ABD/ADD 3) ER/IR

1) 110-120/10-15 2) 30-50/30 3) 40-60/30-40

ROM: knee 1) Flex/EXT 2) ER/IR

1) 135/0-15 2) 30-40/20-30

ROM: Ankle 1) Sup/Pro 2) PF/DF

1) 45-60/15-30 2) 50/20

Diagnostic Imaging: Used for complex fractures, facet dysfunction, disc disease or spinal stenosis

CT Scan

Diagnostic Imaging: Images are multi-planar and tissues can be viewed from multiple angles

CT Scan

Diagnostic Imaging: Radiopaque Dye Injected into disc to id abnormalities


Diagnostic Imaging: demonstrates fat within the structures and assess bony anatomy


Diagnostic Imaging: Suppresses fat and demonstrates tissues with high water content


Diagnostic Imaging: assess soft tissue structures


Diagnostic Imaging: Water soluble dye is injected into area and observed with radiograph


Diagnostic Imaging: Demonstrates where fluid moves within a joint


Diagnostic Imaging: Used to ID abnormalities within a joint such as tendon ruptures


Diagnostic Imaging: Injected radioactive tracer settle in areas where bone is highly metabolic

Bone Scan

Diagnostic Imaging: Used to assess pts with possible RA, stress fractures, bone CA, or bone infection

Bone Scan

Special Tests: 1) Pt sitting with shld in neutral stabilized against trunk, elbow at 90 degrees and arm supinated 2) Resistance applied to forearm supination and Shld ER

Yergason's Test

Special Tests: Positive test for Yergason's

1) biceps long head will pop out of groove or 2) px in long head of biceps

Special Tests: IDs Bicipital Tendonitis

Speed's Test

Special Tests: 1) upper limb in full extension and forearm supinated 2) resisted shld flex

Speed's Test

Special Tests: Positive Test for Speed's

reproduction of Px in long head biceps tendon

Special Tests: Impingement of long head of biceps and supraspinatus tendon

Neer's Impingement Test

Special Tests: Pt sitting and shld is passively IR then fully abducted

Neer's Impingement Test

Special Tests: Positive test for Neer's

Reproduces Px in shld region

Special Tests: ID tear and/o impingement of supraspinatus tendon and possible suprascapular N. pathology

Supraspinatus Test/Empty Ca

Special Tests: 1) Pt sitting with shld at 90 deg and no rotation 3) Resist shld abd 4) Then place shld in IR and 30 deg of horz add 5) resist shld abd

Supraspinatus Test

Special Tests: Positive sign for supraspinatus test

Reproduces px in supraspinatus tendon or weakness in empty can position

Special Tests: IDs tear and/or rupture of the RTC

Drop arm test

Special Tests: 1) Pt sitting with shld passively abd to 120 deg 2) Pt instructed to slowly lower arm

Drop arm test

Special Tests: + drop arm test

unable to lower arm

Special Tests: IDs impingement between RTC and Greater tuberosity or post glenoid and labrum

Post internal impingement test

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine 2) arm moved into 90 deg of abd, max ER and 15 deg of horz abd

Post internal impingement test

Special Tests: + post internal impingement test

reproduction of pain

Special Tests: IDs glenoid labrum tear

Clunk test

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine 2) shld max abd 3) push humeral head ant while rot humerus externally

Clunk test

Special Tests: + clunk test

clunk heard

Special Tests: IDs past ant shld dislocation

Ant apprehension sign

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine 2) Shld 90 deg abd 3) slowly ER shld

Ant Apprehension sign

Special Tests: + ant apprehension test

pt does not allow or does not like shld being moved like that

Special Tests: IDs pathology of structures that pass through thoracic inlet

Adson's test

Special Tests: 1) Pt sitting 2) find radial pulse of extremity being tested 3) rotate head toward tested side 4) extend and ER shld while extending head

Adson's Test

Special Tests:+ Adson's test

Neuro or vascular symptoms will be reproduced

Special Tests: 1) Pt sitting 2) Find radial pulse 3) move extremity down and back

Costoclavicular Syndrome Test

Special Tests: + Costoclavicular Test

Nuero or vascular symptoms will be produced

Special Tests: 1) pt sitting 2) Find radial pulse 3) move shld into max abd and er 4) pt take deep breath and rotates head to opposite side

Wright's Test

Special Tests: + wright test

Produces neuro and vascular symptoms

Special Tests: 1) Pt standing 2) shlds fully ER , 90 deg abd, and slight horz abd 3) elbows 90 deg flex 4) pt open closes hand for 3 min

Roos test

Special Tests: + Roos test

produces neuro and vascualr symptoms

Special Tests: Evaluation of median N and ant interosseous N (C5, C6, C7)


Special Tests: Evaluation of Musculocutaneous N. Median N. and Axillary N.


Special Tests: Evaluation of Radial N.


Special Tests: Evaluation of ulnar N C8, and T1


Special Tests:IDs Tennis elbow (lat epicondylitis )

LAt epicondylitis Test

Special Tests: 1) pt sitting 2) elbow and 90 deg 3) resist wrist ext with RD and forearm PRO

lat epicondylitis test

Special Tests: + lat epicondylitis test

px in lateral epicondyle

Special Tests: 1) Pt sitting 2) elbow 90 deg flex 3) passive sup of forearm 4) extend elbow 5) extend wrist

Golfer's Elbow test (medial epicondyle test)

Special Tests: IDs dysfunction of ulnar n at olecranon

Tinel's Sign

Which N is trapped if performing a pronator teres test

Median Nerve

Special Tests: IDs deQuervain's Tenosynivitis

Finklestein's Test

Pathology: Paratendonitis of the abd pollicis longus and/or brevis

deQuervain's Tenosynovitis

Special Tests: 1) Pt make fist 2) Passively moves wrist into Ulnar Deviation

Finklestein's Test

Special Tests: IDs ulnar nerve dysfunction in the hand

Froment's Sign

Special Tests: 1) Pt grasps paper between 1st and 2nd digits 2) PT pulls paper out and looks for IP flexion of thumb

Froment's Sign

Special Tests: + sign for Froment's Test

IP flexion of the thump due to compensation of add pollicis weakness

Special Tests: IDs compression of the Median N. in the carpal tunnel

Tinnel's Sign or Phalen's Test

Special Tests: Pt max flexes both wrist holding them against each other for 1 min

Phalen's Test

Special Tests: Normal amount of distance that can normal be detected during two point discrimination test


Special Tests: IDs hip dysfunction and mobility restriction


Special Tests: 1) Pt lies supine 2) Passively felx, abduct and ER leg so that foot is resting above knee of opp leg 3) Lower leg down to table

FABER test

Special Tests: + sign for FABERs Test

Unable to assume relaxed Position

Special Tests: IDs DJD of Hip

Grind Test

Special Tests: 1) Pts supine with hip in 90 deg flex and knee max flex 2) PT places compressive load into femur

Grind Test

Special Tests: IDs weakness of Glut Med or unstable Hip

Trendelenberg's Sign

Special Tests: Special Tests: + Trendelenberg's Sign

Ipsilateral pelvis drops

Special Tests: + 90-90 Hamstring Test

Unable to reach 10 deg from full extension

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine with foot of test leg passively placed lat to opposite knee 2) Test hip is add

Piriformis Test

Special Tests: IDs abnormal femoral ante-torsion angle

Craig's Test

Special Tests: Normal angle based on Craig's Test

8-15 deg

Special Tests: Indication of a retroverted hip

<8 deg

Special Tests: Deg of an anteverted hip

>15 deg

Special Tests: Indicates ACL integrity

Lachman's and Pivot Shift

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine with knee in extension, hip flexed and Abd to 30 deg 2) Place valgus force and flex knee

Pivot Shift

Special Tests:+ sign for pivot shift

tibia relocates during test

Special Tests: IDs meniscal tear

Mc Murray's Test

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine with knee in max flex 2) Passively IR and Extend knee

Mc Murray's Test (Lateral Menisci)

Special Tests: 1) Pt supine with knee in max flex 2) Passively ER and Extend knee

Mc Murray's test ( Medial Menisci)

Special Tests: + finding of Mc Murray's Test

Click or px in knee joint

Special Tests: Helps differentiate between Meniscus tear and ligamentous Lesions

Apply's Test

Special Tests:+ Sign of Apply's test if Meniscus Problem

Pain or decreased motion during compression

Special Tests: + Sign of Apply's if Ligament problem

Pain or decreased motion during distraction

Special Tests: IDs patellofemoral Dysfunction

Clark's Sign

Special Tests: Pt Supine with knee in extension 2) Push Post on Sup pole 3) Ask pt to perform active quad contraction

Clark's Sign

Special Tests: Indicate infrapatellar effusion

Patellar Tap Test

Special Tests:+ Patellar tap Test

perception of patella floating

Special Tests: Indicates Knee joint effusion

Fluctuation Test

Special Tests: 1) pt supine with knee in extension 2) Place one hand on suprapatellar pouch 3) Place other hand on ant aspect of joint line 4) alternate pushing down with one hand at a time

Flucuation Test

Special Tests: + Sign for fluctuation test

movement of fluid

Special Test: Anterior Drawer test IDs instability in which ligament?


Special Tests: Talar Tilt IDs instability in which lig if moved into ADD


Special Tests: Talar Tilt IDs instability in which lig if moved into ABD

Deltoid Lig

Special Test: Procedure for Vertebral Art Test

1) Ext head 2) Extend Head With Rot to LEft then to Right 3) Head extended off table 4) Head extended off table with rot to left then right

Special Test: Differentiates between vascular vs. vestibular causes of Vertigo

Hautant's Test

Special Test: Vestibular procedure for Hautant's Test

1) 1) Pt sitting 2) shlds at 90 deg with palms up 3) have pt close eyes for 30 sec

Special Test: Vascular procedure for Hautant's Test

1) Pt sitting 2) shoulders at 90 deg with palms up 3) have pt close eyes 4) cue pt into head extension with rot to left and right

Special Test: Procedure for slump test

1) Pt slump sits at edge of table 2) Passive flex of pt head 3) Passive ext of one knee 4) Passive DF of ankle

Gait: division of Stance Phase

1) initial contact 2) Foot Flat 3) Midstance 4) Heel off 5) Preswing

Gait: heel strikes ground and limb prepares to accept GRF

Initial Contact

Gait: limb is loaded

Foot Flat

Gait: foot fully flat and trunk aligned over stance limb


Gait: wt distribution shifts from entire foot to forefoot

Heel off

gait: toe takes on final contact, force is accelerated to provide momentum for propulsion


Gait: Divisions of Swing Phase

1) initial swing 2) mid swing 3) terminal Swing

gait: Foot loses contact with ground and accelerates fwd

Initial swing

gait: limb transitions from acceleration to deceleration

Mid swing

Gait: limb decelerates and prepares for foot strike

terminal swing

Gait: Hip ROM

0-30 of Flex 0-10 deg of ext

Gait: Phases of gait that requires 30 deg of hip flex

1) mid Swing 2) terminal swing 3) initial contact 4) foot flat

Gait: Phases of gait that requires 10 deg of hip ext

Terminal Stance

Gait: Knee ROM

0-60deg of flex

Gait: Phases of gait that require 60 deg of knee flex

1) initial swing

Gait: Ankle ROM

1) 0-10 deg of DF 2) 0-20 deg PF

Gait: Phases of gait that requires 10 deg of DF


Gait: Phases of gait that requires 20 deg of PF


MS Pathology:1) AM Stiffness 2) Male > women 3) Bil Si px refers to post thigh 4) Restricted AROM and PROM

Ankylosing Spondylosis

MS Pathology: 1) Chronic, erosive inflammatory disorder 2) occurs in joins of digits and axial skeleton

Psoriatic Arthritis

MS Pathology: 1) Pain referral 2) px with hyperextension and rot 3) spine stiffness 4) M. Spasm

Facet Syndrome

MS Pathology: 1) Pain Referral 2) Pain with hyperextension and Rot of the Neck 3) Parathesis 4) M. Spasms 5) (+) tension test

Cervical N Root

MS Pathology: Symmetrical pattern of dysfunction in synovial tissues and articular cartilage 2) ulnar drift 3) volar subluxation


MS Pathology: 1) Decalcification of bone due to Vit D deficiency


MS Pathology: 1) Congenital deformity of skeleton and ST 2) limited joint motion 3) sausage like appearance of limbs

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita

MS Pathology: 1) Abnormal collagen synthesis 2) imbalance between bone deposition and reabsorbtion 3) Bone become very weak and thin

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

MS Pathology: Separation of articular cartilage from bone 2) usually involve medial femoral condyle

osteochondritis dissecans

MS Pathology: 1) Precipitated by direct trauma resulting in hematoma and calcification of muscle belly 2) also be induced by early mobilization, stretching and aggressive PT after Muscle trauma

Myositis Ossificans

MS Pathology: 1) dysfunction of sympathetic Nervous system 2) triggered by tissue injury

CRPS type I

MS Pathology: 1) Dysfunction of Sympathetic nervous system 2) associated with Nerve injury


MS Pathology: 1) Metabolic bone disease with abnormal osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity 2) Results in Spinal Stenosis 3) Facet arthropathy 4) Spinal Fractures

Paget's Disease

MS Pathology: Deg of structural Scoliosis where conservative treatment can be done

<25 deg

MS Pathology: Deg of structural Scoliosis where spinal orthosis must be worn

25-45 deg

MS Pathology: Deg of structural Scoliosis where surgical treatment is performed

>45 deg

MS Pathology: Most shld dislocation occur in what direction

Ant and inf direction

MS Pathology: Cause of ANt-inf shld dislocation

abd UE is forced into ER

MS Pathology: Cause of Post Shld Dislocation

HORZ ADD shld is forced into IR

MS Pathology: Results of Shld Dislocation

1) Compression fx (hill-sachs lesion) 2) Tearing of the superior glenoid labrum from ant to post ( SLAP lesion) 3) avulsion of antinf capsule and ligs associated with glenoid rim (Bankart Lesion) 4) bruising of axillary N.

MS Pathology: 1)Tear of the glenoid labrum below the middle of the glenoid socket 2) involves the inf GH lig

Bankhart Lesion

MS Pathology: 1) Shld pain which can not be localized to specific point 2) Px made worse by overhead activities 3) Weakness 4) Instability in Shld 5) Px on resisted elbow flex 6) tenderness in front of shld

Labral Tear

MS PT Outcomes: Length of time that a pt with instability or labral tear is in a sling

3-4 weeks

MS PT Outcomes: When an instability or labrum tear pt can begin sport related activities

6 week S/p

MS PT Outcome: Time it takes a labral tear or instability pt to fully recover

3-4 months

MS Pathology: Common area of compression for TOS

1) Sup Thoracic outlet 2) Scalene triangle 3) B/T clavicle and first rib 4) B/T pec minor and thoracic wall

Special Tests: Tests for TOS

1) Adson's 2) Roo's 3) Wright's 4) Costaclavicular

Special Tests: Test for AC or SC disorders

1) Shear Test

Special Tests: Tests for RC tendonitis

1) Supraspinatus test 2) Neer's Test

Precautions: After Surgical repair for shld impingement pts should avoid _____?

Shld Elevation of greater than 90deg

MS Pathology: 1) 30-50 YO 2) Px and weaknees after eccentric load 3) Weakness in Abd/ROT 4) (+) drop arm test 5) (+) empty can test 6) Tender of RC

Rotator Cuff Lesion

MS Pathology: 1)45+YO 2) Restriction of ER, ABD, IR 3) Not pxful unless capsule is stretched

Frozen Shld

MS Pathology: 1) 10-35 YO 2) Px and instability with activity 3) Full or Excessive ROM 4) (+) load and Shift Test 5) (+) apprehension test 6) (+) relocation test 7) Ant or Post Px

Atraumatic Instability

MS Pathology: 1) 50+ YO 2) min or no cervical spine movement 3) (+) spirlings test 4) (+) Distraction Test 5) (+) ULTT 6) (+) Shld Abd test 7) Dermatomes Affected 8) Reflexes Affected 9) Teder over vertebrae

Cervical Spondylosis

MS Pathology: Inflammation of ECRB

tennis Elbow

MS Pathology: inflammation of pronator teres and FCR tendons

golfers Elbow

MS Pathology Nerves: 1) inability to Abd shld to 90 Deg 2) px in shld on abd

Spinal Accessory N

MS Pathology Nerves: 1) Px on flex fully ext arm 2) inability to flex fully ext arm 3) winging starts and 90 deg Fwd Flex

Long Thoracic N

MS Pathology Nerves: 1) increased px on FWD shld flex 2) Shld Weakness 3) Px increases with scapular abd 4) Pain increases with cervical rot to opp side

Suprascapular N.

MS Pathology Nerves: 1) inability to abd with neutral rot

Axilary N.

MS Pathology Nerves: Weak elbow flex with froearm sup

musculocutaneous n

MS Pathology: 1) Medial elbow px 2) paresthesia to 5th and medial 4th digit

ulnar N entrapment

MS Pathology: Causes of Ulnar N Entrapment

1) Direct Trauma to cubital tunnel 2) traction of ulnar N 3) Compression due to thickened retinaculum 4) hypertrophy of FCU M.

MS Pathology: 1) Repetitive gripping activities 2) aching pain and weakness in forearm M. 3) paresthesia in 1-4 palmar digits

Median N entrapment

MS Pathology: 1) lat elbow Px 2) px over supinator M. 3) parathesis in dorsal side digits 1-4

Radial N entrapment

MS Pathology: 1) most common wrist fx

Colles Fx

MS Pathology: Complication of Colles Fx

1) loss of motion 2) decreased grip strength 3) CRPS 4) CTS

MS Pathology: Femoral Anterversion causes what stance abnormalities

1) squinting Patella 2) toeing in

Special Tests: Used do determine Hip Anteversion

Craig's Test

Coxavara angle

<115 deg

Coxavalga Angle


MS Pathology: Causes of Piriformis syndrome

Excessive pronation of the foot

MS Pathology: Structures involved in unhappy triad

1) MCL 2) ACL 3) Medial Meniscus

MS Pathology: Malalignment in which patella tracks superiorly in femoral intercondylar notch 2) (+) camel back sign

Patella Alta

MS Pathology: Malalignment in which patella track inferiorly 2) Restricted knee extension with abnormal cartiliginous wearing

patella Baja

MS Pathology: Excessive medial tibial torsion 2) Medial patellar Positioning 3) pigeon toe

Genu Varum

MS Pathology: Excessive lateral tibial torsion 2) Excessive lateral patellar positioning

genu valgum

MS Pathology: etiologies of Shin Splints

1) Abnormal biomechanic alignment 2) Poor Conditioning 3) improper Training Methods

MS Pathology: Entire Fracture of the epiphysis

Salter Harris FX type I

MS Pathology: Entire Fracture of the epiphysis and portion of the m


MS Pathology: Fracture of only a portion of the epiphysis

Salter Harris Type III

MS Pathology: Fracture of a portion of the epiphysis and metaphysis

Salter Harris Type IV

MS Pathology: Compression injury of the epiphyseal plate

Salter Harris Type V

MS Pathology: 1) fracture of the pars interarticularis 2) (+) scotty dog in oblique xray view


MS Pathology: 1) ant or post slippage of the vertebra following bilateral fracture of pars interarticularis


MS Pathology:1) bil px and paresthesia in back 2) px decreases with spinal flexion and increases with extension 3) pain increases with walking 4) px relieved with prolonged rest

Spinal Stenosis

PT Treatment: Position to optimize gapping to improve Left posterlateral lumbar disc herniation

1) Right side lying with pillow under trunk 2) Flex both hips and knees 3) Rotate trunk to left

Special Tests: To ID SIJ Dysfunction

1) Gillet's Test 2) Ipsilateral ant rotation test 3) Gaenslen's Test 4) Long Sitting Test 5) Goldthwait's Test

MS Pathology: 1)pain in back that is unvarying and progressive 2) not relieved by rest 3) more pronounced at night

Bone Tumors

MS Pathology: 1) pain radiating to back 2) pain with swallowing 3) dysphagia 4) weight loss

esophageal CA

MS Pathology: deep gnawing pain that radiates from chest to back

pancreatic CA

PT Interventions: Acute Phase

1) immobilization for 1-2 days 2) Control inflammatory response 3) Grade I/II Joint oscillations 3) 40-60% of ORM TE 4) Assisted movement with injured tissue

PT Interventions: Subacute Phase

1) Joint Mobilization 2) TE 3) Postural Education 4) Biomechanical education

PT Interventions: Functional Restoration Phase

1) Return to optimal level of pt function 2) normalize flexibility 3) Restore loading capacity of connective tissue to normal strength 4) Functional Strengthening exercises 5) Functional Stabilization exercises for the joint

PT Interventions: Contraindications to Soft tissue techniques

1) ST breakdown 2) infection 3) Cellulitis 4) inflammation 5) neoplasm 6) Hyper mobility 7) sensitivity

PT Interventions: Used to initiate an acute inflammatory response for a tissue with tendonosis

Transverse friction massage

PT Interventions: oscillations of small amplitude at the beginning of joint play

Grade 1 Jt

PT Interventions: oscillations are large in amplitude and at the midrange of joint play

Grade II JT

PT Interventions: Oscillations are large in amplitude and at the end range of joint play

Grade III JT

PT Interventions: Oscillations are small in amplitude and at the end of joint play

Grade IV JT

PT Interventions: High velocity and low amplitude at the end of joint play

Grade V JT

PT Interventions: Used to regain normal joint mechanics as well as decrease pain and muscle guarding

Grade V

PT Interventions: Contraindication for joint manipulations/ joint mobilization/ joint oscillation

1) joint ankylosing 2) malignancy involving bone 3) disease that affect integrity of ligs 4) arterial insufficiency 5) active inflammatory of infective process 6) DJD 7) metabolic bone disease 8) hypermobility 9) Joint replacement 10) pregnancy 11) spondy

Pharmacology: Prescribed for pain relief for MusculoSkeletal dysfunction


Pharmacology: 1) ibuprofen (Motrin) 2) naproxen sodium (aleve) 3) salsalate (discaled) 4) indomethacin (indocin)


Pharmacology: Side effects to NSAIDS

1) GI irritation 2) fluid retention 3) renal or liver problems 4) prolonged bleeding

Pharmacology: Commonly prescribed for skeletal muscle spasm

muscle relaxants

Pharmacology: 1) cyclobenzprine HCL (Flexeril) 2) methocarbamol (Robaxin) 3) carisoprodol (soma)

muscle relaxants

Pharmacology: side affect of muscle relaxants

1) drowsiness 2) lethargy 3) ataxia 4) decreased alertness

Special Test: Test to ID maligering pts with LBP

1) hoover 2) Burn's 3) Waddell's

radiology : 1) air is black 2) Fat is absent 3) Bone is white


radiology: 1) air is black 2) Fat is black 3) bone is white 4) bone marrow is gray

CT scan

Radiology: 1) Air is black 2) Fat is white 3) Bone is black 4) bone Marrow is white


radiology: 1) air is black 2) fat is gray 3) bone is black 4) bone marrow is gray


Brain: primary motor cortex located in the frontal lobe

Precentral Gyrus

Brain: Controls emotions and judgement located in the frontal lobe

Precentral cortex

Brain:Controls motor aspects of speech located in frontal lobe

Brocca's area

Brain: Primary sensory cortex for integration of sensation located in parietal lobe

postcentral gyrus

Brain: Receives fibers that convey touch, proprioception, pain, and temperature sensation from opposite side of body

Parietal Lobe

Brain: receives/processes auditory stimuli located in temporal lobe

primary auditory cortex

Brain: language comprehension located in temporal lobe

Wernicke's Area

Brain: receives/processes visual stimuli located in occipital lobe

primary visual cortex

Brain: basic functions include feeding, aggression, emotions, and sexual response

Limbic System

Brain: Functions with saccadic Eye Movements found within the basal ganglia

Occulomotor circuit ( caudate loop)

Brain: Functions to scale amplitude and velocity of movements, reinforces selected patterns, suppresses conflicting patterns, prepares for movement located within the basal ganglia

Skeletomotor Circuit (putamen loop)

Brain: integrate and relay sensory information from body, face retina, cochlea and tongue to cerebral cortex and found in the Dienscephalon

Sensory Nuclei of the thalamus

Brain: Relays motor information from cerebellum and globus pallidus to pre-central gyrus located in the diencephalon

Motor Nuclei of the Thalamus

Brain: Control of sensory, motor and reticular pathways located in the Diencephalon


Brain: Maintains body homeostasis: regulates body temperature eating, water balance, sexual behavior ant pituitary located in the diencephalon


Brain: secretes hormones that influence the pituitary gland and circadian rhythm

pineal gland

Brain: Origin of the rubrospinal tract, important for in coordination and contains CN oculomotor and trochlear. located midbrain of the Brain stem

Red nucleus

Brain: Important for motor control and muscle tone located in the midbrain of the brainstem

Substantia nigra

Brain: contains abducens trigeminal, facial, vestibulocochlea


Brain: Important for voluntary movement, contains and important centers for cardiac, respiratory and vasomotor function. located in the brainstem

Medulla Oblongata

Brain:connects with the vestibular system, helps with equilibrium and regulation of muscle tone, coordination of smooth muscle movements


Spinal Cord: contains efferent (motor) neurons

Anterior horn

Spinal Cord: Neurons that effect muscles

Alpha Motor neurons

Spinal Cord: Neurons that effect muscle spindles

Gamma motor Neurons

Spinal Cord: Contains afferent (sensory) neurons

Posterior Horn

Spinal Cord: convey sensations of proprioception, vibration and tactile discrimination

Dorsal Columns

Spinal Cord: Dorsal column pathway that convey sensations of proprioception, vibration and tactile discrimination for the UE

Fasciculus Cuneatus

Spinal Cord: Dorsal column pathway that convey sensations of proprioception, vibration and tactile discrimination for the LE

Fasciculus Gracilis

Spinal Cord: convey sensations of pain and temperature

Lateral Spinothalamic Tract

Spinal Cord: convey sensations of crude touch

Ant Spinothalamic tract

Spinal Cord: conveys proprioception information from M. spindles, golgi tendon organs, and touch and pressure receptors

Spinocerebellar tract

Spinal Cord: conveys deep and chronic pain

Spinoreticular Tract

Spinal Cord: voluntary motor control that arise from the primary motor cortex

corticospinal tract

Spinal Cord: important for control of muscle tone, antigravity M. and postural reflexes

Vestibulospinal Tract

Spinal Cord: Assists in motor function arising from the red nucleus

Rubrospinal Tract

Spinal Cord: Modifies transmission of sensation and influences gamma motor neurons and spinal reflexes

Reticulospinal System

Spinal Cord: Assists in head turning responses and visual stimuli

Tectospinal tract

Spinal Cord: innervations of the smooth M. heart, glands, and helps maintains homeostasis


Spinal Cord: Prepares body for flight or fight response, increases heart rate and BP, constricts peripheral blood vessels and redistributes blood

Sympathetic ANS

Spinal Cord: Conserves and restores homeostasis, slows HR and reduces BP, increases peristalisis and gladular activity

Parasympathetic ANS

Meninges: Outer, tough fibrous, attached to inner surface of cranium

Dura Matter

Meninges: Delicate, vascular membrane


Meninges: formed by arachnoid and pia matter, contains CSF and cisterns

Subarachnoid Space

Meninges: thin vascular membrane that covers the brain surface

Pia Matter

Neurons: Large, myelinated fast conduction

A fibers

Neurons: Proprioceptive, somatic a fibers

Alpha Fibers

Neurons: Touch pressure A fibers

Beta Fibers

Neurons: motor to muscle spindle A fibers

Gamma Gibers

Neurons: pain, temperature, touch A fibers

Delta Fibers

Neurons: small, myelinated preganglionic fibers

B fibers

Neurons: Small unmyelinated and slow conducting

C fibers

Neurons: Pain, reflex response C fibers

Dorsal Root

Cranial Nerves: Pure Sensory CN


Cranial Nerves: Pure Motor CN


Cranial Nerves: CN I Function and Name

Smell and Olfactory

Cranial Nerves: CN II (Optic) Function

Vision and pupillary Reflexes

Cranial Nerves: Test for CN II

1) Snelling Eye Test 2) peripheral vision 3) Shinning a light in eye

Cranial Nerves: CN III (Oculomotor) Function

Pupillary Reflex, turns eye up, down and in and elevates eyelid

Cranial Nerves: CN III Test

Shining a light in eye, ocular movements

Cranial Nerves: CN IV (trochlear) Function

turn add eye down

Cranial Nerves: CN IV test

pursuit eye movement

Cranial Nerves: CN VI (abducens) Function

Turns Eye out

Cranial Nerves: CN VI Test

observes position of eye and pursuit movement

Cranial Nerves: CN V (Trigeminal) Function

sensory to face and cornea and motor to temporal and masseter muscles

Cranial Nerves: CN V test

feeling of pain, light touch on forehead cheeks and jaw, the corneal reflex and have pt clench teeth

Cranial Nerves: VII (Facial) Function

Facial Expression

Cranial Nerves: CN VII Test

raise eyebrows, frown, show teeth, smile

Cranial Nerves: CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear) Function

Vestibular Function, VOR, Cochlear

Cranial Nerves: CN VIII Test

Balance, gaze instability with head rotation, Auditory acuity, webers test and rinnes test

CN Test: Test for auditory lateralization. place vibrating tuning fork on top of head and check to see if sound is heard equally in both ears

Weber's Test

CN Test: Comparing air and bone conduction: place vibrating tuning fork on mastoid bone, then close ear canal.

Rinne's Test

Cranial Nerves: CN IX/X(Glossopharengeal/Vagus) Function

Phonation, Swallowing, pharynx control, Gag Reflex

Cranial Nerves: CN IX/X Test

Listen to voice quality, Examine Difficulty in swallowing, have pt say ah, and stimulate throat

Cranial Nerves: CN XI (Spinal Accessory) Function

Innervates trapezius and SCM

Cranial Nerves: CN XI test

Shrug shlds against resistance and turn head toward resistance

Cranial Nerves: CN XII (hypoglossal) function

Tongue Movement

Cranial Nerves: CN XII Test

Listen to pts articulation, examine resting position of tongue and have pt move tongue from side to side

Spinal Level Reflexes: Stimulus-muslce stretch, Reflex Arc-Afferent Ia fiber from muscle spindle back to alpha motor neuron to muscle of origin

Stretch Reflex

Spinal Level Reflexes: Function of stretch reflex

1) maintenance of muscle tone 2) support agonist muscle contraction 3) provide feedback about muscle length

Spinal Level reflex: Stimulus: muscle contraction Reflex Arc: afferent Ib fiber from GTO to muscle origin

Inverse Stretch Reflex

Spinal Level Reflex: inverse stretch reflex function

1) provide agonist inhibition 2) diminution of force of agonist contraction 3) stretch protection reflex

Spinal Level Reflex: part of the stretch reflex, allows muscle tension to come under control of descending pathways

Gamma Reflex Loop

Spinal Level Reflex: Stimulus: cutaneous sensory stimuli Reflex Arc: cutaneous receptors to flexor muscles

Flexor (withdrawal) reflex

Spinal Level Reflex: Flexor reflex function

protective withdrawal mechanism to remove body part from harmful stimuli

Spinal Level Reflex: flexors of one side are excited causing extensors to be inhibited Opposite action on opposite side of body

Crossed extension Reflex

Spinal Level Reflex: Crossed extension reflex function

Coordinates reciprocal limb activities (Gait)

LOC: pt respondes appropriately, can open eyes, look at examiner, respond fully


LOC: Pt appears drowsy: can open eyes and look at examiner, respond to questions, but falls asleep easily


LOC: pt can open eyes, look at examiner, but responds slowly and is confused: demonstrates decreased alertness and interest in environment


LOC: pt can be aroused from sleep only with painful stimuli; verbal responses are slow or absent; pt returns to unresponsiveness state when stimuli are removed; min awareness of self or environment


LOC: pt cannot be aroused, eye closed, no response to external stimuli or environment


GCS: Scores of Severe brain injury


GCS: Scores of moderate brain injury


scores of minor brain injury


MMSE: Score that indicates mild cognitive impairment


MMSE: Score that indicates moderate cognitive


MMSE: Score that indicates severe cognitive impairment


Assesses cognitive recovery from a TBI

Ranchos Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive function

RLA: Pt appears to be in a deep sleep and is completely unresponsive to any stimuli

I. no response

RLA: Pt reacts inconsistently and non-purposefully to a stimuli. Responses are limited and often the same regardless of the stimulus

II. generalized response

RLA: Pt acts specifically but inconsistently to stimuli. May follow simple commands in an inconsistent and delayed manner

III. Localized response

RLA: Pt is in a heightened state of activity. Behavior is bizarre and non-purposeful. unable to cooperate directly with treatment efforts. Verbalizations are incoherent. Attention is brief. Lacks short term and long term recall

IV. Confused-Agitated

RLA: Pt able to respond to simple commands fairly consistently. Responses become non-purposeful when commands become more complex. Has gross attention to environment but is highly distractible

V. Confused-Inappropriate

RLA: Pt shows goal-directed behavior, but is dependent on external input or direction. Follows simple direction consistently and shows carryover. Responses may be incorrect but are appropriate to situation

VI. Confused Appropriate

RLA: 1) Pt appropriate and oriented 2) goes through daily routine automatically but robot like 3) min to no confusion 4) shows carry over for new learning but at decreased rate 5) judgement remains impaired

VII. automatic Appropriate

RLA: 1) able to recall and integrate past and recent events 2) Shows carryover for new learning and needs no supervision once activities are performed

VIII. Purposeful Appropriate

Communication: A central language disorder in which speech is typically awkward, restricted interrupted and produced with effort

Non-Fluent Aphasia/Brocca's Aphasia

Communication: The result of a lesion to the third frontal convolution of the left hemisphere

Brocca's Motor Aphasia

Communication: impairment of volitional articulatory control

Verbal apraxia

Communication: Verbal Apraxia is a lesion to what area of the brain

cortical, dominant hemisphere

Communication: impairment of speech production in the CNS?PNS mechanisms that control respiration, articulation, phonation and movements of jaw and tongue


Receptive Function: Fluent Aphasia

Wernicke's Aphasia

Receptive Function: A central language disorder in which speech is preserved and flows smoothly but comprehension is impaired

Wernicke's Aphasia

Receptive Function: Result of a lesion to the posterior first temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere

Wernicke's Aphasia

BP: Hypertension

>140 SBP >90 DBP

Respiration: a period of apnea lasting for up to 60 sec followed by gradually increasing depth and frequency

Cheyne-Stokes respiration

Respiration: Depression of the frontal lobe and diencephalic dysfuntion

Cheyne-Stokes Respiration

CNS Examination: Tests for meningeal irritation

1) Neck mobility 2) Kernig's Sign 3) Brudzinski's Sign

ANS: 1) Dilates Pupils 2) Inc HR and Force of Contraction 3) Break down glycogen into glucose 4) Increase Blood Sugar level 5) Increases blood flow to skeletal muscles 6) decreases blood flow to skin 7) Increases BP 8

Sympathetic NS

Sensory: Superficial Sensations

1) Pain 2)temp 3) Touch

Sensory: Deep Sensations

1) Joint position 2) Kinesthesia 3) Pallesthesia (vibration)

Sensory Test: ability to perceive movement in response to your moving the pt's limb


Sensory: Cortical Sensation

1) Stereognosis 2) Tactile localization 3) Two-point discrimination 4) Barognosis 5) graphesthesia 6) bil simultaneous stimulation

Sensory Test: ability to id familiar object when touched


SCI: Sign of Autonomic Dysreflexia

1) HTN 2) Bradycardia 3) Headache 4) diaphoresis 5) Diplopia 6) convulsions

SCI: Steps to take for Autonomic Dysreflexia

1) Elevate Head 2) check and Empty Catheter

SCI: Loss of Pain temperature and light touch below level of lesion

Contralateral Spinothalmic Tract Lesion

SCI: 1) 1) ipsilateral weakness and loss of position and vibration sense below level of lesion 2) contralateral loss of pain and temp a few segment below the lesion

Brown Sequard Syndrom

SCI: bilateral loss of pain and temperature and preservation of proprioception and discriminatory senses in UE

Central Cord LEsion

Wheelchair Prescription: C1-C4 Lesion

1) Electric Wheelchair 2) tilt-in-space 3) puff and -sip controls

Wheelchair Prescription: Cervical Lesion Shoulder Function Elbow Flexion (C5)

1) manual chair with propulsion aids 2) Ind for short distance 3) electric for distances

Wheelchair Prescription: Cervical Lesion with Radial wrist Extension (C6)

1) Manual Chair 2) Surface Friction Hand Rims 3) Ind

Wheelchair Prescription: Cervical Lesion Tricep (C7)

1) Manual Chair 2) Surface Friction Hand Rims 3) increased propulsion

Wheelchair Prescription: Hand Function (C8-T1)

1) Manual WC 2) Standard hand rims

Gait Training and Orthotic Prescription: Mid Thoracic Lesion (T6-T9)

1) Supervised amb for short distances 2) Bil KAFO and crutches 3) Swing-to gait pattern

Gait Training and Orthotic Prescription: High Lumbar Lesions (T12-L3)

1) IND in ambulation on all surfaces and stairs 2) swing through gait or 4 point 3) Bil KAFO and Crutches 4) Household Distance

Gait Training and Orthotic Prescription: Low Lumbar Lesions (L4-5)

1) IND with bil AFO and Crutches/Cane

Contraindication for Exercise for SCI pt

1) Autonomic Dysreflexia 2) UTI 3) uncontrolled Spasticity 4) Unstable Fx 5) uncontrolled hot environment 6) Insufficient ROM

Degenerative Disorder: Chronic, progressive, demyelinating disease of the CNS affecting Young Adults


Degenerative Disorder: impair neural transmission cause nerves to fatigue rapidly


Degenerative Disorder: Common in pyramidal tracts, dorsal columns, and periventicular areas of the cerebrum


Degenerative Disorder: MS that relapses with full recovery or some remaining sign

Relapsing-Remitting MS

Degenerative Disorder: MS disease progression from onset without plateaus or remission

Primary-progressive MS

Degenerative Disorder: MS initial relapsing-remitting course followed by progression at a variable rate

Secondary-Progressive MS

Degenerative Disorder: MS progressive from onset but without clear, acute relapse

Progressive relapsing MS

Degenerative Disorder: Common sensation problems with MS

1) paresthesias 2) hyperpathia 3) dysesthesias 4) trigeminal neuralgia 5) Lhermitte's Sign

Degenerative Disorder: Common visual Problems with MS

1) diplopia 2) blurred vision

Degenerative Disorder: Common muscle tone problems with MS

1) spasticity 2) hyperreflexia

Degenerative Disorder: Coordination problems with MS


Degenerative Disorder: Chronic, progressive disease of the CNS with degeneration of dopaminergic substantia nigra and nigrostrital pathways


Degenerative Disorder: PD affects what part of the brain

1) basal ganlia 2) substantia nigra

Degenerative Disorder: rigidity, bradykinesia, resting tremors, impaired postural reflexes


Degenerative Disorder: Common communication problems with PD

1) Dysarthria 2) hypophonia

Degenerative Disorder: Common oromotor problems with PD

1) dysphagia

Degenerative Disorder: Common ROM problems with PD

1) contractures in flexors and ABductors

Degenerative Disorder: neuromuscular Disorder with progressive muscular weakness and fatgiability on exertion

Myasthenia Gravis

Degenerative Disorder: Usually affects extraocualr, facial, muscles of mastication and proximal limb girdles

myasthenia gravis

Cerebellar Disorder: 1) Central Vestibular Symptoms 2) gait and trunk ataxia

Lesion of the archcerebellum

Cerebellar Disorder: 1) hypotonia 2) truncal ataxia 3) Ataxia gait

Lesion to the paleocerebellum

Cerebellar Disorder: 1) intension tremmor 2) dysdiadokinesia 3) Dysmetria 4) dysynergia

Lesion to the neocerebellum

Vestibular Dysfunction: an acute infection with prolonged attack of symptoms

Vestibual neuronitis

Vestibular Dysfunction: recurrant and usually progressive, tinnitus, deafness, sensation of pressure, edema of labryinth

Meniere Disease

Vestibular Dysfunction: Breif attacks of vertigo and nystagmus that occur with certain head positions


Vestibular Dysfunction: bilateral vestibular disorder related to vestibular neuropathy, otosclerosis

Paget's Disease

Vestibular Dysfunction: Postive sign for BPPV

Hallpike dix

Cranial and Peripheral Nerve disorders: injury to nerve that causes transient loss of function caused by compression


Cranial and Peripheral Nerve disorders: injury to nerve that causes transient loss and wallerian degeneration caused by a crush injury and regenertion is possible


Cranial and Peripheral Nerve disorders: cutting of the nerve with severance of all structures and complete loss of function


Crania and Peripheral Nerve disorders: Bell's Palsy involves which Nerve

CN VII Facial

Crania and Peripheral Nerve disorders: Weakness of the muscle innervated by the motor nuclei of the lower brainstem

Bulbar Palsy

Crania and Peripheral Nerve disorders: Affects the muscles of the face, tongue, larynx, and pharynx

bulbar Palsy

Crania and Peripheral Nerve disorders: Polyneuritis with progressive symmetrical muscular weakness progressing from LE to UE form a distal to proximal fashion,


Crania and Peripheral Nerve disorders: a degenerative disease affecting the ant horn cell sand descending corticobulbar and corticospinal tract


Crania and Peripheral Nerve disorders: 1) muscular weakness that spreads over time 2) spasticity, hyperreflexia 3) leading to death in 2-5 years


Stages of ALS: mild focal weakness, asymmetrical distribution, symptoms of hand cramping and fasciculations

Stage 1

Stages of ALS: Moderate Weakness in groups of muscles, some wasting modified independence with AD

Stage 2

Stages of ALS: Severe weakness of specific muscles, increasing fatigue, mild to moderate functional limitation, ambulatory

Stage 3

Stages of ALS: Severe weakness of LEs mild weakness in UEs, mod assistance and assitive devices required, WC user

Stage 4

Stages of ALS: Progressive weakness with deterioration of mobility and endurance, increased fatigue, moderate to severe weakness of all limb and trunk, spasticity hyperreflexia loss of head control, max assist

Stage 5

Stages of ALS: bedridden, dependent,

Stage 6

Cranial Nerve and Peripheral Nerve Syndrome: 1) asymmetrical weakness and atrophy 2) abnormal fatigue 3) cold intolerance 4)


Pain: fast pain is transmitted over what fibers

A Delta Fibers

Pain: Pain pathway for fast pain

1) A delta Fibers 2) spinal cord dorsal horn lamina 3) excites lateral spinothalamic tract 4) brainstem reticular formation and thalamus 5) cortex

Pain: Pain pathway for slow pain

1) C fibers 2) spinal cord lamina 3) ant spinothalamic tract 4) brainstem reticular formation and thalamus

Pain: syndrome that is continuous, intense occurring on the contralateral hemiplegic side. due to a stroke in the postlat thalmus

Thalamic Pain

PNF: Response to stimulation spreads to adjacent M. working in synergistic patters


PNF: Stimulates afferent nerve endings and facilitates extensor muscles


PNF: Stimulates afferent Nerve ending and facilitates flexor M


PNF techniques: voluntary relaxation followed by passive increasing ROM 2) followed by active assisted movements 3) progressing to resistive movement 4) pt arom

Rhythmic initiation

PNF techniques: Rhythmic initiation is indicated for

1) apraxia 2) uncoordinated motion 3) tonal impairments 4) motor learning deficits

PNF techniques: voluntary relaxation combined with slow passive rhythmic rotations of the body or body part

Rhythmic Rotation

PNF techniques: isometric holding is facilitated first on one side of the joint followed by alternate holding of the antagonist muscle group

Stabilizing Reversals (alternating isometrics)

PNF techniques: Stabilizing reversal is indicated for

1) decreased stability 2) poor antigravity control 3) weakness

PNF techniques: simultaneous isometric contractions of both agonist and antagonist perfromed without relaxation

Rhythmic Stabilization

PNF techniques: slow isotonic contraction of first agonist the antagonist

Dynamic Reversals (Slow reversals)

PNF techniques: Combines concentric, eccentric, and isometric contractions of one muscle gropu

Combination of isotonics ( Agonist Reversals)

PNF techniques: an isometric contraction performed in the mid to short range followed by a voluntary relaxation and passive movement into lengthened range, and resistence to an isotonic contraction into the lengthened range

Replication (Hold-Relax-Active Motion

PNF techniques: a relaxation technique usually performed at a a point of limited ROM in the agonist pattern

Contract Relax

PNF techniques: isotonic movement is performed followed by an isometric hold or the range limiting muscles in the agonist pattern against slowly increasing resistance, then relaxation and active contraction into new range


PNF techniques: an isometric contraction of the range-limiting antagonist pattern is performed against slowly increasing resistance followed by relaxation and passive movement into new range


PNF techniques: repeated stretch linked to voluntary effort to contract stretched muscles

Repeated Stretch

PNF techniques: UE D1F (Diagonal 1 Flexion)

1) Shoulder flex 2) Shoulder Add 3) Shoulder ER

PNF techniques: UE D1Ext

1) Shld Ext 2) Abd 3) IR

PNF techniques: UE D2 Flex

1) Shld Flex 2) Abd 3) ER

PNF techniques: UE D2 Ext

1) Shld Ext 2) ADD 3) IR

PNF techniques: LE D1 Flex

1) Flex 2) Add 3) ER

PNF techniques: LE D1 Ext

1) Hip Ext 2) Abd 3) IR

PNF techniques: LE D2 Flex

1) hip Flex 2) Abd 3) IR

PNF techniques: LE D2 Ext

1) Hip Ext 2) ADD 3) ER

PNF techniques: Upper Trunk Flex with rot and hands clasped, with the lead arm moving into D1Ext


PNF techniques: Upper trunk Ext with rotation; hands clasped with lead arm moving into D2 Flex


Neuro Techniques: Focus on enhancing motor skills, postural control, and quality of movements through movement experiences


Neuro Techniques: Facilitation of normal movement and postural patterns and inhibition of abnormal and compensatory patterns of movement


Sensory Stimulation Techniques: facilitates agonist muscle and inhibits antagonist muscles

Quick stretch

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: inhibits agonist muscle and dampens high tone

prolonged slowly applied stretch

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: recuits motor units, facilitates strengthen agonist contraction


Sensory Stimulation Techniques: enhances joint awareness, facilitates concontraction, action of postural extensors and stabilizing muscles

Joint Approximation

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: enhances joint awareness, action of flexors relieves muscle spasm

Joint Traction

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: Firm pressure on long tendons that inhibit muscles dampens tone

Inhibitory pressure

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: initiates phasic withdrawl reactions

light quick touch

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: produces calming affect generalized inhibition

Maintained touch

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: slow repetitive rocking that produces generalized ihibition of tone relaxion and calming effect

Slow, maintained vestibular stimulation

Sensory Stimulation Techniques: spinning or fast rolling that produce generalized facilitation of tone improved motor coordination and improved retinal image stability

Fast irregular vestibular stimulation

Motor Learning Strategies: a set of pre structured muscles commands that results in the production of coordinated movements

Motor program

Motor Learning Strategies: an overall strategy for movement: an action sequence requiring a coordnation of a number of motor programs

Motor plan

Motor Learning Strategies: Afferent information sent by various sensory receptors and control centers


Motor Learning Strategies: Readies the system in advance of movement; anticipatory responses that adjust the system for incoming sensory feedback or for future movements

Feed forward

Motor Learning Strategies: determine overall quality, level of automaticity, level of effort and speed of decision making


Motor Learning Strategies:ability to demonstrate the skill after a period of time


Motor Learning Strategies: the acquired capability to apply what has been learned to other similar tasks


Motor Learning Strategies: capability to apply what has been learned to other environmental contexts

Resistance to Contextual Change

Motor Learning Strategies: Feedback from Sensory information normally acquired during performance of a task

Intrinsic Feedback

Motor Learning Strategies: externally presented feedback tat is added to that normally acquired during task performance

Augmented feedback

Motor Learning Strategies: Augmented feedback about the outcome of a movement

knowledge of results

Motor Learning Strategies: augmented feedback about the nature of movement produced

knowledge of performance

Motor Learning Strategies: feed back given after every a set time

Feedback Schedule

Motor Learning Strategies: Practice of a single motor skill repeatedly

Blocked Practice

Motor Learning Strategies: practice of varied motor skills in which a performer is required to make rapid modifications in order to match the demand of the task

Variable practice

Motor Learning Strategies: practice of a group or class of motor skills in random order

Random practice

Motor Learning Strategies: practice of a group of motor skills in serial or predictable order

serial practice

Motor Learning Strategies: relatively continuous practice in which the amount of rest time is small

Massed practice

Motor Learning Strategies: practice in which rest time is large

distributed practice

Motor Learning Strategies: cognitive rehearsal of a skill without physical performance

Mental practice

Motor Learning: Stage in which the learner develops an understanding of the task, identifies the stimuli performs initial approximation of task, structures a motor plan and modifies initial response

Cognitive Stage

Motor Learning: Stage in which the learner practice movements, refines motor program, spatial and temporal organization, decreases errors, and extraneous movements

Associated Stage

Motor Learning: stage in which the learner practice movements, continue to refine motor responses, spatial and temporal are highly organized, movements are highly error free, and min level of cognitive monitoring

Autonomous Stage

Heart: Fibrous protective sac enclosing the heart


Heart: inner layer of the pericardium


Heart: heart muscle, the major portion of the heart


Heart: smooth lining of the inner surface and cavities of the heart


Heart: right heart valve

TRicuspid Valve

Heart: Left heart valve

Bicuspid (mitral valve)

Heart: prevent back flow of blood into atria during ventricular systole

Atrioventricular valves

Heart: Close when ventricular wall contract

Atrioventricular valves

Heart: Prevent back flow of blood from aorta and pulmonary arteries in the ventricles during diastole

Semilunar Valve

Heart Cycle: the period of ventricualr contraction


Heart Cycle: amount of blood in the ventricle after systole usually 50 mL

End Systolic Volume

Heart Cycle: period of ventricular contraction and filling


Heart Cycle: usually about 120 mL of blood

end diastolic volume

Heart: supplies the right atrium, most of the right ventricle, inferior wall of left ventricle, AV node and bundle of His

Right Coronary Art

Heart: supplies most of the left ventricle

left coronary Artery

supplies the left ventricle and the interventricular septum, the inferior areas of the apex, originating from the left coronary art

Left Descending Art

Heart: Supplies blood to the lateral and inferior walls of the let ventricle and orginates from the left coronary art

Circumflex art

Heart: Steps of electric current in heart

1) SA node 2) Atria 3) AV node 4) bundle of his 5) Purkinje fibers 6) ventricles

Heart: amount of blood ejected with each myocardial contraction

Stoke volume

Heart: Normal Stroke volume

55-110 ml/beat

Heart: the amount of blood left in the left ventricle at the end of diastole


Heart: the ability of the ventricle to contract


Heart: the force the LV must generate during systole to overcome aortic pressure


Heart: the amount of blood discharged form the left or right ventricle per minute


Heart: Average CO for an adult at rest

4-5 L/ min

Heart: Percentage of blood emptied from the ventricle during systole

ejection fraction

Heart: SV/left ventricular diastolic Volume

Ejection Fraction

Heart: Normal EF


Heart: Indicates and impaired LV

Low EF

ANS: parasympathetic and sympathetic control center is regulated by which area of the brain

Medulla Oblongata

CN: Controls the cardiac plexus and innervates all myocardium and releases of ACH

CN X (vegas)

PNS: the PNS causes which changes in the the heart and vascular system

1) Slows rate of the Heart and Force of the contraction 2) Coronary A vasocanstriction

SNS: Changes of the heart caused by the SNS

1) increase in rate and force of contraction 2) coronary a. vasodilation 3)

HEart: Main mechanism in controlling heart rate


Heart: Responds to change in BP

Circulatory Reflex

BP: An increase in BP will cause which changes in the ANS

1) Stimulation of PNS 2) Inhibition of SNS

BP: A decrease in BP will cause which changes in the ANS

1) SNS stimulation

Chemoreceptors: An increase in CO2 or decrease in O2 or decrease in pH levels results in what changes in heart

Increased in Heart Rate

Chemoreceptors: Increase in O2 levels will result in which changes in the heart

Decrease in HR

Increased concentration of potassium ion


Heart: A decrease in the rate and force of contractions and widened PR and QRS interval and tall T Wave


Heart: Flattened T wave, prolonged PR and QT intervals, arrhythmias leading to ventricle Fibrillations


Heart: increases heart actions caused by an inbalance in calcium levels


Heart: Decreases in heart actions caused by an imbalance in calcium levels


Heart: Risk Factors for CAD

1) Men > 45 Women > 55 2) MI or Sudden death in 1 degree male relative before 55 female 65 3) Sedentary Lifestlye 4) >30 bmi >40 in waist men >35 in female 5) SBP >140 DBP> 90 6) LDL > 130 HDL <40

Auscultation Landmarks: 2nd right intercostal space at the sternal boarder

Aortic Valve

Auscultation Landmarks: 2nd left intercostal space at the sternal boarder

Pulmonic Valve

Auscultation Landmarks: 4th left intercostal space at the sternal boarder

Tricuspid valve

Auscultation Landmarks: 5th left intercostal space at the midclavicular area

mitral valve

Heart Sounds: Lub; normal closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves: beginning of systole


Heart Sounds: Decreased when there is 1st degree heart block


Heart Sounds: Dub; normal closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves; end of systole


Heart Sounds: Decreased in aortic stenosis


Heart Sounds: abnormal tremor accompanying a vascualr or cardiac murmur


Heart Sounds: murmur of arterial or venous origin common with atherosclerosis


Heart Sounds: abnormal heart rhythm with three sounds in each cycle


Heart Sounds: associated with ventricular filling: heard in older individuals with congestive heart failure


Heart Sounds: ventricular filling an aortic contraction: indication of CAD, MI, aortic stenosis or chronic HTN


ECG: Atrial depolarization

P wave

ECG: time required for impulse to travel from atria to Purkinje fibers

P-R interval

ECG: Ventricular depolarization

QRS wave

ECG: beginning of ventricular repolarization

ST segment

ECG: Ventricular repolarization

T wave

ECG: time for electric systole

QT interval

Arrhythmias: premature beat arising from the ventricle; no P wave, a bizarre and wide QRS followed by a compensatory pause


Arrhythmias: a Serious PVC

>6 time per minute

Arrhythmias: a run of three or more PVCs occurring sequentially; ECG wide, bizarre QRS no P wave

PVC Tachycardia

Arrhythmias: rapid and repetitive firing, P wave abnormal

Atrial Arrhythmias

Arrhythmias: Abnormal delay r failure to conduct through normal conduction system

AV Blocks

ECG: impaired coronary perfusion causes a change in this segment

ST segment

ECG: Abnormal ST segment

depression or elevation greater than 1 mm measure .8 mm from J point

ECG: Abnormal Q or QS in leads V1-V4

Anterior infarction

ECG: abnormal Q or QS in Lead 1, aVL

Lateral infarction

ECG: abnormal Q or QS in leads II, III, aVF

inferior infarction

ECG: Larger R waves in V1-V3, ST depression V1, V2 or V3

posterior infarction

ECG Potassium Levels: widens QRS, flattens P wave T wave becomes Peaked


ECG Potassium Levels: flattens T wave prduces U wave


ECG Calcium levels: widens QRS shortens QT interval


ECG Calcium levels: prolonged QT interval


ECG: elevates ST segment; slows rhythm


ECG Drugs: depresses ST segment, flattens T wave, QT shortens


Drugs: decreases HR, blunts HR response to exercise

Beta Blockers

Drugs: increases HR


Drugs ECG: prolongs QRS and QT intervals

Antiarrhythmic Agents

BP: Pre hypertension


BP: Stage 1 HTN


BP: Stage 2 HTN


BP: Stage 3 HTN:


Peripheral Vascular System: Curvature of fingernails associated with chronic O2 deficiency Heart Failure


Peripheral Vascular System: pale, shinny, dry skin with loss of hair associated with


Peripheral Vascular System: intermittent claudication with pain cramping and fatigue during exercise and relieved by rest is associated with


Peripheral Vascular System: Pain is typical in calf, and can be experienced at rest, worse at night

Arterial insufficiency

Peripheral Vascular System: peripheral causes of edema

chronic venous insufficiency and lymphedema

Peripheral Vascular System: Bil edema associated with

Heart Failure

Peripheral Vascular System: ABI .8-1

mild Peripheral aretery disease

Peripheral Vascular System: ABI .5-.8

Mod PAD (+) for intermittent claudication

Peripheral Vascular System: < .5

Severe PAD

Edema: 0-1/4 inch indentation


Edema: Returns to normal within 15 sec 1/4 to 1/2 inch


Edema: Takes 15-30 sec to rebound 1/2 to 1 inch


edema: Last for 30 sec or more > 1 inch pitting


Diagnostic Testing : Cath inserted through vessels into Right side of Heart

Central Line (Swan-Ganz Cath)

Diagnostic Testing : Measure Central Venous Pressure, pulmonary artery pressure,

Central Line

Blood Values: normal PaO2


Blood Values: PaO2 decreases in which situation


Blood Values: Normal PaCO2


Blood Values: PaCO2 increases with what


Blood Values: pH below 7.35


Blood Values: pH increases with

respiratory Alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis

Blood Values: ph decreases with

respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis

Blood Values: Normal INR

< 2

Blood Values: INR >2

increased rick of bleeding

Blood Values: INR>3

increased risk of hemarthrosis

CAD: modifiable risk factors of Atherosclerosis

1) cigarette smoking 2) high BP 3) elevated cholesterol level 4) obesity 5) inactivity 6) stress

CAD: imbalance in myocardial O2 supply and demand

Angina Pectoralis

CAD: angina that occurs at a predictable Rate pressure product and is relieved with rest or nitro

Stable Angina

CAD: coronary insufficiency with risk for MI, doe snot occur at predictable RPP and pain is difficult to control

uncontrolled Angina

CAD: prolinged ischemia,, injury, and death of an area of the myocardium caused by an occlusion of the coronary A


CAD: Artery responsible for inferior MI, right ventricle infarction or disturbance of the upper conduction system

Right coronary A

CAD: Artery responsible for lateral MI, ventricular ectopy

Circumflex A

CAD: Artery responsible for Anterior MI, disturbance of lower conduction system

left anterior descending A

CAD: Signs of right sided Heart Failure

1) Nausea 2) Right upper Quandrant Pain 3) Increase in CVP 4) tricupid insuffiency 5) Peripheral Edema

CAD: Signs associated with Left Sided HF

1) Fatigue 2) SOB 3) Diaphoresis 4) Tachycardia 5) S3 Gallop 4) Crackles 5) Decreased Urine output 6) Confusion 7) Cheyne-Stoke

Medication: decreases preload through peripheral vasodilation, reduce myocarial O2 demand, improve coronary blood flow


Medication: reduce myocardial demand by reducing HR and contractility; controls arrthymias, chest pain, reduce BP

Beta-adgergenic blocking agents

Medication: decrease HR, decrease contractility, dilate coronary arteries, reduce BP

Calcium Channel Blockers

Medication: alter conductivity, restore normal HR rhythm, improve cardiac output


Medication: increase contractility and decrease HR, used for the treatment of CHF


Medication: decrease myocardial work, control HTN


Medication: decrease platelet aggregation may prevent MI


Differential Dx: 1) intermittent Claudication 2) worse with exercise relieved with rest 3) pain in lower leg 4) loss of hair, pale shinny skin 5) ulceration may develop in toes or feet

Chronic Arterial Insuffiency

Differential Dx: 1) min to mod steady pain 2) aching pain with prolonged standing 3) muscle compartment tenderness 4) Dark, cyanotic, thickened, brown skin 5) ulcer may develop at sides of ankles

Chronic venous Insufficiency

Exercise Tolerance Testing: Kavonen's Formual

60-80% x ( HR Max-resting HR) + Resting HR = Target HR

Exercise Tolerance Testing: with increase workload what should increase

1) HR 2) Systolic BP 3) O2 uptake (VO2)

Exercise Tolerance Testing: Diastolic BP should do what with increasing workloads

remain the same

Exercise Tolerance Testing: ECG changes with exercise in a healthy individual

1) Shorten QT interval 2) ST depression, upsloping less than 1 mm 3) reduced R wave 4) increased q wave

Exercise Tolerance Testing: ECg changes for pt with MI or CAD

1) tachycardia at lower intensity 2) increased vent arrhythmias 3) ST segment depression of greater than 1mm

MET: amount of 02 consumed at rest

3.5 mL/kg per min

MET Level: Standing, strolling, flying, playing cards, sewing

1.5-2 mets

MET Level: Level walking, level biking,

2-3 mets

MET Level: mopping floors, cleaning windows Walking 3 mph, biking 6 mph

3-4 METS

MET Level: scrubbing floors, raking leaves, walking 3 1/3 mph, biking 8 mph, golfing, tennis doubles

4-5 METS

MET Level: Light shoveling, Walking 4mph, biking 10mph,

5-6 METS

MET Level: Show shoveling, lawn mowing, Walking 5 mph, biking 11mph, tennis, light swimming light downhill skiing

6-7 METS

MET Level: Carrying 80 lbs, jogging 5mph, biking 12 mph, vigorous skiing,

7-8 METS

MET Level: Running 5.5 mph, biking 13 mph, moderate swimming, basketball

8-9 METS

Exercise Prescription: uses a smaller muscle mass, results in lower VO2

Arm ergometry

Medications: affect the ability of the HR to rise in response to exercise stress

Beta blockers and calcium blockers

RPE: values of 12-13 correlate to what percentage of HR


RPE: RPE of 16 correlates to what percentage of HR


Contraindications: Exercises contraindicated if resting BP is what


Cardiac Rehabilitation: MET guideline for Stage 1 rehab

Initial 2-3 METS, 3-5 at D/C

Cardiac Rehabilitation: HR elevation in stage 1 rehab

10-20 BPM

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Stage 1 Length of Hosp stay for uncomplicated MI

3-5 days

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Termination of Exercise in Stage 1 rehab

1) >110 DBP 2) Decrease in SBP >10 3) dysrhythmias 4) 2nd-3rd degree heart block

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Strength training can begin in Stage 2 after how many weeks 1) cardiac rehab 2) post MI 3) post-CBG

1) 3 weeks 2) 5 weeks 3) 8 weeks

CPR: Compression Rate for 1) adults/children/infants


CPR: CPR sequence

1) Compression 2) Airway 3) Breathing

CPR: Compression depth for 1) adults 2) children 3) infants

1) 2 in 2) 2 in 3) 1 1/2 in

CPR: Compression/breath ratio 1) Adult 2) Children/infant 1 rescuer 3) Children/infant 2 rescuers

1) 30:2 2) 30:2 3) 15:2

Contraindication: at what ABI do you not apply compression therapy


Respiration: Accessory muscles of respiration

1) Scalenes 2) SCM

Ventilation: volume of gas that can be inhaled beyond a normal Tidal Inhalation


Ventilation: volume of gas that can be exhaled after normal Tidal expiration


Ventilation: volume of gas that remains in the lung after ERV has been exhaled

Residual Volume

Capacity: IRV+TV, amount of air that can be inhaled from resting end expiratory pressure (REEP)

Inspiratory Capacity

Capacity: IRV+TV+ERV; amount of air that is under volitional control; measured as forced expiratory vital capacity (FVC)

Vital Capacity

Capacity: ERV+RV; the amount of air that resides in the lungs after normal tidal exhalation

Functional Residual Capacity

Capacity: IRV+TV+ERV+RV; the total amount of air that is contained within the thorax during max inspiratory effort


Flow Rate: Normal FEV1


Ventilation: PaCO2> 45


Breath Sounds: distant sound not heard over a healthy thorax often associated with COPD


Breath Sounds: indicates atelectasis, fibrosus or pulmonary edema


Breath Sounds: a musically pitched sound caused by airway obstruction


Acid-Base Balance: 1)increase in pH 2) Decrease in PaCO2 3) HCO3- WNL

Respiratory Alkalosis

Acid-Base Balance: 1) decrease in pH 2) Increase in PaCO2 3) HCO3- WNL

Respiratory Acidosis

Acid-Base Balance: 1)increase in pH 2) PaCO2 WNL 3) Increase in HCO3-

Metabolic Alkalosis

Acid-Base Balance: 1)Decrease in pH 2) PaCO2 WNL 3) Decrease in HCO3-

Metabolic Acidosis

Lung Volumes: Decrease in IRV, IC, ERV, VC, TLC and FRC

Restrictive Lung Desease

Lung Volumes: Decrease in ERV and VC, increase in FRC, RV and TLC


Acute Respiratory Disease: infection spread by aerosolized droplets


Acute Respiratory Disease: precautions for TB pt

1) Negative pressure room 2) TB mask and universal precautions

Chronic Respiratory Disease: airflow limitation that is not fully reversible


Chronic Respiratory Disease:COPD 1) FEV1/FVC < 70% 2) FEV1>80% 3) with or without chronic symptoms

Stage 1 (mild)

Chronic Respiratory Disease: COPD 1) FEV1/FVC < 70% 2) 50%<FEV1<80% 3) with symptoms of SOB on exertions

Stage 2 (moderate)

Chronic Respiratory Disease: 1) FEV1/FVC < 70% 2) 30%<FEV1<50% 3) greater SOB, decreased exercise capacity

Stage 3 (severe)

Chronic Respiratory Disease: 1) FEV1/FVC < 70% 2) FEV1<30% 3) impaired quality of life

Stage 4 very severe

Chronic Obstructive Disease: widespread narrowing of the airways due to inflammation and increased secretions


Chronic Obstructive Disease: Thickened secretions of all exocrine glands, may present as obstructive, restrictive or mixed disease, pt unable to gain weight


Chronic Obstructive Disease: Abnormal dilation of bronchi and excessive sputum production


Chronic Obstructive Disease: Alveolar collapse in premature infants resulting in lung immaturity and inadequate levels of surfactant

Respiratory distress syndrome

Chronic Restrictive Disease: etiologies for restrictive diseases

1) alteration in lung parenchyma and pleura 2) alteration in the chest wall 3) alteration in neuromuscular apparatus

Trauma: two of more fractures in two or more adjacent ribs

flail chest

Trauma: air in pleura space


Trauma: Blood in pleural space


Respiration Therapy: Pt leans back on a pillow at 30 deg. percussion between clavicle and top of scapula each side

Upper Lobe Apical Segment

Respiration Therapy: Pt leans over pillow at 30 deg. Percussion on upper back

Upper Lober Posterior Segment

Respiration Therapy: Pt lies on back with pillow under knees. Percussion between clavicle and nipple

Upper Lobe Anterior Segment

Respiration Therapy: Foot of bed elevated 16 in. pt lies head down on left side and rotates 1/4 turn backwards. Percussion over right nipple

Right middle lobe

Respiration Therapy: Foot of table elevated 16 in. Pt lies head down on right side with 1/4 rotation backward. Percussion over left nipple area

Left Middle Lobe

Respiration Therapy: Foot of table elevated 20 in. pt lies on side with head down. Percussion over lower ribs

Lower lobe Anterior Basal Segment

Respiration Therapy: Foot of table elevated 20 in. pt lies on abdomen head down with 1/4 turn upward. percussion over uppermost portion of lower ribs

Lower lobes Lateral Basal Segment

Respiration Therapy: Foot of table elevated 20 in. Pt lies on abdomen, head down with pillow under hips. percussion over lower ribs close to spine

Posterior lobes Posterior Basal

Respiration Therapy: Pt lies on abdomen with two pillows under hips. Percussion over middle of back

Lower lobes superior segment

Medication: Mimic activity of SNS allowing for brochodilation

Long-Acting Beta 2 Agonist

Medication: inhibition of the PN, increase HR, BP and bronchodilation


Medication: produces smooth muscle relaxation


Medication: block leukotrienes released in allergic reactions, Inhibit airway edema and smooth muscle contraction

Leukotriene Receptor anatagonist

Medication: prevent release of mast cells after contact with allergens

Cromolyn sodium

Medication: used to decrease mucosal edema, inflammation, and airway reactivity

Anti-inflammatory Agents

Skin: Outer most Layer


Skin: inner layer comprised of collagen and elastin


Skin: Contain lymphatics, blood vessels, nerves and nerve endings, sebaceous ad sweat glands


Skin: Underneath the dermis, provides insulation and muscle and fascia lie underneath it

Subcutaneous Tissue

Blood Flow of Integ: reduced O2 level in the blood causing advanced lung disease, congenital heart disease and abnormal hemoglobins

Central Cyanosis

Skin disorders: causes itching redness and skin lesions


Skin disorders: Dermatitis causes by photosensitivity, reaction to sunlight or UV rays


Skin disorders: Stage of dermatitis that presents as red, oozing, crusting rash; extensive erosions, exudate


Skin disorders: Stage of dermatitis with erythematous skin, scaling scattered plaques


Skin disorders: thickened skin, increased skin marking secondary to scratching


Skin disorders: Avoid using what with dermatitis


Skin disorders: superficial skin infection caused by bacteria; presented as inflammation, small pus filled vesicles and itching


Skin disorders: pus inflammation of cellular or connective tissue in or close to the skin; skin is hot red and edematous


Skin disorders:viral infection that causes Itching and soreness, followed by vesicular eruption if the skin on the face or mouth

Herpes 1

Skin disorders: Viral infection that causes vesicular genital eruption, spread by sexual contact

Herpes 2

Skin disorders: Viral infection reactivation bu a virus lying dormant in cerebral ganglia; pain and tingling affecting spinal Nerve dermatomes

Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Skin disorders: Viral infection by HPV


Skin disorders: fungal infection involving hair, skin or nails and form ring shaped patches


Skin disorders: Fungal infection of the foot, which can progress to cellulitis if left untreated

Athlete's Foot (tinea pedis)

Skin disorders: Chronic disease of the skin characterized by erythematous plaques covered with silver scales affecting the ears, scalp, knee and elbows


Skin disorders: PT treatment for psoriasis

long wave UV light with photosensitizing drugs

Skin disorders: Chronic, progressive inflammatory disorder of connective tissues; characterized by a red rash with raised red scaly plaques


Skin disorders: Lupus that only affects the skin; flareups with sun-exposure

Discoid Lupus

Skin disorders: Lupus that affects multiple organs, skin, joints, and can be fatal. Butterfly rash across the bridge of the nose is a sign

systemic Lupus

Skin disorders: Chronic diffuse disease of connective tissues causing fibrosus of skin, joint, blood vessels, and internal organs


Skin disorders: Skin is taut, firm, edematous, firmly bound to subcutaneous tissue


Skin disorders: disease of connective tissue characterized by edema, inflammation, and degeneration of the muscles, Affects primarily proximal muscles


Skin disorders: The ABCDEs of malignant melanoma

1) Asymmetry (uneven edges, lopsided) 2) Borders (irregular, poorly defined edges) 3) Color (variations, esp mix of black, blue, red) 4) Diameter (larger than 6mm) 5) Elevation ( usually elevated)

Examination of the Skin: Pruritus; common in Diabetes


Examination of the Skin: Smooth red, elevated patches of skin, hives


Examination of the Skin:Excessive dryness of skin with shedding of epithelium


Examination of the Skin: Color caused by CO poisoning

Cherry Red

Examination of the Skin: indicated by lack of O2, HF, advanced Lung disease Congenital Heart Disease


Examination of the Skin: Lack of color that can indicate anemia, internal hemorrhage


Examination of the Skin: indicate liver disease


Burns: Zone where cells are irreversibly injured, cell death occurs

Zone of Coagulation

Burns: zone where cells are injured; may die without specialized treatment

Zone of Stasis

Burns: Zone whee there is minimal cell injury and cells should recover

Zone of hyperemia

Burns: Rules of 9

1) Head and neck: 9 2) Ant trunk 18 3) Posterior trunk 18 3) Arms 9 each 4) Legs 18 each

Classification by percentage of body burned: 10% with 3rd deg burns and 30% or more with 2nd deg burns


Classification by percentage of body burned: less than 10% with 3rd deg burns and 15-30% with 2nd deg burns


Classification by percentage of body burned: less than 2% with 3rd deg burns and 15% with 2nd deg burns


Burn: Damage to epidermis only, no blistering, min edema, Delayed pain

Superficial (First Degree) Burn

Burn: Damage to the Epidermis and upper layers of the dermis, blisters, moist, weeping, painful

Superficial Partial Thickness Burn

Burn: Severe damage to epidermis and dermis with injury to nerve ending, mixed red and waxy look, broken blisters, wet

Deep-partial thickness Burn (Second Degree)

Burn: Complete destruction of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues, may extend into muscle, little pain

Full thickness (third degree) Burn

Burn: Complete destruction of epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissues with muscle damage Charred appearance

Sub-dermal Burn (Fourth degree)

Burn: Healing for Superficial Burn

Spontaneous 3-7 day, no scarring

Burn: Healing for Superficial partial thickness Burn

Spontaneous 7-21 day min scarring

Burn: Healing for Deep Partial Thickness Burn

Slow healing through scar formation

Burn: Healing for Full thickness Burn

Eschar removal and skin grafting necessary, hypertrophic scarring and wound contraction

Burn: Healing for Sub-dermal Burn

Heals with skin grafting and scarring

Burn Healing: Retention of viable cells for epithelialization to grow

Epidermal Healing

Burn Healing: Results in scar formation the injured tissue is replaced by connective tissue

Dermal Healing

Burn Healing: Phase that is characterized by redness and edema, decreased ROM that last 3-5 days

inflammatory phase

Burn Healing: Phase that fibroblast form scar tissue; wound contraction occurs and reepithelialization occurs if tissue is viable

Proliferation Phase

Burn Healing: Phase where scar tissue remodeling occurs and can last up to 2 years

maturation phase

Topical Management: acts only on surface organisms and applied with wet dressings; requires frequent dressing changes

Silver Nitrate

Burn Management: dressing applied on top of topical agent and prevents bacterial contamination, and fluid loss

Occlussive (closed) technique

Burn Deformities: Anterior Neck

Flexion contraction

Burn Deformities: Shoulder

ADD and IR contraction

Burn Deformities: Elbow

Flex and pronation contraction

Burn Deformities: Hand

Claw Hand Contraction

Burn Deformities: Hip

Flexion and ADD contraction

Burn Deformities: KNee

Flexion COntraction

Burn Deformities: Ankle

PF contraction

Skin Ulcers: associated with chronic venous insufficiency, hx of DVT

Venous Ulcer

Skin Ulcers: Features: 1) Can occur anywhere in the LE most happen over medial malleoli 2) Dark pigmentation 3)

Venous ulcer

Skin Ulcers: Features 1) can occur anywhere in the LE most common in small toes, feet on bony areas of trauma 2) poor absent pulses 3) severe intermittent claudication progressing to pain at rest 3) loss of hair on foot and toe 4) gangrene adjacent to ulc

Arterial Ulcer

Skin Ulcers:1) irregular, smooth edges 2) min granulation 3) lat malleoli, ant tib, toe and feet4) painful when legs elevated

Arterial Ulcer

Skin Ulcers: 1) irregular dark pigmentation with good granulation 2) Med malleoli 3) little pain 4)

venous ulcer

Skin Ulcers: 1) sensory loss present 2) caused by repetitive trauma to insensitive skin

Diabetic Ulcer

Skin Ulcers: areas where pressure (decubitus) occur

1) sacrum 2) heel 3) trochanter 4) lat malleoli 5) ischial areas 6) elbows

Skin Ulcers: Stage of Pressure Ulcer: 1) nonblanchable, erythema of intact skin

Stage 1

Skin Ulcers: Stage of Pressure Ulcer 1) partial-thickness skin loss that involves the epidermis, dermis or both 2) ulcer is superficial 3) presents as a abrasion, blister, shallow crater

Stage 2

Skin Ulcers: Stage of Pressure Ulcer 1) Full thickness skin loss that involves damage to the subcutaneous tissue 2) deep crater

Stage 3

Skin Ulcers: Stage of Pressure Ulcer 1) full thickness skin loss that involves the destruction of the muscle, bone or supporting structures

stage 4

Wound Exudate: watery-like serum


Wound Exudate: containing pus


Wound Exudate: containing blood


Wound Color: Healthy granulating with absence of necrotic tissue


Wound Color: include slough (necrotic or dead tissue) fibrous tissue


Wound Color: Covered in eschar


Ulcer Debridement: natural debridement under occlusive moisture retentive dressings, proper for pt who cant tolerate other forms of debridement. Not for infected wounds, immunosupressed pt or dry ischemic wounds


Ulcer Debridement: Chemical debridement that promotes liquefication of necrotic tissue by applying topical preparations. For necrotic wounds, home bound ind, pt who cant tolerate surgical debridement


Ulcer Debridement: removes foreign material and contaminated tissue and may remove healthy tissue as well, good for moist necrotic wounds not for granulated wounds


Ulcer Debridement: using sterile instruments to remove necrotic wound tissue


Wound Care: Type of electrical stimulation for wounds

1) Cont wave form with direct current 2) High-voltage pulsed current 3( Microcurrent Electrical stimulation 4) alternating bi-phasic current

Wound Dressing: semi-permiable dressing for stage I and II ulcers

Transparent Film

Wound Dressing: Advantages: 2)impermiable to external liquids 3) promotes autolytic debridement

Transparent Film

Wound Dressing: Disadvantages 1) non absorptive 2) not to be used on wound with fragile surroundings

transparent Film

Wound Dressing: adhesive wafers containing absorptive particles that react with wound fluid to form a gel; for the protection of partial thickness wounds


Wound Dressing: Water or glycerine based gels for partial are for partial of full thickness wounds


Wound Dressing: Semi-permiable membranes that are either hydrophillic or hydrophobic for partial or full thickness wounds


Immune System: located in the upper left abdominal cavity between the sotmach and diaphragm to filter out antigens and produce leukocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells in response to infection


PT Intervention: When is exercise contraindicated for pts with platelet disorder


Medications: Purpose of a Corticosteroid

Suppress inflammation

Medication: Prednisolone is a type of what


Medication: Side affects of chronic Corticosteroids

1) muscle Wasting 2) pain 3) Weakness 4) Osteoporosis

immune System: primary central gland of the immune system


Medications: a common sign of hepatotoxicity (resulting from HIV medication)


Immune System: 2 major criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome

1) six months of new fatigue unrelieved by rest 2) Exclusion of chronic conditions

Hepatitis: transmission primally through fecal-oral route; contracted through contaminated food or water

Hep A

Hepatitis: Transmission from blood, body fluids or body tissues, through blood transfusion, oral or sexual contact or contaminated needles


Shock: Caused by hemorrhage, vomiting or diarrhea

Hypovolemic Shock

Shock: Caused by a drop in SBP of 10-20 or more

Orthostatic Shock

Shock: Contraindicated due to risk of increased hemorrhage

Strenuous Exercise

Normal Values: WBC


WBC: Exercise prescription when WBC >5000

light exercise

WBC: Exercise prescription when WBC <5000 with fever


WBC:Exercise prescription when WBC <1000

use mask, standard precaution

Normal values: RBC 1) Men 2) female

1) 4.6-6.2 2) 4.2-5.9

Normal values: Hemoglobin 1) male 2) female

1) 13-18 2) 12-16

Sickle Cell: Contraindicated due to vasoconstriction and increased sickling

Cold Therapy

Hemophilia: Rarely used due to the risk of myositis ossificans

Passive Stretching

CA: Can result from small cancer cells in the lung

Cushing's Syndrome

CA: Treatment for pt with <20,000 platelet count

1) AROM,ADL exercise only

CA: Contraindicated when platelet counts below 20,000


CA: Cautious exercise when platelet counts between


Referral Pattern: Visceral Pain from the esophagus refers to

mid back

Referral Pattern: Visceral Pain from the liver, diaphragm, or pericardium refers to


Referral Pattern: Visceral Pain from the gallbladder, stomach, pancreas or small intestine refers to

midback or scap

Referral Pattern: Visceral Pain from the colon, appendix or pelvic viscera refers to

1) pelvis 2) low back 3) sacrum

Pregnancy: normal Postural changes

1) kyphosis with scap protraction 2) cervical lordosis with fwd head 3) lumbar lordosis

Pregnancy: Shift in COG

Fwd and Upward

Pregnancy: Abdominal exercises to be avoided

1) Full sit ups 2) Bil SLR

Pelvic Floor: herniation of the bladder into the vagina


Pelvic Floor: herniation of the rectum into the vagina


Pregnancy: acute HTN after the 24th week of gestation


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: Caused by excessive loss due to diarrhea, vomiting metabolic acidosis, renal tubular disease or alkalosis


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: Caused by acute renal failure, kidney disease metabolic acidosis diabetic ketoacidosis, sickle cell


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: Caused by water intoxication and can cause confusion decreased mental alertness and poor motor coordination


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: caused by insufficient water intake and can cause HTN tachycardia,


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: caused by reduction in albumin level, hypothyroidism, malabsorbtion of VIT D and calcium


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: Caused by hyperthyroidism, tumors, hyperparathyroidism and vit a intoxication


Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: caused by diabetes, renal insufficiency, diarrhea. can cause deep respiration, nausea, poor skin turgor

Metabolic Acidosis

Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: Caused by excessive vomiting, excess diuretics, hypokalemia or excessive intake of antacids. can cause hypoventialtion

Metabolic Alkalosis

Regulation of Electrolytes and Fluids: Caused by hypoventilation, chronic pulmonary disease or hypermetabolism. Can lead to dyspnea, hyperventilation cyanosis

Respiratory Acidosis

Incontinence: Sudden release of urine due to intra-abdominal pressure (coughng, laughing) and a weakness in the pelvic floor

Stress Incontinence

Incontinence: bladder contracts and urine is leaked after sensation of bladder fullness; inability to delay voiding

Urge incontinence

Incontinence: bladder continuously leaks due to urinary retention due to an anatomical obstruction, Acontractile bladder or a neurogenic bladder

Overflow Incontinence

Incontinence: Leakage associated with teh inability of unwillingness to toilet due to impaired cognition, impaired physical functioning or environmental barriers

functional Incontinence

endocrine system: control the release of hormones

1) hypothalamus 2) pituitary gland

endocrine system: control the release of pituitary hormones


endocrine system: Controls the release of GH, ACTH, follicle-stimulating hormone, lutinizing hormone, and prolactin

Ant pituitary

endocrine system: controls the release of antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin

Post pituitary

endocrine system: Control the release of mineral corticosteroids, glucocorticoids, adrenal androgens

Adrenal Cortex

endocrine system: controls the release of epinephrine norepinephrine

Adrenal Medulla

endocrine system: controls the release of thyroxine


endocrine system: control the release of calcitonin

thyroid C cells

endocrine system: controls the release of parathyroid hormone

Parathyroid gland

endocrine system: controls te release of insulin, glucagons and somatostatins

pancreatic islet cells

endocrine system: controls the release of estrogen and progesterone


endocrine system: control the release of testosterone


endocrine system: hormone that allows the uptake of glucose from the blood system, suppresses hepatic glucose production


endocrine system: hormone that stimulates hepatic glucose production


endocrine system: hormone that depresses the secretion of insulin and glycogen; decrease the motility of the stomach, duodenum,


Diabetes Mellitus: insulin dependent, juvenile-onset

DM 1

Diabetes Mellitus: decrease in number of islet cells resulting in decrease production of insulin

DM 1

Diabetes Mellitus: Prone to ketoacidosis (presence of Ketone in the urine from the by-products of fat-metabolism

DM 1

Diabetes Mellitus: inadequate utilization of insulin

DM 2

Diabetes Mellitus: a glucose level of what is considered to be diabetic


Diabetes Mellitus: A fasting Glucose level of what is diabetic


Obesity: BMI 25-29.9


Obesity: BMI ?30


Obesity: BMI?40

morbidly obese

Obesity: BM I Formula

weight (KG)/height(m)�2

Thyroid Disorder: weight gain, mental and physical lethargy, dry skin and hair, low bp, intolerance to cold goiter, metabolic processes are slowed


Thyroid Disorder: hyperreflexia, nervousness, tremor, weight loss, fatigue, tachycardia metabolic process accelerated


Thyroid Disorder: Graves disease


Adrenal Disorder: decreased production of cortisol and aldosterone, increased bronze pigment, weakness, weight loss , anexity, intolerance to stress

Addison's Disease (primary adrenal insufficiency)

Adrenal Disorder: excessive production of cortisol by adrenal cortex, decreased glucose tolerance, round moon face, obesity,

Cushing's Syndrome

Dying: Stages

1) denial 2) Anger 3) Bargaining 4) Depression 5) Acceptance