Loss Prevention

What is CA PC 490.5?

Merchant's PRIVILEGE law

What rights does section 490.5 give you?

It allows us to DETAIN someone for a reasonable amount of TIME TO CONDUCT an investigation when we have probable cause to believe that the person detained has taken something from the store that they have not paid for.

What is Probable Cause?

A set of facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been committed.

What is CA PC 837?

Private person's authority to arrest. It will be a Citizen's Arrest.

What is CA PC 846?

Weapon's search; a WEAPONS SEARCH is conducted AFTER an arrest has been made.

Define the term Reasonable?

What the average person would find APPROPRIATE for the particular situation; NOT EXCESSIVE.

What is the Importance of a store walk?

To check in with Management.

What are you looking for when conducting a store walk?

Hazards, signs of theft, both internal and external, open and unattended doors, open coolers, evidence of grazing.

What is Shrink?

Shrink is any LOSS to the company with regards to vendor theft, employee theft, property theft, discounting, and sweet hearting. Additional losses can occur by customer accident (Slip and Fall) and or property damage caused by negligence.

When is it Permissible for a Loss Prevention agent to carry a weapon?


What is CA PC 835?

USE of Force (Enough force to overcome resistance).

What are Resources?

Store Directors, Supervisors, fellow LPA's, company cell phone, laptop, cameras, CCTV, Shrink Trax, LPMS, security guards, Store Employees etc..... (Anything or Anyone that is able to help you to effectively do your job better).

Why is it important to check the area you will be processing arrested persons at the BEGINNING of your shift?

To ensure that there is NO CONTRABAND or WEAPONS left over from a previous arrested suspect, and to ensure that FOUND weapons or other objects are not used against you.

What are the 6 Elements needed for a shoplift arrest?

Approach, Selection, Concealment, FTP, exit the store while maintaining constant surveillance.

What is CA PC 484?


What is CA PC 487?

GRAND Theft- $950 and Above

What is CA PC 488?

PETTY Theft- $950 and Below

If you observe an employee eating a cookie in the recieving area, what should you do?

Ask for a receipt, take notes review video if necessary to conduct an investigation through a process of elimination, given the evidence obtained and reviewed, to determine if grazing occurred.

If you observe a customer purchasing a LARGE quantity of meat an liquor and is writing a check for the transaction, what should you do?

Call the manager and ask if there is another method of payment that the customer can use. If not give the manager your advice that you would NOT accept the check and let them know that it is their final decision to make that choice.

What is Grazing?

Eating, drinking, or consumption of a product or item that has not been paid for yet.

Define Loss Prevention?

Preventing the amount of THEFT and SHRINKAGE within a Business. Safe guarding the company's Assets (Bottom Line).

Is there a DIFFERENCE between a Detention and an Arrest? If so, what is the DIFFERENCE?

YES, the Difference is that a Detention is done to CONDUCT an investigation and an Arrest is actually CHARGING the subject with a crime.

Give 3 Examples of Internal Theft?

Sweet Hearting, Discounting, and Grazing.

What is Sweet Hearting?

Not ringing up all the items on the register BELT for someone.

Give Three examples of External Theft?

Pallet thieves, shoplifting, cardboard BALE thieves, bad CHECK writers, FAKE returns.

Give three examples of why you should make a recovery instead of an arrest?

The age of the subject. When you do not have all of the Elements of a shoplift, when the situation is too dangerous for the LPA, store employees, customers in the area, and the suspect.

If you detain someone under CA PC 490.5, what may you SEARCH?

Purses, backpacks, bags and jackets, not worn by the subject.

Why is observing a subject select a product from the shelf so IMPORTANT in making a decision to apprehend that subject, provided that you have all the other Elements?

It is IMPORTANT because you need to identify that the product belongs to the company.

In order for you to make a Misdemeanor Arrest, what must occur?

The crime must have occurred in your presence and that you must see it.

What is CA PC 459?

BURGLARY- Burglary is Theft with the Intent to steal or commit a crime prior to entering a dwelling or structure.

What is CA PC 211?

ROBBERY- Robbery is Theft by FORCE or FEAR.

Why is it important to carry a notebook with you while you are working?

To take notes so you do not forget something important as it arises.

Why are BOB audits Important?

It can limit and deter preventable loss at the front end of the store, by ensuring that all items are scanned and paid for. This helps to deter complacency among cashiers as they perform their duties.

While conducting a store walk, you Observe a roll-up door open and unattended, what should you do?

Close the roll-up door, investigate by asking who left it open and then review CCTV to determine who left the doors open and unattended last. Inform the Store Director of your findings and document it in your DAR.

Why is it important to talk with the Store Director and staff?

To get information on what is occurring inside the store and to provide customer service to the store by following up and or looking into an incident or issue that they might have.

If you observe a group of young people begin to gather in the parking lot, what should you do?

Access the situation to determine if they are causing a disturbance by doing any of the following: Playing loud music, drinking, fighting, and loitering. If those conditions exist, call police.

What is CA PC 503?

EMBEZZLEMENT- Embezzlement is the theft of money, documents, sales sheets that were entrusted to the employee form the company.

What is CA PC 602?


Give an Example of "Intent" as it relates to a shoplift arrest?

When the suspect had made a plan to steal from entering the store. For example, the suspect entering he store with an empty purse or backpack. Not having a METHOD of payment for the items that the suspect shoplifted.

What are the 5 "W's" of report writing? Why are they important?

Who, What, Where, When, Why. By utilizing the 5 W's in report writing it should provide an accurate depiction of what occurred during the course of your investigation or incident. A well WRITTEN and ACCURATE report is extremely beneficial should it be referenced in court or for criminal or civil purposes.

Why are detailed reports important?

They serve as RECORDS of what occurred during the course of an investigation or incident.

What is CA PC 240?

ASSAULT- an UNLAWFUL attempt, coupled with present ABILITY, to commit a violent injury on the person of another.

What is CA PC 242?

BATTERY- any WILLFUL and UNLAWFUL use of force or violence upon the person of another.

What are 3 sources that SHRINK come from?

Internal- Store EmployeesExternal- Customers/Non-EmployeesVendor- Suppliers/Accounting

What is Shoplifting?

Shoplifting is the act of taking merchandise from a store without paying for it, in whole or part.

What are 5 types of Shoplifters?

The Professional, the Amateur, the Kleptomaniac, the Narcotics Addict and the Vagrant.

What is the Description of a FELONY?

A Felony is Punishable by one or more years in a state or Federal Prison.

What is the description of a MISDEMEANOR?

A Misdemeanor is punishable up to one year in County jail.

What is CA PC 834?

Definition of Arrest. An Arrest can be made by a Peace Officer or private Citizen.

What is CA PC 484?


What is CA PC 487?

GRAND Theft- $950 and Above

What is CA PC 484?


What is CA PC 487?


What is CA PC 484?
