ESL Praxis: Morphology

Which affixes in English are comparable to affixies in another language?

Inflectional affixes serve a grammatical function, eg: "ed", "ing", "s", "en". Every language requires the speaker to track certain features of the things and events they are talking about. In English the speaker is required to use inflectional marks to i

How do morphemes combine to create words in English?

Many English words are formed by combining a free morpheme with a derivational affix.
New words can also be derived by adding prefixes to base words.

How does the suffix -ly affect the word "slow" ?

The suffix -ly changes the word meaning. It was a verb (action). When you add -ly, it becomes an adverb.

What is the root for the word "impossibly" ?


What are the stages of morphological development in ESOL?


What are Brown's Five stages?

1. 2-word utterances

If a student says, "I have two pen," which morpheme has the student not yet acquired?

The inflectional morpheme

How can you help students develop strategies to learn new words and use morphological knowledge of English to build vocabulary?

Encourage Reading. Help students acquire vocabulary as they read rather than teaching the vocabulary itself through vocabulary exercises. Allow time for pauses in reading to determine vocabulary words and partake in shared reading. Encourage questioning a

How can a lesson on prefixes and suffixes help a student derive meaning from newly encountered words?

If a students learns the meaning of word parts such as prefixes and suffixes, he/she can then combine meaning of word parts to determine the meaning of a whole word.

(Syntax) Explain why a native Spanish speaker would say, "I live in a house white".

Becaouse in Spanish the adjective comes after the noun.

How do ESOL students experience the stages of syntactic development?

Beginning writers often write simple sentences at first. Later they produce a series of simple sentences joined by "and". As writers develop, they learn how to subordinate ideas to create complex sentences.

What are the major syntactic structures of English?

The major syntatic structures of English are the noun phrase, verb phrase, and auxiliary.

How are interrogative sentences formed in English?


How are declarative sentences formed in English?


Identify the English parts of speech.

Major word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
Minor word classess: auxiliary verbs, prepositions, pronouns, determiners, and conjunctions.

What is the VERB SYSTEM?

Two ualities verbs have are tense and aspect. There are six types of verbs: intransitive, transitive, ditransitive, linking, complex transitive, prepositional.

How does the word "treat" function differently in the following sentences?
"Let me treat you to dinner?"
"Ice cream is a treat.


What is the third person singular contruction of the verb, "write" in present perfect tense?

Has written.

What is an idiom and how are they different from other non-literal expressions?

An expression that has both literal and figurative meaning, and is notorious for being a difficult type of lexical item to learn for language learners.

What activities would assist students in their understanding of non literal language use and idioms?

Identification of idioms used in well-known sons and movies.

What are grammatical differences between declarative and interrogative sentences?

Declarative: subject + predicate
Declarative sentences consist of a subject and a predicate. The subject may be a simple subject or a compound subject.
Interrogative: Auxiliary + subject + present tense form of the verb + object

What are grammatical differences between a sentence that uses active voice and a sentence that uses passive voice?

In the active voice the subject of the clause is most often the agent, or doer, of some action. In passive voice, the receiver or undergoer of the action is put in the subject position.