French Near Future tense

Je vais aller

I am going to go

Je vais regarder

I am going to look at

Je vais manger

I am going to eat

Tu vas manger

You are going to eat

Nous allons jouer

We are going to play

Nous allons rester

We are going to stay

Ils/Elles vont aller

They are going to go

Il va faire

He is going to do

Elle va nager

She is going to swim

Il va voyager

He is going to travel

Nous allons parler

We are going to speak

Ils vont finir

They (m) are going to finish

Je vais boire

I am going to drink

Tu vas retourner

You are going to return

Il va lire

He is going to read

Elle va écouter

She is going to listen

Nous allons écrire

We are going to write

Elles vont pouvoir

They (f) are going to be able to

Je vais parler

I am going to speak

Il va habiter

He is going to live...

Je vais étudier

I am going to study

Je vais choisir

I am going to choose

Je vais attendre

I am going to wait

Il va dormir

He is going to sleep.

Je vais travailler

I am going to work

Elle va chanter

She is going to sing