Teaching Social Studies in Elem Exam 2

religions with distinct plant types, determined by climate, soil, drainage, and elevation

vegetation regions

a group of eight major islands, several atolls, numerous smaller islets, and seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean. "Sandwich Islands

Hawaiian Islands

Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

Great Lakes

a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by glacial erosion


a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of seven large plates and the movements of a large number of smaller plates over the last hundreds of millions of years

cultural diffusion

the largest by discharge volume of water in the world

Amazon River

a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau


Earths highest mountain

Mount Everest

a three-dimensional representation, usually of terrain, materialized as a physical artifact.

topographical map

a type of map characterized by detail and quantitative representations of relief, but historically using a variety of methods

relief map

focuses on the geography of the area and will often shave shaded relief so show the mountains and valleys (many rivers, mountains, and lake features)

physical map

general maps that show a variety of basic information on one map

reference maps

special purpose maps- maps that usually highlight only one kind of information on one particular topic

thematic maps

a map that focuses on boundaries between entities, like countries, states or counties

political maps

a high plain or tableland, usually consisting of relatively flat terrain that is raised significantly above the surrounding area, often with one or more sides with steep slopes


a flat-topped mountain or hill
