Microbiology Final Lecture Review #1

What drugs are used primarily to treat tuberculosis?

Ethamburtol RIPE

Mebedazole is used to treat cestode infections which interfere with microtubule formation; therefore it would not affect which organism or cell?


What antibiotics are bactericidal?

Rifampin CRAP

May be due to increased uptake of drug, may be transferred from one bacterium to another during conjugation, may be carried on a plasmid. Used when antibiotics are used indiscriminately.

Drug Resistance

The antimicrobial drug with the broadest spectrum of activity.


What antibiotics are effective against gram-negative bacteria?


What antibiotics are used to treat fungal infections?

Amphotericin B and Griseofulvin

Why does a cell die in the presence of penicillin?

Penicillin interferes with the formation of the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria; it undergoes osmotic lysis

Most antimicrobial agents are effective against what type of organism?


What was the first antibiotic ever discovered?


What group of antimicrobial agents is used to treat fungal infections?

Amphotericin B

How does herpes gladitorium get transmitted?

Direct Contact

Signs and Symptoms: Chicken pox - lesions are vesicles, eventually becoming pustules that rupture and form scabs, Pus-filled vesicles and scabs, on the person face, throat and lower back.

Diagnosed with Varicella-zoster virus

By what route is a cold sore transmitted?

Oral Route and Direct Route

What are the signs and symptoms of chickenpox?

Vesicles in most cases confined to face, throat, and lower back

Scabies is a skin disease caused by what?

Sarcoptes Scabiei
Parasitic Infection

What is the treatment for smallpox?

No known treatment.

What is the causative agent of both thrush and vaginitis?

Candida albicans

What is the causative agent of fever blisters?

Herpes Simplex

What infections can be caused by S. aureus?


A teenage male presents to the clinic with pus filled cysts on both his face and upper back. A microscopic examination shows gram positive rods, What has caused his infection?

Propionibacterium Acnes

What is the etiologic agent of chickenpox?

Herpes Zoster

What are the causes of ringworm?


What all is fungicide used to treat?

Candidiasis and Sporotrichosis

What is the greatest single cause of blindness in the world?


What all caused by the herpes virus?


Steptococcus is sensitive to what antibiotic?

Group A
Bacitracin and will not grow around the antibiotic containing disc/penicillin and ampicillin

The reservoirs for most respiratory infections are what?


What are some characteristics of the etiologic agent of tuberculosis?

Mycobacterium bacteria
-slinder rod
-ocigate aerobe

How can Pneumoncystis carinni pneumonic (PCP) be prevented in AIDS pts?

Sulfamethoazote - weak immune so activated

Why should children who have chickenpox's not take ASA?

Viruses can't be treated with antibiotics. May cause Reyes syndrome.

What are some signs and symptoms of a patient with hepatitis B?

Abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness and fatigue, yellowing of you skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice)

What happens to a patient with peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori after they eat?

Gastritis/Gastro cancer

Characteristics of the disease associated with pseudomembranous colitis?

A caused by antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD), is an infection of the colon. Sometimes caused by the bacterium Clostridium difficile. Informal name C. difficile colitis, The illness is characterized by offensive-smelling diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. Severe complications can develop such as toxic megacolon.

The primary organ or organs affected by aflatoazins?

Cirrhosis of the liver

What are the major reasons for high incidence of diarrheal infections in developing countries?

Environmental causes such as poor sanitation, decreased access to clean water and a poor understand of transmission and treatment of disease.

The purpose of the exotoxins of Clostridium botulinum?

Highly specific for the synaptic end of the nerve, where it blocks the release of acetylcholine, a chemical necessary for transmitting nerve impulses across synapses. Neural toxin.

How can one minimize the risk of traveler's diarrhea?

Oral rehydration and common sense things

Most urinary tract infections are caused by what?

E. Coli

Delusions of grandeur" are known to occur in what disease?

3rd - teriary syphilis

The type of specimen required for the diagnosis of syphilis?

Visual microscopic inspection, nontreponemal serological and treponemal serlolgical

If group B streptococci enters the amniotic fluid, what problems could the newborn experience?

Sepsis and menijitis

What disease is characterized by apprehension and hydrophobia?


What is the causative agent for African sleeping sickness?

Trypanosoma brucei

The organization responsible for surveillance of communicable disease in the U.S.?

CDC (Center for Disease Control)

What is known about Hepatitis D?

Liver damage, higher mortality rate, acute or chronic, deltaviridae, 6 to 26 weeks incubation period, methods of transmission-potential, and requires coinfection with hepatitis B

If you found gram negative diplococci in a patients CSF, you would suspect what organism?

Neisseria meningitidis

What are some reservoirs for rabies?

Wild bats

Meningococcal meningitis is caused by what?

Neisseria meningitides

Why is there not a vaccine for the common cold

Many viruses cause the cold

Pasteurization was the first used to control spoilage of what?


What causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?

Prion, TSE, genetic component, and similar to scrapie

Know about pelvic inflammatory disease.

Saipingitis infect uterine tube and blocks the passage of egg

Why are encephalitis and meningitis difficult to treat?

Blood-brain barrier

Arthropods can serve as a reservoir for what diseases?

Arboviral Encephalitis
Western quine
St. Louis
Japaneses B
West Nile
Yellow Fever

This mutation is caused by a chemical that is structurally similar to nucleotide components such as adenine or thymine.

Point mutation

This mutagen would make the base adenine pair with cytosine instead of thymine.

Base pair type of mutagen

An X-Ray is an example of what type of radiation?

Electromagnetic and Ionizing Radiation

Spherical shaped bacteria that divide and remain attached in chainlike patterns are called what?

Streptococci-rod shaped bacteria

Describe mycobacteria.

Most resistant to chemical biocides, TB and leprosy common

Describe endospores.

Allow cells to survive environmental changes, resistant to high temp. UV lights and desiccation

Nonspecific resistance is what?

The body's defenses against any kind of pathogen.

What is involved in resistance to parasitic helminths?


What is immunity that is not due to antibodies?

Innate Immunity

Immunity resulting from recovery from mumps is what type of immunity?

Naturally Required Active Immunity