history chapter five test

what are the unalienable rights?

rights that cannot be taken away or denied.

whats the stamp act?

tax on all printed materials

ben franklin was known for?

chess, flirting with british women and being an ambassador to the u.s

who were the sons of liberty?

colonists that grouped together to fight taxation on the british government

what was the three fifths compromise?

slaves were only worth 3/5s of a person

who holds the authority or power in a republic?

the people

dressed as indians, colonists boarded ships and dumped tea into the harbor. what is this called?

the boston tea party

which branch of the military is most closely related to the government?

the national guard

who wrote common sense?

thomas paine

what were the intolerable acts?

collection of british legislations that oppressed them to pay their taxes.

who was the leader of the sons of liberty?

samuel adams

why did some states choose to limit or reject executive power?

they didn't want one individual to have such great power

T/F: the treaty of paris gave britian extensive land west of the appalachian mountains.


T/F: the articles of confederation could levy taxes and regulate commerce among the colonies.


what was decided in the treaty of paris?

america gained independence and more land

where colonists argued the colonies had no representation in parliament so therefor british had no rights to tax them. whats this prase?

no taxation without representation

all of these are mistakes the british made earlier in the war except....

having to many troops

all the things virginias plan involved:

D (unicameral)

what was the role of the second continental congress?

assume responsibility of the war and raise staff for the army

which event in where british soldiers fired into a crowd and killed 5 people?

boston massacre

what was the structure on the new government under articles of confederation?

democratic republic

which battle did george washington cross the delaware river?

battle of trenton

what restrictions did spain and britain trade on americans?

the spanish closed off west indies

what was the purpose of the special convention in 1787?

to make changes to the articles of confederation

what date was the declaration of independence signed?

july 4th, 1776