Combo with PE 244 Test 2: Study Guide Questions 19-25 and 4 others

Define obesity

Condition of excessive body fat

Define overweight

Excessive body weight relative to your structure and height

Give two factors that determine amount of fat in your body: 1

Number of adipose cells can increase from birth to puberty

Give two factors that determine amount of fat in your body: 2

Size of adipose cells can increase after puberty

What is the set point theory

The fat cells in the body want to resist reduction in size, compared to a thermostat

Define cellulite

Non-medical term for ordinary adipose tissue, found in the buttocks, upper arms, and front of thighs

Name three types of body fat testing

Hydrostatic weighing, electrical impedance, and skin fold calibration

Explain the spot reducing myth

Fat cannot be reduced in only one spot, exercise affects all areas of body fat

Name two eating disorders

Bulimia and anorexia nervosa

Name and define two eating disorders: 1

Bulimia; recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by purging with use of laxatives or vomiting

Name and define two eating disorders: 2

Anorexia nervosa; starvation or very few calories per day, people with distorted body image

Give 3 tips for cutting sugar in your diet: 1

Cut back on processed baked goods

Give 3 tips for cutting sugar in your diet: 2

Reduce amount of sweeteners

Give 3 tips for cutting sugar in your diet: 3

Eat cereals with no sugar

Give 3 tips for increasing fiber intake: 1

Substitute brown rice for white

Give 3 tips for increasing fiber intake: 2

Eat whole grain breads

Give 3 tips for increasing fiber intake: 3

Eat fresh , unpeeled fruits and vegetables

Give 3 tips for cutting fat in your diet: 1

Choose low fat dairy products

Give 3 tips for cutting fat in your diet: 2

Eat low meat or meatless main dishes

Give 3 tips for cutting fat in your diet: 3

Avoid fried foods

Give 3 tips for reducing sodium in your diet: 1

Avoid salty processed food

Give 3 tips for reducing sodium in your diet: 2

Cut salt in recipes

Give 3 tips for reducing sodium in your diet: 3

Taste food before salting

What percentage of your diet is recommended for carbohydrates


What percentage of your diet is recommended for fats


What percentage of your diet is recommended for proteins


Define cholesterol

Essential fatty type substance, produced by liver, and found in animal tissue.

Define HDL

High-density lipoprotein; good cholesterol

Define LDL

Low-density lipoprotein; bad cholesterol

How many vitamins are there


Name the fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E, and K

Name the water soluble vitamins

B and C

How many minerals are there


How many essential minerals are there


Explain the purpose of the 6 classes of nutrients: 1

Carbohydrates; the bodies most efficient source of energy

Explain the purpose of the 6 classes of nutrients: 2

Protein; responsible for growth, maintenance, and repair of all body tissues

Explain the purpose of the 6 classes of nutrients: 3

Fats; transports fat soluble vitamins, insulates and protects body organs

Explain the purpose of the 6 classes of nutrients: 4

Vitamins; help regulate body processes, creates strong bones and teeth

Explain the purpose of the 6 classes of nutrients: 5

Minerals; necessary in most physiological functions of the body, helps to form enzymes, hormones, and chemicals important to metabolism

Explain the purpose of the 6 classes of nutrients: 6

Water, most important nutrient that is necessary for survival, breaks down foods

Name the 6 classes of nutrients

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, water

Calories per gram of carbohydrates


Calories per gram of protein


Calories per gram of fats


Calories per gram of alcohol


Name 2 types of fiber

Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

Define 2 types of fiber: 1

Soluble fiber; non-nutrient found in carbohydrates that can be dissolved in hot water

Define 2 types of fiber: 2

Insoluble fiber; non-nutrient found in carbohydrates that can not be dissolved in hot water

Name the macro-nutrients

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Name the micro-nutrients

Vitamins and minerals


The ability to move a joint easily and smoothly through its full, non-restricted pain-free range of motion

Name 6 limiting factors that affect flexibility

Bony structure, Fat, Skin Muscles/tendon, Connective Tissue, Loose jointed/double jointed

Active ROM (range of motion)

Dynamic flexibility, Positive movement that you can see

Passive ROM (range of motion)

Static flexibility, Tension in muscle without movement

Define stretching technique: 1

Ballistic - repetitive, forceful bouncing

Define stretching technique: 2

Static - stretching to the end point in range of motion and holding for period of time

Define stretching technique: 3

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation - stretching with a partner who is the resistance against muscle contractions, marked by contraction and relaxation of muscles

Name 3 stretching techniques

Ballistic, Static, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

Define metabolism

The sum of all the chemical reactions in the body that are necessary to sustain life.

Name the 2 basic nutrition principles 1

The study or science of the substances that are found in the foods we eat that are essential for life.

Name the 2 basic nutrition principles 2

A substance is essential if it is supplied by our diet.

Give 5 stretching guidelines/precautions: 1

Warm up to gradually increase heart rate

Give 5 stretching guidelines/precautions: 2

stretch till you feel tightness or resistance

Give 5 stretching guidelines/precautions: 3

stretch muscles that are tightest or most inflexible

Give 5 stretching guidelines/precautions: 4

stretch slowly with control

Give 5 stretching guidelines/precautions: 5

breathe normally