US History A Semester 1

Personal Narrative

provides a first hand written account ofthe event

Secondary Source

gives a factual account of the event


shows the broad geographic impact ofthe event

Political Cartoon

provides a humorous, perhaps satirical,perspective on the event


helps you visualize the event as if youwere there

Newspaper Editorial

Provides the perspective of the publicaudience, shaped by the editors views,on the event


provides a cultural perspective on the event

In which type of historical reading material would you be most likely to find a newspaper editorial from a particular time period?

An anthology

A turn-of-the-nineteenth-century real estate ad targeted to immigrant workers says, "Where there was darkness, now there is light." What does this ad imply about the lives of working families?

A new home will enable them to overcome hard conditions.

Based on the two historical documents you just reviewed, which name for the US Civil War would the Charleston Mercury editor most likely choose?

War of Southern Independence

Which primary source document would give you insight into how the Great Chicago Fire affected working-class families?


Which type of historical text typically focuses on a particular topic, integrating primary and secondary source documents to advance an argument?


Which type of historical evidence is a newspaper article written immediately after the Great Chicago Fire?

Primary Source Document

Reading essays reveals a dark side to Manifest Destiny. What is that dark side?

American Imperialism

Which source would help a historian best understand the effect of the Civil War on soldiers' families?

An oral history dictated by a soldier's adolescent son

Look at this famous Timothy O'Sullivan photo, A Harvest of Death. Why is this photo an important primary source document?

It reveals the devastation of death from war

Which historiographical perspective does Furet's interpretation represent in the essay you read?


Which type of historical evidence would the authors of the statement you just read most likely study to support their argument?

images of the notorious beheadings

Which is another name for an orthodox view of a historical event or period?


a Charleston Mercury editorial published in 1860

Which primary source document could help a historian understand why the US Civil War started?

Which source would best help a historian understand how the Great Chicago Fire affected families?

a historical encyclopedia

Which source would best help a historian understand how the Great Chicago Fire affected families?

an oral history dictated by an adolescent who fled the fire

What does historiography suggest about history?

that it is open to interpretation

I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans on the triumph of the Government and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and sufferings of the Revolution. And I am willing—perfectly willing—to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt.Read this excerpt from a letter by Civil War soldier Sullivan Ballou.Which cause does Ballou support?

the Union cause

Which type of resource are newspaper accounts written at the time an event occurred?

primary source documents

Which primary source document could help a historian understand why the US Civil War started?

a Charleston Mercury editorial published in 1860

What is the traditional interpretation of why the French Revolution started?

Class conflict started the revolution.

WE, the People of the [United States] Confederated States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a [more perfect Union] permanent Federal government, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility [provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare], and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the [United] Confederate States of America."Read this excerpt from the Constitution of the Confederate States.On which event or issue can historians gain insight from this excerpt?

racism and oppression

Part CWhy does the major stare out the window toward the end of the story, instead of staring at the pictures of restored limbs?

To the other wounded soldiers, the images of restored limbs represented hope. However, the major was a man who had lost all hope. He had lost his wife unexpectedly and chose to distance himself from anything in life he could lose to spare himself the pain. This hopelessness left the major disillusioned and, therefore, he chose to look out the window and away from the pictures representing what was, to him, false hope.