ALEKS Math Placement Exam

Positive Number

Any number greater than zero

Negative Number

Any number less than zero

Whole Number

Any "counting number" or zero


The whole numbers and their opposites

Even Number

Any integer divisible by 2

Odd Number

Any integer not divisible by 2


The result of two numbers being added


The result of one number being subtracted by another


The result of two numbers being multiplied


The result of one number being divided by another


A number that is multiplied to form the product

Greatest Common Factor

The greatest whole number that is a factor of two or more numbers


The product of a number and a counting number

Least Common Multiple

The least whole number that is a multiple of two or more numbers


A number greater than one whose only whole number factors are one and itself


A number greater than one with more than two whole number factors


All positive and negative numbers and zero


Any number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers


Real numbers that are not rational

How to find Percent Increase or Decrease

Difference/Original = Percent Increase or Decrease

Exponents and Roots

pg. 33


pg. 35

Average Problems

Average x Number = Total

Simple Probability Problems

Outcomes giving desired result/Total possible outcomes

Conditional Probability

The probability of an event, given another event has already occurred. Ex: The probability that a playing card from a standard deck is a 5, given that it is red, is 2/26.

Joint Probability

The probability of two events occurring at the same time.Ex: The probability that a playing card from a standard deck is red and a 5 is 2/52.