Funds Ch.30 Bowel Elimination and Care


a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus


irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels. EX. can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis


the elimination of fecal waste through the anus


frequent and watery bowel movements occurring three or more times a day. EX. can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor


stretching out of the intestinal walls and making them appear inflated

fecal incontinence

loss of voluntary control of rectal sphincters


gas in the digestive tract or expelled through the anus

Guaiac test

a test performed to look for occult (hidden) blood to detect gastrointestinal bleeding not visible to the eye


surgical procedure that creates an opening from the ileum through the abdominal wall to function as an anus


Presence of large or hard fecal mass in the rectum or colon.

Kayexalate enema

used to treat pts with dangerously high serum potassium levels. lowers that level


abnormally dark, tarry feces containing blood and has old blood odor (usually from gastrointestinal bleeding)

Normal flora

Microorganisms that reside in or on the body without causing disease. Colon is one place where normal flora prevent infection and maintain health.

occult blood

hidden blood


the process of wave-like muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food along. Begins in esophagus and continues to rectum.

siphon enema

aka Return flow enema OR Harris flush. Administered to remove gas and not specifically for the removal of stool.


the presence of greater than normal amounts of fat in the feces which are frothy and foul smelling and floating. EX. a symptom of disorders of fat metabolism and malabsorption syndrome such as Crohn's disease.


a mouth or mouthlike opening (in reference to ostomy here)


cramping identified by increased rectal pressure and a feeling of the need to defecate.

pyloric sphincter

the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum. Chyme passes through and into small intestine


a semiliquid mass of partially digested food that passes from the stomach through the pyloric sphincter into the duodenum

Bowel Sounds

Gurgles, clicks, and tinkling sounds in bowel.

defecation reflex

normal response to the presence of feces in the rectum. Under voluntary control of the individual.

Characteristics of feces

color, shape, consistency, odor, and frequency

Normal characteristics of feces

soft, formed, light yellowish-brown to dark brown, and slightly odiferous, and falls into a slightly curved shaped


black, shiny, sticky stools from newborns

Breastfed infants

usually have bright yellow, pasty, seedy-appearing stool

Formula or cow's milk fed infants

usually have a darker yellow-ish brown or tan colored stool that is much more firm and formed

Stool - consitency

NORMAL - soft, formed consistency
ABNORMAL - liquid or semiliquid, watery, unformed, very hard and dry

Stool - shape

NORMAL - longer curved shape, cylindrical
ABNORMAL - balls, clumps, or broken off chunks, flat or ribbon like, pencil like

Stool - Color

NORMAL - Yellow in infants, Light brown to dark brown in others
ABNORMAL - Bright red blood, black, coffee grounds appearence, pale, white, gray, or clay color

Stool - Presence of infection

NORMAL - absence of pus, mucous, fat
ABNORMAL - presence of pus, excessive mucous, foamy, or floating on water

Stool - Presence of parasites

NORMAL - absence of parasites
ABNORMAL - presence of worms or eggs

Stool - Odor

NORMAL - slight odor
ABNORMAL - foul odor, strongly odiferous, bloody or old blood smell, metallic smell

Frank blood

Blood that is bright red and visible to the naked eye

small intestine bleeding

often result in a maroon colored stool


loss of appetite

Possible causes of constipation and diarrhea

-change in activity level
-change in dietary and fluid intake
-side effects of medication
-side effects of surgery
-high stress levels and emotional problems
-laxative abuse
-aging process
-structural changes
-chemical changes
-food allergies

too much fiber

can cause flatus and constipation

Lactose intolerance

congenital disorder consisting of an inability to digest milk and milk products. Their ingestion can cause diarrhea

opportunistic infection

When the level of normal flora decreases, other microorganisms such as fungi are allowed to grow disproportionately. Affects bowel by taking control and causing diarrhea. Clostridium difficile is one the more severe opportunistic infections.


condition occurs when the muscular wall of the colon weakens and separates, allowing small pouches or pockets of the inner wall to protrude outward. Pouches easily trap fecal material and become inflamed.


Singular is Diverticuli. They are the pouches formed in diverticulosis. Have been known to rupture allowing fecal material and bacteria to enter the sterile peritoneum and cause peritonitis


Name for when pouches in diverticulosis become inflamed. They can cause diarrhea and severe cramping.



common signs and symptoms of peritonitis

-abdominal distention
-decreased or absent bowel sounds
classic sign is constant intense pain that worsens with movement


common name for bacterial or viral infections of the GI tract


lack of teeth


voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge

Independent Nursing interventions to promote bowel elimination

-determine pt normal BM frequency pattern
-track and document pt feces characteristics
-assess bowel sounds at least once a shift
-pt on bedrest. reposition q2h and ROM
-pt ambulatory. walk 3-4x daily and eat in chair
-encourage fluids as allowed by physi

hypoactive bowel sounds

fewer than 5 per minute

hyperactive bowel sounds

More than 30 per minute or continuous

borborygmi bowel sounds

excessively loud and gurgling, with a noise like splashing

absent bowel sounds

Listen in EACH of the four quadrants for 3-5 minutes

Daily fluid intake

maintain between 1,500 and 2,500 mL/day in most adults

debilitated, elderly, or confused patient

may not be able to drink more than a few sips at a time. Provide a drink every 15-20 minutes

adequate fiber intake

25-35 g/day

Foods high in fiber content

-apples, unpeeled
-dried fruits
-pears, unpeeled
-sunflower see

diarrhea lasting longer than 24-36 hours

pt can be given full liquids, cooked fruit and vegetables such as applesauce or carrots. Also bananas and aged cheeses.

apple pectin

common treatment for diarrhea and primary ingredient found in over the counter antidiarrheal medications such as Kaopectate.

diarrhea due to loss of normal flora

Yogurt containing active bacteria helps replace normal flora and promote healing. Same yogurt can also be used while taking antibiotics to prevent loss of normal flora.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

supplement that comes in several forms and can be used to replace normal flora or prevent its loss while taking antibiotics. Its also used to treat diarrhea caused by virus known as Rotavirus


injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation of feces. Water temp should be between 105-110 F to avoid burning intestinal mucosa. Too cold will cause abdominal cramping. Sims' or left lateral side lying position.

enema tube insertion

insert tip of tubing 3 to 4 inches

high enema

starts same as regular enema. After instilling half of enema solution, reposition pt first to supine postion and then to the right lateral side lying position to administer remaining solution


Radiological tests as prep for colon surgery

enemas til clear

enemas are administerd until the expelled solution no longer contains feces and is relatively clear. LIMIT OF 3000 mL (three 1000 ml or large volume solution)

large volume of solution

500 to 1000 mL for an adult

Tap water emema

VOLUME - 500 to 1000 mL
PURPOSE - cleaning
RESTRICTIONS - hypotonic. Do not use for infants, children, or patients with congestive heart failure. Could result in fluid volume overload

Normal saline (NS) (0.9%) enema

VOLUME - 500 to 1000 mL
PURPOSE - cleaning
RESTRICTIONS - Isotonic. Safe for use in children and congestive heart failure patients. Infants: use 50-150 mL
Toddlers: use 150-350 mL
School-age children: use 350-500 mL

Soapsuds (use castile soap only)

VOLUME - add to tap water or NS at a ratio of 5 mL soapsuds per 1000 mL
PURPOSE - cleaning
RESTRICTIONS - Mix castile soap in saline, not tap water, for infants, children, or patients with congestive heart failure.

Hypertonic sodium phosphate enema

VOLUME - 120 mL
PURPOSE - cleaning
RESTRICTIONS - Normally used only for adults

Oil retention enema

VOLUME - 120 mL
PURPOSE - softens stool
RESTRICTIONS - Normally used only for adults

milk and molasses enema

hypertonic solution sometimes used for persistent constipation and impaction removal. Extremely effective but messy to administer.

Contradictions to enemas

-rectal surgery
-severe bleeding hemorrhoids
-ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
-rectal fissure
-rectal cancer
-excessive bleeding potential due to disease or medication
-certain heart conditions such as myocardial infarction or unstable angina

enema inducing vagal response

-Stop enema
-Remove tube
-Put pt supine
-Assess pulse, skin color, and whether pt diaphoretic
-Call for assisstance, but dont leave pt
-Pulse below 60, then place pt in shock position, with head lower than feet
-Assess BP as soon as cuff is av

Vagus Nerve stimulation symptoms

Complaints of
-chest pain
-chest heaviness or pressure
-shortness of breath or inability to breathe
-feeling like he or she is going to faint
Only one sign or symptom required to stop and remove enema.

Vagus nerve stimulation signs

-clammy skin
-pulse rate under 60 bpm
Only one sign or symptom required to stop and remove enema.

substances to avoid prior to stool occult blood testing

48 hours before testing. Including anything with red dye or food coloring.
-gastric irritants such as NSAIDs or steroids
-red jello
-red meats
-red popsicles
-vegetables and fruits high in peroxidase, an enzyme found in


surgical procedure that creates an artificial opening for the elimination of bodily wastes


fecal material emptying from ostomy

Need for bowel diversion

-cancerous tumor
-infarcted area in which the bowel walls have become ischemic and died
-desease process such as Crohn's disease
-ruptured diverticulum
-ulcerative colitis
-traumatic abdominal injury

single barreled colostomy stoma

aka end stoma. Term for the single opening present in a colostomy stoma.

double barreled colostomy stoma

Both ends of the dissected colon are brought to the surface and two stomas are formed. Proximal and distal stoma.


Surgically reconnected. Ex - after distal portion of the colon heals, loop is reconnected and placed back into the abdominal cavity. Referring to double barreled colostomy stoma.

loop stoma

Loop of bowel, usually the transverse colon, is brought to the surface of the abdomen


aka Stay. A plastic rod positioned under loop of colon to keep it outside the body. Its stitched to the abdominal wall.

Stool consistency - ascending colon

effluent will be liquid to mushy with a foul odor

Stool consistency - right transverse stoma

mushy to semiformed effluent

Stool consistency - left transverse stoma

effluent semiformed to soft

Stool consistency - descending or sigmoid colon

effluent soft to hard formed stools

Stool consistency - ileostomy

liquid due to majority of water not being absorbed until it reaches the large bowel. Effluent is continuous and contains enzymes making it corrosive to skin surrounding stoma

kock pouch

diversion that uses the terminal portion of the ileum to form an internal pouch to collect and store the effluent prior to evacuation from the body. Drained with a catheter

peristomal skin

skin surrounding the stoma

New Stoma look

should be pink to red, shiny, and moist.Pallor, cyanosis, or a dusky color indicates impaired blood supply. Black depicts necrosis.