General Psychology 101

Tim is tries to explain what his Introductory Psychology class is all about. Tim can best describe psychology as the study of human behavior and ____________.

mental processes.

Edmund wants to study how different areas in our brain are activated when we learn a new language. Edmund wants to conduct research in the area of ________.

biological psychology

Dr. Jamison is conducting a study examining the emotional and behavioral changes that occur during childhood and puberty. The subfield of psychology Dr. Jamison seems to be interested in is __________ psychology


The tasks of a(n) __________ psychologist include improving supervisors' leadership skills, creating maximum-efficiency work groups, and suggesting other research-based programs designed to increase efficiency

industrial and organizational

The first psychologist in the world is considered to be

Wilhelm Wundt.

Anything that cannot be observed and measured directly is not worth studying." Which psychologists aremost likely to agree with this statement?

Behaviorists John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner

Many studies on mate selection are based on __________. For example, men prefer younger females due to their greater reproductive capacity.

the evolutionary approach.

Dr. Zhu's study found that obese children engage in more impulsive eating, because their parents do notuse effective measures to stop them. Dr. Zhu is likely to adopt a(n) ________ approach in studying obesity


Most psychological research are based on the results of ___________.

hypothesis testing.

Dr. Zumbahlen is conducting a research study in which she is interested in the effects of aerobic activity on weight loss. Aerobic activity is defined by thirty minutes of exercise on the treadmill three times a week. This specific way of defining aerobic activity is referred to as a(n) __________ definition.


Jason answered a series of personality questions that claim to measure his cooperativeness. When he took the same test again three weeks later, the results changed dramatically. Based on what he has learned in his psychology class, Jason may start questioning the test's ____________.


A watch that always runs 5 minutes late is high on ________ but low on __________.

reliability, validity.

Dr. Redford has long been interested in body dysmorphic disorder. For the past three years, the only participant in his research has been his client, Sybil. He has studied her case intensively. What research method is Dr. Redford using?

Case study

Devine conducted a study on how people's perceptions about a political leader can be affected by this leader's physical attractiveness. In this study, ________ is the independent variable and ________ is the dependent variable.

leader's physical attractiveness; perceptions of the leader

A researcher had one group of children go trick-or-treating wearing masks and a second group of children go trick-or-treating without masks. The researcher found that the children who wore masks took more candy than the children who were not wearing masks. What was the control group in this study?

The group who did not wear masks

Marney is studying the relationship between the rate of teen pregnancies in U.S. high school students and the availability of contraceptives. She selects a sample composed of teens from a local high school. Marney's sample may not be generalizable because it is not


In the data set 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, the number 5 is most correctly described as the

mean and median.

Betheda survey her friends around and has discovered a significant correlation of .68 between one's monthly cheesecake consumption and the average number of "Likes" he/she gets for his/her Facebookposts. Betheda should conclude that

The correlation might not mean anything because correlation does not mean causality.

A group of preschool-age children are enrolled in a study that plans to follow them over time in order to assess behaviors and other characteristics that may predict later development of schizophrenia. This is an example of a(n) ________ design.


Derrill is worried that variables such as age, gender, personality characteristics, and education level might confound the results of his experiment, which is designed to test the effects of mood on reaction time. Derrill should use __________ assignment to experimental groups to distribute the impact of these __________ variables.

random; random

A neuron cell body reaches threshold and action potential starts. The action potential propagates down the length of the __________, is chemically transmitted across the __________, and directly affects the electrical potential in the __________ of thesuccessive neuron.

axon; synapse; dendrites

A patient with __________ has myelin sheath damaged. He or she will fatigue, numblimbs and even vision loss because without myelin the_________

multiple sclerosis; speed of neural conduction along critical paths will be too slow.

In a resting state, sodium (Na+) is at a higher concentration outside the cell and potassium (K+) is more concentrated inside the cell. At the beginning of an actionpotential (before the peak of action potential), the sodium levels ________ inside the cell.


Which nervous system is involved in controlling breathing, heartbeat, and digestion?

Autonomic nervous system

Which of the following senses is not routed through the thalamus?


After an accident, Stella was left with brain damage. Now it's impossible for Stella to study for a test because she can't keep knowledge in her memory for more than 3minutes. Stella has most likely damaged her ___________, but she might still be able to learn to _________________.

Hippocampus ; ride a bike

Just before the glee club performance at Regionals, Finn Hudson receives damage to his cerebral cortex during a football game. At glee club practice, he sings "The baby is afortitude. Ice is calling." Finn must have received damage to his

Wernicke's area.

Which of the following is not a forebrain structure?


Which of the following statement is correct?

Cerebellum is relevant to certain kind of memory.

________ is related to Parkinson's disease.


According to the split brain study, if an individual with split brain is presented with an item in his left visual field, he may _____________.

have difficulty naming the item.

________ refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; ________ refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor

perception; sensation

While walking outside, you notice the sun shining. Your ability to see the sunshine is related to visual processing of the light in your brain. The process by which physical energy (the sunshine) has been converted to neural activity in your brain is called


The psychological dimension of light, color, and brightness are determined by the physical dimensions of light waves, __________, and __________, respectively.

frequency ;amplitude

Oscar likes to run at night. Even though it is dark, Oscar can see because his eyes have specialized cells that convert the low levels of light energy into neural activity. Thesecells are known as


While daydreaming, Felix was staring at a yellow school bus. When he then looked at a white wall he saw the color __________. This is best explained by the __________ theory.

blue; opponent-process

After an accidence, the doctor told Jason that he may need a(n) ________ implant because his ear is unable to convert sound vibrations into neural activities now.


Hair cells located near the base of the basilar membrane respond best to ____________ sounds.


________ refers to the minimum amount of stimulus energy required to be detected 50% of the time

Absolute threshold

________ detects airborne chemicals and give us a sense of ____________.

Olfactory system; smell

Olfactory system; smell


What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.

In classical conditioning, the ________ is an unlearned reaction to a given stimulus. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen and sneeze, sneezing is an unlearned reaction to the pollen (i.e., the stimulus).

unconditioned response

When Ken kisses Barbie, his heart races. For a month, Barbie snapped her fingers just before she kissed him. She stopped snapping her fingers, but now whenever Ken hears someone snapping their fingers, his heart begins to race. This is an example of __________ conditioning, and finger snapping is the __________.

classical; conditioned stimulus

Tadd is trying to impress Tara. He knows that she is a fan of Jane Austen, so Tadd reads Emma, a Jane Austen book, and then talks with Tara about the book, surprising her with his knowledge. As a result of the conversation, Tara agrees to go out with Tadd on a date. Tadd reads other Jane Austen books after this experience. This is an example of __________ conditioning


Five-year-old Sandrine jumps and cringes every time she hears thunder. Soon she cringes when she sees lightning because she knows that thunder will follow. One day when she is at her first fireworks show, she cringes when she sees the flash of light from the first fireworks in the sky. Sandrine is displaying

stimulus generalization.

Lois and Peter want to teach Brian, their dog, to fetch the newspaper. Lois wants to encourage Brian's behavior when he brings in the newspaper. Peter wants to discourage Brian's behavior when he brings in a stick instead. Lois will most likely use __________, and Peter will most likely use __________.

reinforcers; punishment

Chris does not like it when his infant son, Jacob, cries. Chris finds that if he makes goofy faces while Jacob is crying, Jacob will stop. Which learning principle best explains why Chris is more likely to make goofy faces in the future to make Jacob stop crying?

Negative reinforcement

Russell's mom wants him to study for two hours each night, so she gives him treats during the evening. Sometimes she gives him the treats after ten minutes, sometimes after thirty minutes. On the average, Russell is given a treat every twenty minutes. Which reinforcement schedule is Russell's mom utilizing?


Herbert, the rat, is put in a cage that is chilly. He operates in the environment by moving around the cage and bar-pressing. He discovers that moving around and bar-pressing have no impact on the temperature of the cage or anything else. Soon, Herbert stops moving around the cage at all, and when the temperature could be controlled through bar-pressing, he doesn't figure it out. Herbert is experiencing

learned helplessness.

Cinderella is excited about meeting a potential husband at the ball. Her ideal suitor would have some of the following attributes: tall, dark, handsome, rich, and good taste in glass slippers. At the ball, she hooks up with Prince Charming, who has all of these features. Cinderella's set of characteristic features for her potential husband is called a __________ concept, and Prince Charming is a __________.

natural; prototype

Gabriel is just beginning to speak in words. He says "Daddy!" and "Car." Gabriel is most likely __________ old.

twelve to fifteen months

By what age do children acquire most grammar in the language spoken in their environments?

5 years old

Many people believe that there are more deaths in the United States each year due to tornadoes than deaths due to asthma, even though asthma kills more people. This mistaken belief is due in part to the reports of tornadoes being more vivid. This is an example of how our judgments are affected by

the availability heuristic.

Carmela believes her assistant, Lian, is incompetent. She ________ only what Lian does wrong while ________the above average quality of most of her work. This exemplifies ________ bias.

notices, ignoring, confirmation

Anwar dresses for a cold fall day and steps outside to find it sunny and hot. He goes back inside to change out of his sweater and jeans into a shirt and shorts. Anwar is demonstrating the ________ intelligence component of thetriarchic theory of intelligence.


In Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, ________ intelligence and ________ intelligence are oftencombined into a single type: emotional intelligence.

interpersonal; intrapersonal

In modern IQ testing, someone with an IQ of 65 would be described as________.

cognitive delayed

Which of the following statement is correct?

We are more likely to think that an expert is credible if he/she conforms to our image of how an expert should look and act.

What did the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart suggest about intelligence? The findings from this study ________.

revealed a genetic component to intelligence

The three basic processes of memory are

encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Seven-year-old Ben is riding his bike to the park to meet some friends. He stops at a stop sign and signalshis intention to turn left into the park. Ben's ability to ride a bike is a part of his _________, and hismemory of the laws of the road is an example of __________ memory

procedural; semantic

Ken asked Rachel what time she ate for lunch today. Rachel recalled the information quite easily.Information like this is processed through __________.

Automatic encoding

You give your friend instructions about what to buy for a party by quickly rattling off fifteen unrelated grocery store items. Then to check whether your friend got all the information, you ask him to repeat the grocery list back to you. You should expect that your friend will recall about __________ items.


Liora opens a phonebook and tries to memorize the number of a Chinese restaurant. As she just reads the number once, each number remains in her __________ memory for about only _______, just long enough for her to take out her phone and dial the number.

short-term; 18-20 seconds

Marcie was injured in a brutal car accident. After the injury, she can no longer form new memories about things like the people she meets and the story she just heard. However, she can still learn to swim or ridea bike. It may be because her __________ is intact.


Dolly is conducting a study in which she asks basketball players from several colleges to recall their win-loss outcomes of certain games in the past season. She found that some players incorrectly remember game outcomes, even when they were considered important games. This examples highlights that

long-term memories are subject to major errors and distortion.

Lingdi is struck on the back of the head and finds and is diagnosed with anterograde amnesia. Which ofthe following will happen to Lingdi?

She will no longer make new memories about people she meets after the accident.

When Benito was five he cut his leg on some glass and needed stiches. Years later, his mother tells him the scar came from being bit by a dog. Now, when people ask about his scar he distinctly remembers the dog biting him. This is an example of the ________.

misinformation effect paradigm

The DC Sniper case we discussed in class demonstrates the fact that our memories are vulnerable to the power of _______________.


According to the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, an average person will lose about ____ of the informationafter 24 hours


Developmental psychology is best defined as the study of

the psychosocial, cognitive, and physical changes that occur over the course of the life span.

A _________ is any environmental agent that cause damage to the developing embryo or fetus.


Shaina thought that her brother turned in to a monster, when in fact he just put on his monster Halloween mask and costume. Piaget would say that Shaina is probably ________ years old and in the __________ stage.

4; preoperational

Rachel's mom hid her favorite toy beneath the blanket. She randomly searched for the toy and then stopped looking for it, as if the toy no longer exists in the world. Rachel is most likely in Piaget's __________ stage of cognitive development.


Mom told Jeremy: "Ben burnt himself by touching an ice cream. Would Jim burn himself by touching an ice cream?" Jeremy responded: "That sounds insane but...yes." Jeremy is most likely in Piaget's___________ stage of cognitive development and is likely ________ years old.

formal operational; 15

Little Tara is having lots of fun exploring her aunt's home while her mom and a stranger are talking. She starts to cry and gets very stressed out the moment her mom leaves the room. After her mom returns andhold her, Tara stops crying. Tara is exhibiting ______

a secure attachment.

While at the dentist office, Judith leaves her infant son Patrick for a few minutes with the nurse while she uses the restroom. Patrick doesn't seem to be bothered by that. Upon her return, Patrick does not pay any attention to Judith either. Based on this interaction, one could surmise that Patrick has developed a(n)__________ attachment style.


Trina's parents only allow her to watch TV whenever she makes an A on a test. One day, Trina came home with a B, begging her parents to let her watch the finale of her favorite cartoon show. Her parents did not only deny but also banned her from hanging out with friends for two weeks . Her parents' parenting style would most likely be called __________


According to Erikson, what is the major crisis we need to resolve during our adolescence?

identity vs. confusion

Which psychologist proposed that moral thinking proceeds through a series of stages?

Lawrance Kohlberg

Early maturing boys are ________.

at a higher risk of substance abuse and early sexual activities

Between 3-5 yo, children come to understand that people have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that aredifferent from their own. This is known as __________.

False belief

The long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways are known as ________.


In cartoons, when a character faces a moral dilemma, an angel often appears over one shoulder and a devil appears over the other shoulder, with both giving advice. According to Freud, the devil is similar to the __________, and it operates on the principle of _________.

id; pleasure

Janine is a smoker. She also bites her nails when getting nervous. According to Freud, Janine is suffering from a fixation at the __________ stage of development.


According to Freud, Justin, who is 5 years old, may develop sexual feellings toward his mother, because he is in the ________stage of psychosexual development, when the ______ is the genital area

phallic ; erogenous zone

Which of the following psychologists is not a Neo-Freudian?

Hans Eysenck

Self-regulation is also known as ________, and was studied in the __________.

will power, marshmallow study

Hans and Sybil Eysenck viewed people as having two specific personality dimensions: ________.

extroversion/introversion; neuroticism/stability

___________ refers to one's confidence that about his or her ability, and this concept was first proposed by__________.

Self-efficacy; Albert Bandura

According to Rotter's expectancy theory, a person's decision to engage in a behavior is determined by whatthe person expects to happen following the behavior and by

how valuable the outcomes are.

Eddie and Elaine both failed their first psychology quiz. Eddie got really upset and anxious, whereas Elaine remained calm. Eddie made specific plans regarding how to improve his grade for the next quiz, whereas Elaine thought she would just wait until the last minute to study. Elaine is probably low on __________ and low on ____________.

conscientiousness; neuroticism

Which question was central to the marshmallow test?

Would you be able to resist getting a small reward now in order to get a larger reward later?

As a field, social psychology focuses on ________ in predicting human behavior.

situational factors

Zewde is usually very friendly and outgoing. She is typically polite to others and always leaves a large tip when she goes out to eat. Earlier today, however, you saw her yell at a waiter at a local restaurant. You also noticed that other customers yelled at this waiter. According to Kelly's attribution theory, you are likely to make a(n) __________ attribution for Zewde's behavior.


The checker at your grocery store is in a really crabby mood. You assume it is because he is just a grouchy, mean person. Actually, he is very nice but just was upset because his boss had told him he had to stay late that night. Because you assumed his mood was due to his personality, you displayed a(n)

fundamental attribution error.

Which two psychologists conducted the Stanford prisoner study and cognitive dissonance study?

Dr. Zimbardo; Dr. Festinger

Commercials that use attractive models or celebrities to persuade viewers to buy the products are using the __________ route to attitude change


Ed participated in a psychology experiment in which he turned pegs on a board for one hour. Although the task was very boring, the experimenter said, "I will pay you $1 if you tell the next participant that this experiment is the most exciting experiment that you have ever been in." Julie also participated in the same experiment; however, the experimenter offered to pay her $20 to lie to the next participant. According to cognitive dissonance theory, Ed will later report that experiment was __________, and Julie will report that it was __________.

exciting; boring

Kelvin says that he thinks that smoking is wrong. One time, he takes a drag of his roommate's cigarette. Later, Kelvin feels uncomfortable because his behavior violated his attitude, so he decides that he doesn't think smoking is so wrong after all. Kelvin's change of belief can best be explained by __________ theory.

cognitive dissonance

We tend to conform to the majority opinion in the group. Which of the following technique can be used to reduce conformity?

Make private responses instead of public ones

Simeon has met only one person from Canada in his whole life, and that person was arrogant and shrewd. Simeon now disking all Canadians. This phenomenon is best described as


Diane and Bruce share their intimate thoughts and emotions and they both believe that they would like to make the relationship long-term. However, they do not feel the passion they have felt when they just met. Their love is called ________ love.


Which of the following statement is incorrect?

When it comes to marriage, women prefer smart spouses more than men do.

If group members modify their opinions to align with a perceived group consensus, then ________ has occurred.


Which classification system is used by most mental health professionals in the United States ofAmerica?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

20-years-old Elton inherited a predisposition to depression and was brought up by a really caring mother. Until now, Elton has avoided depression, but according to the diathesis-stress model, he may develop depression if

his mother passes away suddenly.

________ disorders are characterized by excessive, persistent fear and apprehension and by relateddisturbances in behavior.


Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and sheturns her head away when spoken to. Gemma probably has ____________.

autism spectrum disorder

Which of the following is not considered to be an anxiety disorder?

Dissociative disorder

Claudia has not left her house in ten years. If she steps on the front porch she becomes so uneasy that she has to return inside. Claudia is most likely suffering from __________, which is a(n) __________disorder.

agoraphobia; anxiety

For the last two months Thomas has been worried that something bad is going to happen. He can't pinpoint the source of this feeling, but he is jumpy, irritable, can't sleep, and can't concentrate. His symptoms suggest that he may be suffering from __________ disorder.

generalized anxiety

Kristine and Nicole are seeing therapists for their psychological problems. Kristine constantly thinks that she is stupid and worthless, and sometimes she has thoughts of killing herself. Nicole cleans her house so much that she doesn't have time to do anything else; she realizes that her house is already clean, but she can't stop herself. Their therapists are most likely treating Kristine for her __________ and treatingNicole for her __________.

obsessions; compulsions

Ivan has been worried for months, but he really cannot pinpoint the source of his concerns. He is alsojumpy and irritable, and has difficulty sleeping. Ivan is probably experiencing

generalized anxiety disorder.

Beverly has been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder. She is likely to ___________.

seek unnecessary plastic surgery.

Bruce is usually a quiet, well-mannered man. On some occasions, however, Bruce acts like a completely different person; he becomes very angry and violent and responds only to the name Hulk. Bruce has norecollection of these recurrent episodes. Bruce probably suffers from

dissociative identity disorder.

Norman is a hotel owner with a calm, laid-back style of living who occasionally "splits" into a different personality. This other personality is a cranky, violent old woman. Norman is exhibiting

dissociative identity disorder.

Cordelia, an active duty marine, served in Afghanistan. While she was on patrol with her friend, an IED went off, killing her friend and injuring her. In the two months since her friend died, Cordelia has been jumpy, irritable, avoids talking about her friend, and once every few days experiences a flashback to the explosion. Cordelia is experiencing a ________ disorder.

posttraumatic stress

Cally is taking her psychology final exam. She is concerned that the students sitting around her is trying to slit her throat using a pen. "I know she has been planning for this moment for a long time," she explains. Cally is most likely describing her __________, which is a symptom of __________.

delusion; schizophrenia

Since Jack's forced retirement, he has experienced overwhelming sadness and has withdrawn from his friends and family. He has gained twenty pounds and has been sleeping much more than usual. Most noticeably, he is no longer interested in participating in his life-long hobby of playing several rounds of golf each week. Most likely Jack is experiencing

major depression.

If Laura has bipolar disorder, then she ________.

often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania

Jan's roommate, Thelma, is always lying to Jan. For example, she once told Jan that she needed $400 for emergency but actually spent the money on a purse. She manipulates Jan and other people around her to get whatever she wants. She never feels any remorse and does not care about others' suffering because of her. If Thelma has a psychological disorder, it would most likely be __________ personality disorder.


Phyllis cannot be alone. Her moods and behaviors are unstable, as are her relationships with other people. She often displays inappropriate and intense anger. Recently, Phyllis wrote a suicide note and offered to show it to her husband. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for her personality?

borderline personality disorder

One of the primary characteristics of autism spectrum disorder is _________________.

difficulty relating to others

Vincent is an artist who has stayed up painting for three days straight. Despite his lack of sleep, he feels as if he has boundless energy and his paintings reflect a very high level of creativity. Although Vincent rarely feels tired, he only becomes this energetic once in a while. Vincent is most likely suffering from


Phoebe has been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which statement would best describe her?

Phoebe is impulsive and cannot concentrate on an activity as well as other children his age.

Which of the following statements about autism spectrum disorder is incorrect?

This disorder can be triggered by the MMR vaccines

What do obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder have in common?

repetitive, unwanted thoughts and urges, as well as an uncontrollable need to engage in repetitive behavior and mental acts