Biology-Chapter 6

Which of the following is/are not found in a prokaryotic cell?


Resolution of a microscope is

the sharpness or clarity of an image

Which of the following is not a similarity among the nucleus, chloroplasts, and mitochondria?

They are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum system

The protons in the nuclear envelope provide for the movement of

proteins into the nucleus, ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus, mRNA out of the nucleus, and signal molecules into the nucleus

The ultrastructure of a chroloplast could be seen with the best resolution using

transmission electron microscopy

Which is incorrectly paired with its function?

lysosome-food sac formed by phagocytosis

The cytoskeleton is composed of which type of molecule?


A growing plant elongates primarily by

taking up water into its central vacuole

The innermost portion of the cell wall of a plant cell specialized for support is the

secondary cell wall

Contractile elements of muscle cells are

actin filaments (microfilaments)

Microtubules are components of all of the following except

the pinching apart of the cytoplasm in animal cell division

What is probably the most common route for membrane flow in the endomembrane system?

rough ER--->transport vesicles--->Golgi--->vesicles--->plasma membrane

Proteins to be used within the cytosol are generally synthesized

by free ribosomes

Plasmodesmata in plant cells are similar in function to

gap junctions

In an animal cell fractionation procedure, the first pellet performed would most likely contain


In what cell would you expect to find the most tight junctions?

epithelial cell lining digestive tract

In what cell would you expect to find the most lysosome?

macrophage (white blood cells) that engulfs bacteria

In what cell would you expect to find the most smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

ovarian cell that produces estrogen (a steroid hormone)

In what cell would you expect to find the most bound ribosomes?

pancreatic cell that manufactures digestive enzymes

In what cell would you expect to find the most mitochondria?

muscle cell in the thigh muscle of a long-distance runner

What transports membranes and products to various locations?

transport vesicle

What are the infoldings of the inner mitochondrial membrane with attached enzymes?


What consists of collagen, proteoglycans, and fibronectins?

extracellular matrix

What is specialized metabolic compartments with enzymes that transfer hydrogen to oxygen, producing H2O2?


What are the stacks of flattened sacs inside chloroplasts?


What is the anchoring structure for cilia and flagella?

basal body

What is the semifluid membrane between nucleus and plasma membrane?
